Edit a Keyboard Player performance in Logic Pro for iPad
You can use the Keyboard Player in Logic Pro for iPad to create authentic piano and keyboard harmonies in a variety of styles.
In addition to the common settings available for all Session Players, the Keyboard Player has settings that are designed for keyboard and piano performances. These settings control various aspects unique to keyboard and piano performances, such as hand positions, voicing, and style. They appear in the Session Player Editor when the Keyboard Player is the Session Player for the selected Session Player region.
Some settings and menu options only appear in the editor for specific Keyboard Player styles.
Similar to a real keyboard player, the left and right hands work together to create the performance. This means, for example, that muting the left hand changes how the right hand plays voicings.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, tap the Left Hand button or Right Hand button so that it’s selected (unmuted) or dimmed (muted).
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, drag the Left Hand and Right Hand sliders to set the hand positions.
The slider control represents the range of the keyboard, with the lower keys on the left and the higher keys on the right.
Tip: You can simultaneously move the Left Hand and Right Hand sliders by dragging the space between them.
The left hand typically plays the root notes of chords or an alternative bass note when one is specified in the Edit chord dialog. In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, do any of the following:
To change what notes the left hand plays: Choose one of the following options in the Left-Hand Voicing pop-up menu:
Root Only: Play just the root note.
Root & Octave: Play the root note and octave.
Root & Fifth: Play the root note and fifth.
Root, Fifth & Octave: Play the root note, fifth, and octave.
To change the complexity of the left-hand playing style: Choose one of the following options in the Style pop-up menu:
Sustain Only: Play only long, sustained notes.
Simple: Play mostly long notes and sometimes short notes.
Moderate: Play a moderate rhythmic pattern.
Complex: Play a more intricate rhythmic pattern.
Follow Right Hand: Play accents in sync with the right hand.
Steady 8ths: Play straight eighth notes.
The right hand plays chords in the chord progression. In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, do any of the following:
To influence the voicing number, common tones, and chord extensions: Choose one of the options in the Right-Hand Voicing pop-up menu.
To change the range of keys the right hand uses: Choose an option in the Right-Hand Movement pop-up menu.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, tap the Details button, then drag the Grace Notes knob vertically.
Note: The Grace Notes knob is not available for Simple Pad.
In Logic Pro, some styles provide additional settings in the Session Player Editor to complement performance aspects and articulations typical of the playing style.
For Block Chords:
To fill the pattern with eighth notes: Tap the Patterns button, then turn on the Steady 8ths switch.
To have the player play staccato notes, more longer notes with some short notes, or all long notes with the sustain pedal pressed: In Details view, choose an option from the Phrasing pop-up menu.
For Arpeggiated:
To influence the primary direction of arpeggios and include chords on the beats accentuated by the pattern: In Details view, choose an option from the Arpeggio Mode pop-up menu.
For Simple Pad:
To have the player sustain notes of the same pitch that are common across multiple chords in the progression: Choose an option from the Tie Notes pop-up menu.
To shift the start and end of each note so that it is ahead or behind the beat: Drag the Note Start knob vertically.
To change the length of notes: Drag the Note Length knob vertically.