ES M in Logic Pro for iPad
The monophonic ES M (ES Mono) synthesizer is a good starting point if you’re looking for bass sounds that punch through your mix.
ES M features an automatic fingered portamento mode, making bass slides easy. It also provides an automatic filter compensation circuit that delivers rich, creamy basses, even when you use higher resonance values.
ES M produces sounds using subtractive synthesis. It has an oscillator that generates harmonically rich waveforms. You subtract—cut, or filter out—portions of these waveforms and reshape them to create new sounds.
If you’re new to synthesizers, see Intro to synthesizers, which will introduce you to the terminology and give you an overview of different synthesis methods and how they work.
To add ES M to your project, choose it from the Instrument > Synthesizer submenu in an Instrument channel strip or the Plug-ins area. See Intro to plug-ins.
ES M is divided into a few parameter areas.
Oscillator parameters: The oscillator generates the basic waveforms that form the basis of your sound. See ES M oscillator parameters.
Filter and filter envelope parameters: The filter is used to contour the waveforms sent from the oscillators. The filter envelope parameters control the filter cutoff over time. See ES M filter and filter envelope.
Output parameters: The level envelope and effect parameters control the level of the sound over time. The integrated Overdrive can be used to color or add bite to the sound. See ES M envelope and effect controls.
User Guide conventions
Logic Pro for iPad plug-ins have two primary views:
Tile view, which shows a few key parameters in the Plug-ins area
Details view, where you can access all plug-in parameters
Throughout the guide, parameters available in Tile view are indicated by .
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