Vintage B3 Organ in Logic Pro for iPad
Vintage B3 Organ (abbreviated to Vintage B3 in the guide) emulates the sound and features of the Hammond B3 organ with two manuals (keyboards) and a pedalboard, each of which can have its own registration (sound setting). You can play all registers with a single-manual master keyboard, or you can use two manuals and a MIDI pedalboard. The Vintage B3 component modeling synthesis engine faithfully replicates the tonewheel generators of an electromechanical Hammond organ, down to the smallest detail. This includes charming flaws, such as the enormous level of crosstalk and the scratchiness of the key contacts. You can adjust the intensity of these characteristics, enabling tones that range from flawlessly clean through to dirty and raucous—or anything in between.
Vintage B3 also simulates various types of Leslie sound cabinets—with rotating speakers, with and without deflectors. A flexible integrated effects section provides tube overdrive, an equalizer, a wah wah, and a reverberation effect.
To add Vintage B3 Organ to your project, choose it from the Instrument > Vintage Keys submenu in an Instrument channel strip or the Plug-ins area. See Intro to plug-ins.
User Guide conventions
Logic Pro for iPad plug-ins have two primary views:
Tile view, which shows a few key parameters in the Plug-ins area
Details view, where you can access all plug-in parameters
Throughout the guide, parameters available in Tile view are indicated by .
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