Undo, turn off, or delete automation in Logic Pro for iPad
You can undo the last step or multiple steps of automation you performed (writing, adding, or adjusting) by tapping the Undo button on the right side of the control bar. To temporarily turn off existing automation, you can turn off individual automation parameters or set a track’s automation mode to Off to turn off all automation parameters on a track.
You can delete individual automation points or multiple automation points or simply overwrite existing automation with new automation graphically or in real time.
To undo an automation step, do any of the following:
Tap the Undo button in the control bar to undo the previous action.
Tap the Undo button multiple times to undo the previous few actions.
Touch and hold the Undo button , then choose the Redo command to redo the last step.
With your external keyboard, you can use the standard keyboard shortcuts Command-Z for undo and Shift-Command-Z for redo.
If you create automation for a specific control (for example, a left-right movement for the Pan/Balance knob), that control will follow its automation curve during playback, and you will no longer be able to control it manually. To try out different movements, you can temporarily turn off the automation for that parameter without losing the automation data. The automation curve for the parameter that is deactivated will turn gray.
In the Tracks area menu bar, tap the Automation View button (or press A on your external keyboard).
On the track that contains the automation you want to deactivate, tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu in its track header and choose that parameter, listed below the Used header.
Tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu again and choose that parameter, which is now listed with a checkmark at the top under the Deactivate Visible Automation header.
The Automation Parameter pop-up menu in the track header that shows the currently visible automation parameter is dimmed, and the automation curve is gray.
To activate the currently selected automation parameter again, tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu and choose the first item in the menu under the header Activate Visible Automation.
Deactivating or activating an automation parameter is a two-step process because you have to first make that parameter visible by selecting it from the Automation Parameter pop-up menu.
In the Tracks area menu bar, do any of the following:
For track automation, tap the Tracks View button , tap the Default View button , then tap the Trim button .
For region automation in a cell, tap the Grid View button , then tap the Edit button in the menu bar.
Tap the region or cell you want to edit.
Tap the Editors button in the middle of the view control bar (or press E on your external keyboard).
Tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu in the Editors area menu bar and choose the parameter listed below the Used header.
Tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu again and choose that parameter, which is now listed with a checkmark at the top under the Deactivate Visible Automation header.
The automation curve for that automation parameter is gray.
To activate the currently selected automation parameter again, tap the Automation Parameter pop-up menu and choose the first item in the menu under the header Activate Visible Automation.
In the Tracks area menu bar, tap the Automation View button (or press A on your external keyboard).
Tap the Multiple Select button to select it, tap the track icon of all tracks you want to select, then tap the Multiple Select button again to deselect it.
If you want to change only a single track, you can skip this step.
In the track header, tap the Automation Mode pop-up menu of one of the selected tracks, then choose Off.
To turn the automation back on, repeat the steps, and this time, choose Read from the Automation Mode pop-up menu.
Selecting Read or Off from the Automation Mode pop-up menu on a track applies to track automation and region automation.
Tap the Mixer button in the middle of the view control bar to show the Mixer.
Tap the Filter button at the top of the output track on the far right to open the Component Filter dialog, tap Automation to select it, and then tap the Filter button again to close the menu.
This button is selected by default to show the Automation Mode pop-up menu in all channel strips.
Tap the Automation Mode pop-up menu in the channel strips where you want to turn the automation off, and then choose Off.
To turn automation back on for a track, choose Read from its Automation Mode pop-up menu or the Automation Mode pop-up menu in the track header in the Tracks area.
In the Tracks area, tap the track icon of the track you want to change.
Tap the Plug-ins button in the view control bar (or press B on your external keyboard), tap the Automation Mode pop-up menu in its menu bar, then choose Off.
You can also double-tap the track icon to open the Plug-ins area.
To turn automation back on for that track, choose Read from its Automation Mode pop-up menu or the Automation Mode pop-up menu in the track header in the Tracks area.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Do any of the following:
Tap the Pencil button , then tap an automation point to delete it.
Tap the Move button , tap a single automation point to select it, tap it again to open its menu, then choose Delete.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Tap the Move button , then tap the Multiple Select button to select it.
Tap all automation points or line segments you want to delete, then tap the Multiple Select button again to deselect it.
Tap any of the selected automation points or lines, then choose Delete from the menu.
You can also touch and hold the Multiple Select button in momentary mode or press and hold the Shift key on your external keyboard, tap the automation points to select them, and then release the button or the Shift key.
Tap the Automation View button in the Editors area menu bar (or press A on your external keyboard).
Tap the Move button , then tap outside the automation curve to deselect any automation point.
Tap again outside the automation curve to open its menu, and choose Delete All Region Automation.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (or press A on your external keyboard).
Tap the Move button , then tap outside the automation curve to deselect any automation point.
Tap again outside the automation curve to open its menu, tap Delete Track Automation, and choose On This Track below the label For Visible Parameters.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (or press A on your external keyboard).
Tap the Move button , then tap outside the automation curve to deselect any automation point.
Tap again outside the automation curve to open its menu, tap Delete Track Automation, and choose On This Track below the label For All Parameters.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (or press A on your external keyboard).
Tap the Move button , then tap outside the automation curve to deselect any automation point.
Tap again outside the automation curve to open its menu, tap Delete Track Automation, and choose On All Tracks below the label For All Parameters.
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