Intro to tracks in Logic Pro for iPad
Tracks help you organize and control the sound of the recordings and other material in a Logic Pro for iPad project. You record and arrange regions on tracks in the Tracks area and use the same tracks for the cells in the Live Loops grid. Each track is assigned to a channel strip in the Mixer.
When you create a track, you choose the track type and the default region type. You can also set new track options, including opening the Browser to browse for patches.
Logic Pro projects can include the following track types:
Audio tracks: Contain audio regions from audio recordings, audio Apple Loops, and imported audio files.
Software instrument tracks: Contain MIDI regions from software instrument recordings, software instrument Apple Loops, Session Player regions, and Step Sequencer pattern regions.
Each track has a track header located to the left of the track, which shows the track number and track icon. Track headers also contain controls that you can use to mute, solo, and adjust the volume level of the track, and control other track functions.
You can use track stacks to organize projects with high track counts and simplify the creation of audio subgroups for related tracks. There are two types of track stacks: folder stacks and summing stacks, which are useful in different situations.
You can view and edit track parameters for the selected track in the inspector.
A special set of tracks called global tracks appear below the ruler in the Tracks area. Global tracks provide a way to view and edit different aspects of the overall project, such as tempo and transposition, which affect all tracks in the project.
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