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These tasks cover use of Match EQ.
Match EQ creates a filter curve based on the differences between the spectrum of the template and the current material. This curve automatically compensates for differences in gain between the template and the current material, with the resulting EQ curve referenced to 0 dB. This curve approximates (mirrors) the average spectrum of your source audio file.
In Logic Pro, choose the channel strip that you want to match from the Side Chain pop-up menu of Match EQ.
Tap the Reference Material Learn button.
Play the entire source audio file from start to finish. To stop the learn process, tap the Reference Material Learn button again.
Return to the start of your mix, tap the Current Material Learn button, and play your mix (the current material) from start to finish.
When done, tap the Match button.
Each time you match two audio signals, either by loading or learning a new spectrum while the Match button is activated or by turning on the Match button after a new spectrum has been loaded, any existing changes to the filter curve are discarded and the Apply Amount slider is set to 100%.
In Logic Pro, do either of the following:
Drag the Apply Amount slider down from the default 100% value to avoid extreme spectral changes to your mix.
Drag the Smoothing knob to adjust the spectral detail of the generated EQ curve—if required.
The Crnt Actions and Ref Actions pop-up menus provide commands that can be applied to the either the Current Material or Reference spectrum.
In Logic Pro, choose one of the following from the Action menu:
Clear Current Material/Reference Spectrum: Clears the current spectrum.
Copy Current/Reference Spectrum: Copies the current spectrum to the Clipboard (this can be used by any Match EQ instance in the current project).
Paste Current/Reference Spectrum: Pastes the Clipboard contents to the current Match EQ instance.
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