Use output channel strips in Logic Pro for iPad
By default, a Logic Pro project contains one stereo output channel strip that represents the physical stereo outputs for the iPad. All the individual tracks in the project are routed to the output channel strip. If you are using an audio interface connected to your iPad, the available outputs reflect the hardware outputs on the audio interface.
The Effect slots of output channel strips allow signal processing for all the channel strips routed to the output during mixing, and they can also be used for mastering. Typical mastering plug-ins include compressors, limiters, de-essers, and equalizers. For technical reasons, you can only use plug-ins that don’t require mono to stereo conversions–in other words, you can use stereo to stereo plug-ins on stereo output channel strips, and mono to mono plug-ins on mono output channel strips.
Show a track for an output channel strip in the Tracks area
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
With the Mixer in Mix mode, tap the bottom of an output channel strip, then tap Create Track.
With the output channel strip selected, tap the More button above the track headers, then tap Show Output Track.
When you show a track for an output channel strip in the Tracks area, you can choose a patch for an output channel strip in the Browser.
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