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Copyright at UNSW

Copyright for study and research

Students, researchers and staff at UNSW will regularly use copyright material for study and research.

Copyright is a set of rights that belongs to a work, and it determines how others can use the work. For more information see Copyright introduction

The fair dealing exceptions in the Copyright Act allow students and researchers to use a reasonable portion of copyright materials in certain ways without infringing copyright. This includes fair dealing for research or study and criticism or review.

The fair dealing provision for research or study applies to literary (e.g. books or articles), artistic (e.g. images or photographs), dramatic or musical works and audio-visual material (e.g. sound recordings or films), and can include research for work or study at UNSW (e.g. preparation for an assignment or publication) or your own personal research (e.g. family history). Strict limits apply on what can be copied. For more information, see Fair dealing. 

Use of the fair dealing exceptions to include third party copyright material in a thesis will depend on whether it is being submitted for examination or publication.  The fair dealing exceptions do not cover third party copyright materials appearing in publications, including theses published on UNSWorks. 

This section will cover:


Need help?

UNSW staff and students can contact [email protected] for assistance with a copyright query or to arrange a copyright information session.