Scholarship Recipient Agreement 2015

As a recipient of the ________________________, I am obligated to adhere to the following
requirements for the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 academic semesters.
I agree to:
1. Be enrolled as a full time student (defined as 12 semester hours for undergraduate
students and 6 semester hours for graduate students and 1-3 semester hours for
doctoral students) at Temple University during the Fall and Spring academic semesters.
a. I will register for my Fall courses no later than April 17th, 2015 to become a full
time student
2. Continue to maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA during the Fall and Spring
academic years.
3. Apply the scholarship towards tuition and fees, distributed equally for the Fall and
Spring semesters.
a. I understand the scholarships will ONLY be awarded for the Fall and Spring
semesters and cannot be extended or applied to another semester regardless of
my decision to take a leave of absence, medical withdrawal, or any other type of
inability to attend the college of education during this time period.
b. If I will be graduating in the Fall, the full amount will be disbursed within that
4. Return this signed agreement and complete a personalized “Thank you letter” to the
Dean and /or Donor (if applicable) the week of April 13th.
a. Submit to Jason B. Bozzone, Assistant Dean for Career and Student Development
& Special Events, Ritter Hall 240 between the hours of 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday.
b. Write a letter of acknowledgment and appreciation to the donor of the
scholarship (if applicable) or a donor to general scholarship funds (name will be
provided) when I return my signed agreement during the week of April 13th.
i. The letter will specifically express my need for financial assistance, my
sincere appreciation of the funds received, and my commitment to
earning a degree in education.
ii. I acknowledge that I must complete this letter upon returning my signed
agreement the week of April 13th, 2015.
5. Attend the College of Education Scholarship and Awards Recognition Event on Friday,
May 8th, 2015 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM in Mitten Hall.
a. This is a mandatory event! The inability to attend will result in the recall of my
scholarship award. In the event of a medical or family emergency I will
[email protected]
6. Allow The College of Education and/or Temple University to use my photograph, my
name, and any or all parts of the contents of my letter of acknowledgment and/or my
application in soliciting contributions as well as for marketing purposes.
7. Keep the Scholarship Committee Chair, Jason B. Bozzone, informed of my academic
progress (i.e. change of program, change in full time status, etc…) or authorize the
University to release information about my academic progress to the selection
8. Ensure that future generations of students in the College of Education will have the
same opportunities in financial assistance by acknowledging that I have a moral and
ethical, but not legal, responsibility to contribute to the Scholarship Fund after
graduation and engage myself in young alumni association programs, events, and
I have read and fully understand the requirements of receiving this scholarship. I understand
that this scholarship is intended exclusively for my financial needs related to earning a degree
from the Temple University College of Education, and that I must comply with guidelines set
forth in the College of Education Agreement and by the Temple University Office of Student
Financial Services. I understand that my failure to uphold any of the Scholarship’s current
requirements as outlined in this Recipient Agreement will result in the recall of the funds and
ability to apply for further financial assistance from the Fund.
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