- Python 3 install pygame

Python 3 install pygame
Python 3 install pygame

  1. #Python 3 install pygame how to#
  2. #Python 3 install pygame update#

type = "player" def draw ( self, surface ): pygame. dy *= - 1 class Player : def _init_ ( self, rad = 20 ): self.

#Python 3 install pygame update#

radius ) def update ( self, gameObjects ): self. type = "ball" def draw ( self, surface ): pygame. set_mode ( resolution ) class Ball : def _init_ ( self, xPos = resolution / 2, yPos = resolution / 2, xVel = 1, yVel = 1, rad = 15 ): self. Import pygame from random import random from pygame.locals import * resolution = ( 400, 300 ) white = ( 255, 255, 255 ) black = ( 0, 0, 0 ) red = ( 255, 0, 0 ) screen = pygame. quit () def run ( self ): while True : self. append ( Ball ( 100 )) def handleEvents ( self ): for event in pygame. quit () class game (): def _init_ ( self ): pygame. y = cord for gameObj in gameObjects : if gameObj. radius ) def update ( self, gameObjects ): cord = pygame. Import pygame from pygame.locals import * resolution = ( 400, 300 ) white = ( 255, 255, 255 ) black = ( 0, 0, 0 ) red = ( 255, 0, 0 ) screen = pygame.

python 3 install pygame

y = cord class game (): def _init_ ( self ): pygame. radius ) def update ( self ): cord = pygame.

python 3 install pygame

dy *= - 1 class game (): def _init_ ( self ): pygame.

#Python 3 install pygame how to#

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python 3 install pygame

# Clear the default screen background and set the white screen background # All drawing code occurs after the for loop and but

python 3 install pygame

Ifevent.type = pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked on close symbolĭone = True # done variable that we are complete, so we exit this loop # clock.tick() limits the while loop to a max of 10 times per second.įor event in (): # User did something # size variable is using for set screen size

Python 3 install pygame