Stellium Light

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Full Blue Moon in Aquarius - July 31, 2015 @ 8:43 pm - illuminates our consciousness to be more proactive in our world so that we are more engaged. Venus and Jupiter in Leo together again - 01 -11 August 2015 give us opportunities to grow by exploiting our talents; and Saturn in Scorpio direct challenges Jupiter in Leo (August 3 -11, 2015) forcing us to clarify our objectives...

Friday July 31, 2015 we have a second full moon in a month. When this happens it is known as “once in a Blue Moon” meaning that it occurs very rarely. These blue moons occur every 2 or 3 years and although it has no special meaning in astrology; the fact that the moon enlightens us twice in one month for me is like it is calling our conscience! Especially because this full moon occurs in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius.

We have a full moon every time the Moon is farthest from the Sun. This July 31st, the Moon is at 7 degrees 55 min of the sign of Aquarius with the Sun opposite to the same degree but in the opposite sign, the sign of Leo. LEO represents individual creative expression and AQUARIUS symbolises the expression of a group that has the same goal. Therefore, in the light of the full moon we must BALANCE the energies of these two signs trying to see how we can contribute with our talents to the group we belong to at work, studies, friends, networking, sports, etc.

During the full moon, the inventive Uranus - Natural ruling planet of Aquarius and passing through the sign of Aries -forms a harmony with the planet associated with the processes of thinking - Mercury in the sign of Leo. This is a very motivating harmony under fire element (Aries / Leo) which encourages us to create ideas which will allow us to improve and move forward together as a society or group.

Next day - August first, 2015 - Venus returns to the sign of Leo (retrograde*) to meet a second time with Jupiter. ******ROMANCE IS HIGHLIGHTED****** But this time we should question ourselves and work on our relationships. Venus in retrograde is talking about finding time to love ourselves, to love our friends, partner, children and people important in our lives…

  • If we are single… Time to take time to socialise and do an activity in group that allow us to meet new people.  DO SOMETHING TO FIND OUR LOVED ONE.  Sometimes we don’t find what we want because we are submerged in other things.
  • If we are in a relationship we all should dedicate time to our partner. Organise special dates, start an activity that we both like to do it together, send messages of love… REVIVE THE THRILL OF LOVING. 
  • The sign of Leo refers to our creations = our children. We need to have fun with them to show love the way they understand it. Sometimes with so many things that we have to do, we forget to LAUGH & REVIVE OUR INNER CHILD...

Jupiter is transiting its last days through the sign of creative Leo and changes to practical Virgo on August 11, 2015 where it will remain for a year. For this reason, we must not lose the opportunity to watch the sky during the next 11 nights to enjoy these beautiful planets dancing together.

Venus and Jupiter in Leo favour enjoying art, and growth through the realisation of creative activities. Also they offer us a fantastic time to encourage, recognise and appreciate the qualities of the people we love.

Moreover, from August 3 until August 11, 2015, Saturn in Scorpio direct defies Jupiter in Leo. This disharmony in our sky brings the message that to achieve what we set out to achieve we must accept our limitations and have clear expectations.

Have a great weekend!

*Retrograde is an astrological term used to explain the illusory phenomenon, where a planet appears to move backwards or rotate reverse relative to how the Earth is moving. Astrology explains the event as an opportunity to review and adjust according to the energy the planet generated.

The energies exposed here are collective.  If you want to deepen your personal growth through astrology Stellium Light it is the perfect place to quench any astrological concerns. Astrology helps us to understand our present and guide us in how to take advantage of our best days. 

Visit the link or send an email to [email protected] to request an astrological analysis. 

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