Papers by Adi S U H E N R A Sigiro
Majalah Bahana Penerbit ANDI, 2024
The pastor is a leader for the congregation who thinks about the spirituality of the congregation... more The pastor is a leader for the congregation who thinks about the spirituality of the congregation and also the physical needs of the congregation he serves. Therefore, the pastor's service to the congregation is a holistic service. If the congregation served by a pastor has problems in terms of spirituality or life needs, the pastor must be willing to carry out visits and counseling. Considering that the responsibility of pastoral care is quite large, being a pastor must be a calling in life. However, it is very ironic that there are still pastors today who do not serve the congregation totally. This article is a qualitative method by examining God's servants or Shepherds as leaders. The principles of shepherding are based on 1 Peter 5:1-4, namely serving without seeking one's own interests, serving voluntarily, serving with enthusiasm and providing an example to the sheep or congregation.
Majalah Bahana Penerbit ANDI Offset, 2024
MENGABDI : Jurnal Hasil Kegiatan Bersama Masyarakat, 2024
Salah satu sakramen penting dalam kekristenan merupakan sakramen babtisan. Beberbeda denominasi a... more Salah satu sakramen penting dalam kekristenan merupakan sakramen babtisan. Beberbeda denominasi atau aliran berbeda pula pemahaman akan babtisan. GBI sendiri meyaki bahwa babtisan terdiri dari dua, yakni babtisan air dan babtisan Roh Kudus. Sehubungan dengan masih rendahnya pemahaman pemuda di GBI Silangkitang menganai babtisan maka perlu diadakan seminar dengan tema babtisan. Sebelum seminar ini dilakukan pernulis melakukan kajian literatur, supaya hasil penelitian yang diseminarkan memiliki landasan akademik yang memadai. Adapun hasil penelitian yang sudah diseminarkan yakni babtisan dibagi menjadi dua, yakni babtisan air dan babtisan Roh Kudus. Babtisan air tanda keataan kepada firman Tuhan, babtisan air harus mengikuti teladan Kristus, dan babtisan air tanda dipersatukan dengan kematian dan kebangkitan Kristus. Selanjutnya, babtisan Roh Kudus adalah babtisan yang dilakukan Tuhan Yesus ke dalam Roh Kudus. Babtisan Roh Kudus adalah karunia Tuhan untuk memberikan kuasa kepada orang percaya melakukan pelayanan sesuai dengan karunia-karunia Roh yang diterima oleh orang percaya dan karunia-karunia Roh tersebut harus diimbangi dengan buah Roh.
Jurnal Dikmas Arastamar Ngabang: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2024
This seminar aims to increase the understanding of GPKB Janji Angkola youth about God's work of s... more This seminar aims to increase the understanding of GPKB Janji Angkola youth about God's work of salvation in Jesus Christ through lecture and discussion methods delivered by two presenters. Seminar material covers the concept of sin, God's salvation, and evidence of the work of salvation for humans, as well as providing opportunities for participants to ask questions and discuss. With high enthusiasm, GPKB young people attended this seminar and felt a valuable experience that left a positive impression, and it is hoped that they can make a positive contribution to society and develop the competence of students involved in this activity. The results of this activity show that understanding God's work of salvation can strengthen faith and motivate GPKB youth to play an active role in society and develop themselves spiritually.
Ihsan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2024
The main agenda for the Ministry of Religion's education sector in the 2020-2024 strategic plan i... more The main agenda for the Ministry of Religion's education sector in the 2020-2024 strategic plan includes improving the quality of teaching and learning. The Ministry of Religion is also focused on increasing equal access to educational services at all levels and accelerating the implementation of 12 Year Compulsory Education. Improving professionalism, quality, management and equal placement of educators and education staff in each agency is also the main target. The Ministry of Religion supports the vision and mission of the center, especially in emphasizing mental revolution in the education system to strengthen the values of integrity, work ethic, mutual cooperation and character. Likewise, prioritizing religious moderation and local wisdom. Based on this, the PkM activities of the IAKN Tarutung team carried the theme of Local Wisdom-Based PAK which involved elements of the Toba Ministry of Religion and IAKN Tarutung lecturers and employees. The listeners of Sabda Hayat cannot be separated from the context of their respective local diversity and culture. One of the local wisdoms of Toba Batak culture is the Dalihan Na Tolu philosophy which contains the principles of mutual respect, appreciation and love regardless of a person's background and social status. Of course this is very relevant to the theological theme in the Holy Bible, the story of the Rich Man and Poor Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. In the school context, PAK materials in Toba Regency can be structured based on the Dalihan Na Tolu philosophy. PAK teachers must also apply the Dalihan Na Tolu philosophy in the teaching and learning process and emphasize philosophical interpretation in everyday life because it is in accordance with the theological principles contained in the Holy Bible.
Voice Of HAMI: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Feb 1, 2024
After reading this book, the author understands that a Christian Religious Education teacher in b... more After reading this book, the author understands that a Christian Religious Education teacher in both school and church contexts, who wants to teach must have thorough preparation, such as living in the knowledge of God, understanding the Bible and the basics of teaching the Christian faith, and having good character. endure the test, have intimate fellowship with God. Apart from being spiritual, the preparation of a Christian Religious Education teacher also includes the following, namely, before teaching, a Christian Religious Education teacher must also be able to formulate learning objectives, and even prepare learning through groups. The next part that a Christian Religious Education teacher must prepare is to prepare the curriculum or teaching materials in class. To help in teaching, a Christian Religious Education teacher must master and improve his teaching skills. Christian Religious Education Teachers must also be able to use various approaches through stories, lectures, sermons and various illustrations to help students understand the lesson messages conveyed by the teacher. A Christian Religious Education teacher must also be intelligent in managing the learning class. The room must be arranged in such a way that students are enthusiastic about participating in learning. Furthermore, a successful Christian Religious Education teacher will be successful if, through learning, students have an attitude of love and obedience to God. Because their goal in participating in learning is to become disciples for the Lord Jesus. Therefore, in teaching a Christian Religious Education teacher must be able to first provide examples or role models for students so that students have an idea of āāthe behavior that must be imitated as disciples of Christ. A professional Christian Religious Education teacher must have true commitment and uphold the values āāof the truth of God's word which are the basis for his life.
The Messengers: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, Dec 30, 2023
The presence of church leaders is expected to be able to influence the growth of the congregation... more The presence of church leaders is expected to be able to influence the growth of the congregation's faith. But it's a shame that nowadays there are people who are church leaders with the motivation to get wealth, to be famous, to want to be served, not to serve. There is also the motivation to become a church leader because he wants to take advantage of church facilities for his own interests. The research method used is literature research. This method collects data and information in the form of documents, data archives and other literature information, using a descriptive approach. The analysis process carried out is using the Bible as the main source, then the literature of trusted journals, books and articles such as to support the analysis of the research topic. Based on the results of the research, the authors found that the motivation to become a Biblical church leader is to serve Christ, respond to Christ's call, a gift that God has entrusted, to set an example for the congregation, to want to pay attention to the congregation's life.
Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama, 2024
Everyone, including church leaders, must be able to understand and apply ethics in communication.... more Everyone, including church leaders, must be able to understand and apply ethics in communication. By understanding ethics in communication, a leader knows the rules, norms and things that are good or not, as well as things that should be applied and not applied in communication so that the congregation served is able to receive and understand the messages received from the church leader. If church leaders do not have ethics in communicating, this will lead to failure in ministry. This research uses a literature study method, with a descriptive approach. Where the author will use books, journals and print media to dig up relevant information according to the research topic. Based on the research results, the relevance of communication ethics for church leaders is that church leaders know to apply the rules and norms in daily communication both with the congregation and with the community. The next relevance is that by understanding ethics in communication, a church leader knows the correct rules and regulations for delivering sermons to communicate God's word to the congregation. The next relevance or connection is that church leaders know the rules and norms when communicating with the congregation when conducting counseling.
Majalah Bahana, Penerbit ANDI, 2022
Sikap anak Tuhan harus berbeda ketika menghadapi dampak dari Pandemi Covid-19, termasuk penderita... more Sikap anak Tuhan harus berbeda ketika menghadapi dampak dari Pandemi Covid-19, termasuk penderitaan apapun di dunia ini. Sikap dan perbedaan tersebut bisa dipelajari dalam artikel ini.
Voice Of HAMI: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen. STT Hagiasmos Mission, 2023
After reading the book, the writer found that Jesus knew His identity as Teacher and God. Therefo... more After reading the book, the writer found that Jesus knew His identity as Teacher and God. Therefore, the purpose of His coming into this world is to teach the truth to humans both through what is delivered and the example of His life. Therefore, a teacher must really realize, accept and be proud of his duties as a teacher so that he can carry out his duties to the fullest and be able to be an example for other students and society. Through reading this book, by learning from the Lord Jesus, there are many principles that a teacher must have and work on in teaching, namely knowing his students correctly with all the developments and struggles they face. In addition, a teacher must have clear goals, so that the learning process does not take place and act just like that without producing anything in students. In teaching a teacher, one must use the Bible as the main source in teaching even though one must be open to other knowledge to add insight to the teacher and students. A teacher must improve the quality of himself in teaching, by preparing both materially and choosing the right methods and strategies to use that are in accordance with the ability of students to accept them.
In teaching a teacher must have a long-term vision in students. So that this helps the teacher to be patient and continue to give the best even though the students still have various weaknesses and deficiencies in themselves. Teachers must be able to see the positive side in students and develop it so that it becomes an impactful ability for the students themselves and the wider community in the future. Through reading this book, a teacher is required to learn from the person of the Lord Jesus and have a good personal relationship so that the wisdom and anointing from the Lord Jesus equips the teacher in carrying out his duties.
I L L U M I N A T E , 2023
The growing church is determined by the quality of spiritual leaders. However, nowadays there are... more The growing church is determined by the quality of spiritual leaders. However, nowadays there are spiritual leaders whose ministry focus is themselves, with the aim of gaining name and popularity. Apart from that, there are spiritual leaders who leave the ministry because they feel they have no more calling to lead the congregation, there are also spiritual leaders who leave the ministry because they feel they have no more calling to lead the congregation. There are also spiritual leaders who carry out their duties and ministry in the church no longer based on Biblical leadership. Therefore, this research will explore the leadership of Moses which is a guide for spiritual leaders in the church today. The research method used is literature research. This method collects data and information in the form of documents, data archives and other literature information. The writer will do a descriptive approach. The process of analysis carried out is to use reliable sources of literature journals, books and articles such as to support the analysis of the research topic. Based on the results of the research, guided by Musa's leadership, a spiritual leader in the church today includes the following: A spiritual leader in the church must have a calling from God, have a vision that comes from God, be able to build a relationship with God, have good character. patient, humble and gentle. In addition, must be able to form a new leader.
Illuminate, 2021
The teacher is an important component in the learning process. As a teacher, teachers must have a... more The teacher is an important component in the learning process. As a teacher, teachers must have adequate teaching skills because teaching skills greatly affect students' interest in learning. But in fact, there are still teachers who do not have adequate skills so that it reduces students' interest in taking lessons. Students sometimes feel bored and bored because the teacher has not been able to apply teaching skills optimally. The research method used is library research. This method collects data and information in the form of documents, data archives and other literature information. The author will take a descriptive approach to describe the information that the author finds in accordance with the research topic. The analysis process is carried out using various sources of literature, both journals, books and other reference materials to support the author's analysis of the research topic. This study aims to increase the understanding and insight of teachers in applying various teaching skills so that they can foster student interest in learning. The teaching skills that must be mastered by teachers so that they can increase students' interest in learning are as follows, namely the teacher must have the skills to open and close lessons, ask questions, explain skills, make variations, manage classes, lead group discussions, and provide reinforcement skills.
Academia, 2022
Pengharapan adalah sauh yang kuat dan aman bagi jiwa. Sauh merupakan jangkar atau perangkat kapal... more Pengharapan adalah sauh yang kuat dan aman bagi jiwa. Sauh merupakan jangkar atau perangkat kapal yang ditanam ke dasar air, sehingga ketika hempasan angin dan badai datang, kapal tersebut tetap aman dan tidak berpindah tempat. Demikian juga pengharapan kita kepada Tuhan, merupakan sauh yang kuat. Sehingga ketika badai, cobaan, dan tantangan datang dalam hidup kita, kita tetap aman, kita tetap mendapat perlindungan. Dalam konteks Ibrani 6:13-20, pengaharapan yang menjadi sauh yang kuat dan aman bagi jiwa kita adalah pengharapan akan janji Tuhan.
Academia, 2022
Pada zaman sekarang ini teknologi sangat berkembang pesat. Perlu kita ketahui
perkembangan tekno... more Pada zaman sekarang ini teknologi sangat berkembang pesat. Perlu kita ketahui
perkembangan teknologi tersebut sangat membantu manusia pada masa sekarang ini untuk mencapai apa yang mereka harapkan, baik untuk berbisnis, berdagang, termasuk dalam dunia medis. Dengan kata lain, teknologi sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Namun, terjadi dilema dalam perkembangan teknologi tersebut. Dimana banyak orang, maupun lembaga-lembaga tertentu, khususnya dunia medis yang menggunakan teknologi tersebut, untuk mendorong, menciptakan sebuah kehidupan baru. Penggunaan teknologi yang demikian dikenal dengan bioteknologi. Oleh karena itu, penulis akan menunjau dari sudut etika Kristen mengenai bioteknologi, yang menyangkut dengan inseminasi.
Academia, 2024
Bagi orang Kristen ilmu psikologi dinilai ilmu sekuler atau duniawi
sehingga tidak memiliki hubu... more Bagi orang Kristen ilmu psikologi dinilai ilmu sekuler atau duniawi
sehingga tidak memiliki hubungan atau keterkaitan dengan bidang kehidupan orang
Kristen. Penulis meyakini anggapan ini muncul karena belum semua orang Kristen
dapat memahami hubungan priskologi dengan iman Kristen dengan tepat, sehingga
menjadi sulit untuk menerima ilmu psikologi. Karena itu, melalui tulisan singkat ini, pembaca akan ditolong untuk memahami kedudukan psikologi dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Papers by Adi S U H E N R A Sigiro
In teaching a teacher must have a long-term vision in students. So that this helps the teacher to be patient and continue to give the best even though the students still have various weaknesses and deficiencies in themselves. Teachers must be able to see the positive side in students and develop it so that it becomes an impactful ability for the students themselves and the wider community in the future. Through reading this book, a teacher is required to learn from the person of the Lord Jesus and have a good personal relationship so that the wisdom and anointing from the Lord Jesus equips the teacher in carrying out his duties.
perkembangan teknologi tersebut sangat membantu manusia pada masa sekarang ini untuk mencapai apa yang mereka harapkan, baik untuk berbisnis, berdagang, termasuk dalam dunia medis. Dengan kata lain, teknologi sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Namun, terjadi dilema dalam perkembangan teknologi tersebut. Dimana banyak orang, maupun lembaga-lembaga tertentu, khususnya dunia medis yang menggunakan teknologi tersebut, untuk mendorong, menciptakan sebuah kehidupan baru. Penggunaan teknologi yang demikian dikenal dengan bioteknologi. Oleh karena itu, penulis akan menunjau dari sudut etika Kristen mengenai bioteknologi, yang menyangkut dengan inseminasi.
sehingga tidak memiliki hubungan atau keterkaitan dengan bidang kehidupan orang
Kristen. Penulis meyakini anggapan ini muncul karena belum semua orang Kristen
dapat memahami hubungan priskologi dengan iman Kristen dengan tepat, sehingga
menjadi sulit untuk menerima ilmu psikologi. Karena itu, melalui tulisan singkat ini, pembaca akan ditolong untuk memahami kedudukan psikologi dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen
In teaching a teacher must have a long-term vision in students. So that this helps the teacher to be patient and continue to give the best even though the students still have various weaknesses and deficiencies in themselves. Teachers must be able to see the positive side in students and develop it so that it becomes an impactful ability for the students themselves and the wider community in the future. Through reading this book, a teacher is required to learn from the person of the Lord Jesus and have a good personal relationship so that the wisdom and anointing from the Lord Jesus equips the teacher in carrying out his duties.
perkembangan teknologi tersebut sangat membantu manusia pada masa sekarang ini untuk mencapai apa yang mereka harapkan, baik untuk berbisnis, berdagang, termasuk dalam dunia medis. Dengan kata lain, teknologi sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Namun, terjadi dilema dalam perkembangan teknologi tersebut. Dimana banyak orang, maupun lembaga-lembaga tertentu, khususnya dunia medis yang menggunakan teknologi tersebut, untuk mendorong, menciptakan sebuah kehidupan baru. Penggunaan teknologi yang demikian dikenal dengan bioteknologi. Oleh karena itu, penulis akan menunjau dari sudut etika Kristen mengenai bioteknologi, yang menyangkut dengan inseminasi.
sehingga tidak memiliki hubungan atau keterkaitan dengan bidang kehidupan orang
Kristen. Penulis meyakini anggapan ini muncul karena belum semua orang Kristen
dapat memahami hubungan priskologi dengan iman Kristen dengan tepat, sehingga
menjadi sulit untuk menerima ilmu psikologi. Karena itu, melalui tulisan singkat ini, pembaca akan ditolong untuk memahami kedudukan psikologi dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen