
Multifactor Authentication

Set up multifactor

Navigate to:

You will find the following section to start the process:

The next page will reveal a barcode to scan into your authentication device. You will need to install an app on your device for this step. Some options are listed below:

App Android iphone Windows Phone
Google Authenticator Yes Yes No
Duo Mobile Yes Yes Yes
FreeOTP Authenticator Yes Yes No
Toopher Yes Yes No
Authy Yes Yes No
Authenticator No No Yes
2FA No No Yes

Once the app of your choice is installed use it to scan the barcode displayed in the browser and your account will automatically be added. Use the app to generate a 6-digit code and enter that to finalize multifactor authentication.

The following screenshot shows the setup in Duo Mobile:

Anytime you login to your SourceForge Account or use Shell Services (without ssh keys setup): select the key icon to generate a code.

You will receive an email confirming 2 factor authorization as enabled. The account screen will now also display multifactor as enabled along with adjustment settings:

View or change settings on multifactor

Multi factor settings can be found in account settings.

Here you can:

  • generate a new key if you wish to switch devices
  • view the current configuration and/or add multiple devices to work for the same key
  • view the recovery codes
  • disable 2 factor authorization.

Recovery codes are used in case the authorization device is lost. They can be viewed or changed at any point but please note you will not be able to log in and view them without first logging into your account. Save them someplace safe somewhere else.

Multifactor and Shell Services

We highly recommend setting up SSH keys to avoid having to manually type in your password and auth keys for shell services.

If ssh keys are not setup for the current account you will need to use your password combined with your 6-digit auth code whenever prompted. In the event of multiple prompts, make sure to generate a new auth code.

Below are examples of accessing different shell services with 2 factor auth enabled and no ssh key setup. In these examples the user's password is "password" and the trailing "123456" is an example 6-digit code that is combined with the password:


[jsmith]$ scp example.txt [email protected]:/home/frs/project/fooproject
Password: password123456


[jsmith]$ sftp [email protected]
Password: password123456
Connected to


[jsmith]$ rsync -avP -e ssh example.txt [email protected]:/home/frs/project/fooproject
Password: password123456
sending incremental file list
             11 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)

sent 124 bytes  received 35 bytes  7.76 bytes/sec
total size is 11  speedup is 0.07

Git clone via https

[jsmith]$ git clone[email protected]/p/fooproject/code fooproject-code
Cloning into 'fooproject-code'...
Password for '[email protected]': password123456
remote: Counting objects: 11, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 11 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

SVN Commit

[jsmith]$ svn add example.txt
[jsmith]$ svn commit -m "Connect with 2-factor auth"
Authentication realm: <> SourceForge User
Username: jsmith
Password for 'jsmith': password123456

Adding         example.txt
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 3.