
Thousands protest outside Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/21 17:46
Last update time:2024/05/21 17:46
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Thousands protest outside Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan (TVBS News) Thousands protest outside Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan
Thousands protest outside Taiwan's Legislative Yuan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Legislative Yuan (立法院) on Tuesday (May 21) faced significant public scrutiny as it reviewed amendments related to parliamentary powers, sparking a large-scale demonstration outside its premises. Approximately 40 civil groups and over a thousand individuals rallied, demanding the Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) legislators address public grievances.

This gathering comes in the wake of a heated conflict among legislators on May 17, which saw hundreds of protesting students outside the Legislative Yuan calling for a halt to the vote and a thorough review, reminiscent of the potential resurgence of the Sunflower Movement (太陽花運動).


A United Front for Democracy

The protest, dubbed "Parliamentary Abuse, Democratic Regression, Civic Rescue, Legislative Assembly, (國會濫權,民主倒退,公民搶救,立院集結)" was organized by more than 40 groups, including the Taiwan Citizen Front (台灣公民陣線), Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan (公投護台灣聯盟, ART), Taiwan Economic Democracy Union (經濟民主連合), Taiwan Association for Human Rights (台灣人權促進會), and Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan (地球公民基金會). Participants began gathering at the side door of the Legislative Yuan on Qingdao E. Rd. (青島東路) from 6 a.m., with activities planned to continue until midnight.

Security Measures and Public Sentiment

Representatives from the participating organizations took turns speaking, criticizing the Legislative Yuan for not adhering to procedural justice and failing to address the public's demands based on the events of May 17. To prevent any unforeseen clashes, police deployed around 200 officers around the Legislative Yuan, setting up barriers and detour signs to maintain order. The situation has remained largely peaceful.

As the day progresses, the eyes of Taiwan remain fixed on the Legislative Yuan, awaiting the outcome of this demonstration of public dissent and the potential implications for Taiwan's democratic processes.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan protest# Legislative Yuan# Taiwan democracy# KMT# TPP Taiwan# Sunflower Movement# Taiwan human rights# Taiwan parliamentary amendments# Taiwan public demonstration 2023# Taiwan legislative protest impact
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