Post-Quantum Cryptography


Digital Signature Schemes


SNOVA is a digital signature algorithm that was submitted to the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Project in May 2023, its full name is β€œSimple Noncommutative-ring based UOV with key-randomness Alignment”, SNOVA is a simplified version of NOVA.


The SNOVA digital signature algorithm is a variant of the UOV algorithm, retaining the UOV's characteristic of short signatures while offering a shorter public key length compared to the traditional UOV algorithm, thereby providing advantages in both security and efficiency aspects of digital signatures.

Furthermore, the SNOVA algorithm provides three different parameter options for each security level, including various combinations of public key and signature lengths. This feature brings greater flexibility and adaptability to the application side, enabling SNOVA to be well-suited for diverse scenarios, whether it be resource-constrained devices or applications requiring high-security protection, as it allows for the selection of parameter configurations that best suit the specific use case.


SL (v, o, q, l)  public key size sign size private key size (esk) private key size (ssk)
I (37, 17, 16, 2) 9826(+16) 108(+16) 90608(+48) 48
(25, 8, 16, 3) 2304(+16) 148.5(+16) 37962(+48)
(24, 5, 16, 4) 1000(+16) 232(+16) 34112(+48)
III (56, 25, 16, 2) 31250(+16) 162(+16) 299632(+48)
(49, 11, 16, 3) 5989.5(+16) 270(+16) 174798(+48)
(37, 8, 16, 4) 4096(+16) 360(+16) 128384(+48)
V (75, 33, 16, 2) 71874(+16) 216(+16) 702932(+48)
(66, 15, 16, 3) 15187.5(+16) 364.5(+16) 432297(+48)
(60, 10, 16, 4) 8000(+16) 560(+16) 389312(+48)

Table of key-sizes and lengths of the signature of SNOVA parameter settings. (bytes)

Security & Sizes

Direct attack. An attacker need to regard a SNOVA public map as an UOV public map over 𝔽 and then forge a signature. This gives an MQ(π‘™Β²π‘š, π‘™Β²π‘š, π‘ž) system.

Collision attack. To forge a fake signature, an attacker checks 𝑀 intended signatures and 𝑁 hash values whether there exists a collision or not.

KS/Reconciliation/Intersection attacks. From the viewpoint of key recovery, an attacker can regard a (𝑣, π‘œ, π‘ž, 𝑙) SNOVA scheme over ring as an (𝑙𝑣, π‘™π‘œ, π‘ž) UOV scheme with π‘™Β²π‘š equations over 𝔽.

Table of security (in log #gates) and sizes
SL (v, o, l) Dir KS Rec Int Col pk(Bytes) sig(Bytes)
I (37, 17, 2) 165/123 165/85 203 153 151 9842 124
(25, 8, 3) 171/126 209/107 200 221 159 2320 164.5
(24, 5, 4) 184/134 309/157 269 353 175 1016 248
III (56, 25, 2) 234/173 253/129 297 221 215 31266 178
(49, 11, 3) 226/162 461/233 438 529 213 6005.5 286
(37, 8, 4) 287/214 469/237 387 506 271 4112 376
V (75, 33, 2) 302/222 341/173 389 288 279 71890 232
(66, 15, 3) 302/220 617/311 574 690 285 15203.5 380.5
(60, 10, 4) 350/255 805/405 695 922 335 8016 576


A comparison of the key and signature sizes of SNOVA, and the key and signature sizes of the NISTPQC finalists (SPHINCS+, DILITHIUM and Falcon), Pre-Quantum (RSA and EdDSA) and compressed UOV.

Making Internet post-quantum. For easily upgrading existing protocols (e.g. TLS) to become quantum-resistant, the article of CloudFlare gives the condition: 6 x signature + 2 x pk ≀ 9KB.


Here are the optimization results for SNOVA on the (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Skylake) platform using AVX2-related instructions. We have achieved approximately a 50-fold increase in efficiency compared to the previous version.

SL (v,o,l) Gen cycles Gen/s Sign cycles Sign/s Verify cycles Verify/s
I (24,5,4) 904,287 3,760 713,054 4,768 168,300 20,202
III (37,8,4) 5,497,621 618 2,206,664 1,541 577,521 5,887
V (60,10,4) 18,096,522 188 5,099,659 667 1,641,880 2,071

These achievements indicate significant prospects for the application of SNOVA in most scenarios.


NIST Submission Package for Round 1 Additional Signatures

It is the zip archive that we submitted to the Round 1 Additional Signatures of the NIST PQC project. It contains the specification of SNOVA, the reference implementation.
Download NIST submission package for Round 1 Additional Signatures (zip)

NIST Submission Document for Round 1 Additional Signatures

It is the pdf archive that we submitted to the Round 1 Additional Signatures of the NIST PQC project. It contains the specification of SNOVA, the Document.
Download NIST submission document for Round 1 Additional Signatures (pdf)

Cryptology ePrint Archive: A Simple Noncommutative UOV Scheme

In this paper, we propose a simple noncommutative-ring based UOV signature scheme with key-randomness alignment: Simple NOVA, which can be viewed as a simplified version of NOVA
Updated on 2024-02-08


This repository contains the latest official reference & AVX implementation of the SNOVA signature scheme in C language.