Nhundu (A family and its belongings) apa kureva mhuri nenhumbi dzayo. Zvichida izwi iri rinokwanisa kuturikira chivakashure eco- chinotaurwa kuEnglish mumazwi anoti: economics, ecosystem, ecology.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • Herero vanoti omutundu (n. universally; wholly, totally; all of them - tribes).
  • Lugwere inoti kitundu ( region, location, area, locale, community). Mamwe mazwi: kyalo (n. community).
  • Chewa neTumbuka vanoti mtundu (n. kind, tribe). Nsenga vanoti mtundu (kind, sort, quality).
  • Mang'anja vanoti mtundu kana ntundu (n. tribe, a sort or kind of anything; race; variety) kureva rudzi.