I would like to welcome you all to join our blog to fasilitate the students and education community from SMKN 1 Serang City Banten Indonesia and the voulunteers and others people to joint and post the education issues or news in the join blog between SMKN 1 Serang and KIV ( Korea Internet Voulunteer). This is such of the program to set up in order to make the open communication among the people from both countries and among SMK-SBI INVEST ADB from all over Indonesia.SMKN 1 Serang are eager to help the other schools to make international relationship to some OECD countries as we stated at our 12 commitments ( 12 Janji kinerja SMK SBI INVEST).
The last I would like to thanks to Mr. Syarif Hidayat S.Kom ICT expert from SMKN 1 Serang and Mr. Ji-Hwan Choi, Ms. Sora Jeong, Mr. Yeong-Geun Juo, Mr. Sang-Hyun Seo from KIV Korea who are actively to share their knowledge and experiences to our students and school communities for developing the ICT.
Oeng Rosliana Kartamihardja