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General Issue


  • Green is Trending Today - Dr. Surekha Deshmukh Domain Consultant, IoTDE, TCS, India Chair- IEEE Pune Section
  • "Smart Cities Rely On Smart Infrastructure to Make People’s Lives Better" an interview given by Smart Cities Chair, Georges Zissis
  • Click here for information on 2024 4th international Conference on Computer Science, ELectronic Information Engeering and Intelligent Control Technology
  • Call for Volunteers - The Smart Cities Ambassadors Committee is looking for volunteers to join their committee. Responsibilities include being a key player in the worldwide recognition of the Smart Cities community, contributing to organizing high quality technical events, and sharing and transferring knowledge in key Smart Cities verticals. Interested? Fill out this form to get involved.

  • Call for Volunteers! The IEEE Standards Association is looking for volunteers to develop Standard P2784 Smart Cities. If you are interested in writing sections of this standard, please fill out the Form
  • Call for Volunteers - Interested in contributing your expertise in shaping the future of Smart Cities? The IEEE Smart Cities - Awards and Recognition Committee is looking for volunteers. Please fill out this form to get involved.

Smart Cities Events

Conference Schedule not available please check back soon.

IEEE Smart Cities Partners

IEEE Control Systems Society
IEEE Industry Applications Society
IEEE Power & Energy Society

IEEE Council on Electronic Automation Design
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
IEEE Council on RFID