When you call a business meeting, how many times do you think about the ethical issues you are discussing? Ethical issues are part of even the smallest business concerns. For example, though you may simply be meeting to discuss installing new carpet, who you hire to install the new carpet and how much you pay the installer are both questions that have their roots in ethical issues.
Report Issues
At many business meetings, employees are asked to report on the progress of their projects and on successes. As simple as this expectation may be, it can cause an ethical dilemma. Business people may face external pressure to report employee performance as better than it is. For example, a manager and an employee may become friendly, and the employee may ask the manager to report her part of the project as finished even though she still has several days left to go. In another example, an employee on probation may offer to take on extra work if the manager fudges his number of sales. In both of these cases, the manager would exemplify ethical behavior if he reported employee performance accurately.
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Source Issues
According to the Institution of Business Ethics, one of the most popular issues in business ethics in October 2006 was environmental concerns. Another important issue was how people are treated while at work. For this reason, business owners and employees are concerned with the practices of the companies from which they get their merchandise. Whether business owners should get less expensive merchandise from companies that don't use environmental practices or have unsafe labor conditions is a question that comes up in business meetings. If a committee meets to discuss where a company's merchandise should come from, taking into account these ethical issues and choosing source companies that employ ethical decisions, this is an example of ethical behavior in a business meeting.
By law, employers cannot treat employees differently because of their religions, ethnic backgrounds, genders, ages or disabilities. However, discrimination and the harassment that often follows are both examples of business ethics issues. In a business meeting, business people act ethically when they avoid jokes or remarks that may be offensive to some and when they give each person the right to voice her opinion.
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Work Safety Issues
Having a workplace that poses a risk to employees is unethical. In business meetings, business people should notify employees of any risks and resolve the risks immediately. If the risks cannot be resolved, employees should be sent home until the workplace is safe again. Thus, if a concern about employee safety is raised at a business meeting, ethical behavior would be immediately assessing the issue and, if the concern is validated, immediately informing employees, removing them from the dangerous area and addressing the situation.