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The Difference Between a Packing Slip & an Invoice

By , Contributor

A packing slip and an invoice both document transactions in which physical goods change hands. However, the packing slip describes the physical products, whereas the invoice describes the financial transaction behind the sale of these goods.

Purpose of Packing Slips and Invoices

The purpose of a packing slip is to describe the contents of a package, so that the shipper can state what has been sent and the receiver can verify that those same items have been received. The information on the packing slip furthers this purpose by listing product descriptions and quantities, and any other pieces of information that may be useful to the receiving department of the business making the purchase – for example, the weight or identification information such as a SKU (stock keeping unit) number.


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The purpose of an invoice is to tell the buyer's accounting department how much to pay, and when to pay it. An invoice containers information pertinent to this payment process, for example prices and terms, such as whether payment is due immediately or in 30 days.

Uses of Packing Slips and Invoices

The shipping department of the seller's company uses the packing slip to make sure that everything that should be packed into an order is actually included. The receiving department of the buyer's company checks off the items in the delivery, comparing the listed descriptions and quantities with the items received. Discrepancies are cause for contacting the seller and asking for the missing items to be reshipped or credited.


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The accounting department of the seller's company uses the invoice to notify the buyer of the balance due, and also to keep a record of accounts receivable, or outstanding invoices that have yet to be paid. The buyer's accounting department uses the invoice to plan payments and also to make sure that the amount remitted is correct. It is also conscientious accounting practice to double check the math on an invoice, to make sure you haven't been overcharged.

Similarities and Differences Between Packing Slips and Invoices

Both packing slips and invoices list the items that have been shipped, as well as the quantities of the items. If an item is out of stock, this information is more likely to appear on the packing slip than on the invoice, because this information is relevant to the receiving department, which handles inventory. The accounting department doesn't necessarily need to know about out of stock items because no payment is due for these items. However, if the accounting department has issued a purchase order, the fact that an item is out of stock will be relevant, because the invoice amount won't agree with the purchase order amount.


Devra Gartenstein is an omnivore who has published several vegan cookbooks. She has owned and run small food businesses for 30 years.