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Paypal makes it easy by calculating the conversion for you.
Paypal makes it easy by calculating the conversion for you.Getty

Transferring funds in PayPal is pretty straightforward: Go to the "Send Money" tab and insert the recipient's email address, plus the amount you need to send. Next to the amount, is a drop-down menu that lets you choose the currency type. If you want to convert your balance from one currency to another without sending a payment, you'll need to visit the "Financial Information" link in your profile.

  1. Log in to PayPal using your email and password.
  2. Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  3. Go to "Financial Information," and click "Currency Balances."
  4. Enter an amount equal to your current balance, or whatever amount you'd like to convert.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to choose a currency.
  6. Click "Calculate." A preview shows the results of the conversion.
  7. Click "Review Exchange," then "Exchange Currency" to accept the transfer.



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  • Log in to your account and click "Fees" to see the cost of receiving payments in other currencies.

Cee Jay began writing professionally in 2009 with work appearing on various websites. She has been repairing computers since 2000 and focuses on topics related to PC support/repair. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in computer science from Franklin University and also studied advanced language arts at the Center for Arts and Sciences.