Newsom’s approval rating slips below 50 percent for first time

Newsom’s first negative approval rating comes as the state faces a $73 billion deficit.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a negative approval rating for the first time in his tenure leading the state. 

The results come from the latest statewide survey from the Public Policy Institute of California. 

By the numbers: The survey found that 47 percent of adults approve of Newsom’s job performance, the first time that he has been under 50 percent as Governor. 

  • On the flip side, 50 percent of adults disapprove of how he is acting as Governor. 
  • He enjoys immense support from his own base, however, with 70 percent approval from Democrats. 
  • But 60 percent of independents and 84 percent of Republicans disapprove of his performance. 

Go deeper: According to the survey, about 60 percent of the state believes that California will have a rough time financially during the next year. 

  • That comes as the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office upped its estimated budget deficit for the state to $73 billion. 
  • Despite a majority of Californians believing the state will face financial hardships, only 40 percent think the state’s budget situation is a big problem, with 51 percent of adults favoring Newsom’s budget plan. 
  • Looking at the southern border with Mexico, 70 percent of the state thinks the situation is a “crisis” or a “very serious problem.” 

What they’re saying: “Californians are waking up to Gavin Newsom’s complete failure as a leader,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher. “Under Newsom, gas and utility prices skyrocketed, people can no longer afford their groceries, homelessness and crime soared, our budget plunged into a deficit and we have the second-highest unemployment rate in the nation. Running a make-believe campaign for president while ignoring the issues hurting Californians will only push Gavin’s approval numbers lower.” 

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