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List of national animals

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A national animal is an animal that is the symbol or emblem of a country.

National animals

[change | change source]
Country Name of animal Scientific name Pictures Ref
 Afghanistan Snow leopard Panthera uncia

Abyssinian Cat ||



 Algeria Fennec fox Vulpes zerda [2]
 Angola Red-crested turaco (national bird) Tauraco erythrolophus [3]
 Anguilla Zenaida dove Zenaida aurita [4]
 Antigua and Barbuda Fallow deer (national animal) Dama dama [5]
Frigate (national bird) Fregata magnificens [5]
Hawksbill turtle (national sea creature) Eretmochelys imbricata [5]
 Argentina Rufous hornero Furnarius rufus [6]
 Australia Red kangaroo (national animal) Macropus rufus [7]
Emu (national bird) Dromaius novaehollandiae [8]
 Austria Austrian Bundesadler (heraldic "Federal Eagle") Mythical [9]
Barn swallow (national bird) Hirundo rustica [10]
 Azerbaijan Karabakh horse Equus ferus caballus [11]
 Bangladesh Royal Bengal tiger (national animal) Panthera tigris tigris [12]
Magpie robin (national bird) Copsychus saularis [12]
Ilish (national fish) Tenualosa ilisha [12]
 Belarus European bison Bison bonasus [13]
 Belgium Leo Belgicus (heraldic "Belgic lion") Mythical [14]
 Belize Baird's tapir (national animal) Tapirus bairdii [13][15]
Keel-billed toucan (national bird) Ramphastos sulfuratus [16]
Bhutan Druk Mythical [17]
Takin Budorcas taxicolor [18]
 Brazil Rufous-bellied thrush (national bird) Turdus rufiventris [19]
 Cambodia Kouprey Bos sauveli [20]
 Canada North American beaver (national animal) Castor canadensis [21][22]
Canadian horse (national horse) Equus ferus caballus [22]
 China Chinese dragon (national animal) Mythical [23]
Giant panda (national animal) Ailuropoda melanoleuca [24]
Red-crowned crane (national bird) Grus japonensis [25]
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Okapi Okapia johnstoni [13]
 Colombia Andean condor Vultur gryphus [26]
 Costa Rica Yigüirro (national bird) Turdus grayi [27]
White-tailed deer (national animal) Odocoileus virginianus [28]
West Indian manatee (national aquatic animal) Trichechus manatus [29]
 Croatia Pine marten Martes martes [30][31]
 Cuba Cuban trogon Priotelus temnurus [32][33]
 Cyprus Cypriot mouflon Ovis orientalis [34]
 Czech Republic Double-tailed lion Mythical [35]
 Denmark Mute swan (national bird) Cygnus olor [36]
Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly) Aglais urticae [36]
East Turkestan Wild Bactrian camel Camelus ferus
 Egypt Steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis [37]
 Estonia Wolf Canis lupus [38]
 Eritrea Arabian camel Camelus dromedarius [39]
 Ethiopia Lion Panthera leo [40][41]
 Faroe Islands Eurasian oystercatcher (national bird) Haematopus ostralgus [42]
 Finland Brown bear (national animal) Ursus arctos [43]
Whooper swan (national bird) Cygnus cygnus [44]
Holly blue (national butterfly) Celastrina argiolus [45]
European perch (national fish) Perca fluviatilis [46]
Seven-spot ladybird (national insect) Coccinella septempunctata [46]
 France Gallic rooster Gallus gallus domesticus [47]
 Gabon Black panther Panthera pardus [48]
 Gambia Lion Panthera leo [10]
 Germany Bundesadler (heraldic "Federal Eagle") Mythical [10][49]
 Greece Phoenix (national bird) Mythical [50]
Dolphin (national animal) Delphinus [50]
 Guatemala Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno [51]
 Haiti Hispaniolan trogon Priotelus roseigaster [52]
 Honduras White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus [53]
 Hungary Turul Mythical (most probably Falco cherrug) [54]
 Iceland Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus [55]
 India Tiger (national animal) Panthera tigris [56]
Indian peacock (national bird) Pavo cristatus [57]
King cobra (national reptile) Ophiophagus hannah [58]
Ganges river dolphin (national aquatic animal) Platanista gangetica gangetica [59]
Indian elephant (national heritage animal) Elephas maximus indicus [60]
 Indonesia Komodo dragon (national animal) Varanus komodoensis [61]
Garuda (historic national animal) Mythical [62]
 Iran Persian lion Panthera leo persica [63]
 Iraq Iraqi Eagle Aquila chrysaetos [64]
 Israel Hoopoe (national bird) Upupa epops [63]
 Jamaica Red-billed streamertail Trochilus polytmus [65]
 Japan Green pheasant (national bird) Phasianus versicolor [66]
Carp (national fish) Cyprinus carpio [67]
 Kenya Lion Panthera leo [40]
 Latvia White wagtail (national bird) Motacilla alba [68][69]
Two-spotted ladybird (national insect) Adalia bipunctata [69]
 Libya Lion Panthera leo [40]
 Lithuania White stork Ciconia ciconia [70]
 Luxembourg Lion Panthera leo [40]
 North Macedonia Lion (in Macedonian heraldry) Panthera leo [71]
 Madagascar Zebu (in Malagasy heraldry) Bos primigenius indicus [72]
Ring-tailed lemur (national animal) Lemur catta [72]
 Malaysia Malayan tiger (national animal) Panthera tigris jacksoni [73]
 Malta Pharaoh Hound (national animal) Canis lupus familiaris Pharaoh Hound Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics, & Facts - DogTime
 Moldova Aurochs (national animal) Bos primigenius [74]
 Mauritius Dodo Raphus cucullatus [13][75][76]
 Mexico Golden eagle (national animal) Aquila chrysaetos [77]
Xoloitzcuintli (national dog) Canis lupus familiaris [77]
Jaguar (national mammal) Panthera onca [77]
Grasshopper (national arthropod ) Sphenarium purpurascens [77]
Vaquita (national marine mammal) Phocoena sinus [77]
 Morocco Lion Panthera leo [10]
   Nepal Cow (national animal) Bos taurus indicus [78]
Danphe (national bird) Lophophorus impejanus [79]
 Netherlands Lion (heraldic symbol) Panthera leo [80]
Black-tailed godwit (national bird) Limosa limosa [81]
 New Zealand Kiwi Apteryx sp. [82]
 Nigeria Eagle, Black Crowned Crane Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Balearica pavonina [83]
 North Korea Chollima Mythical [84][85][86]
 Norway Lion (royal national animal) Panthera leo [87]
White-throated dipper (national bird) Cinclus cinclus [88]
Fjord horse (national horse) Equus ferus caballus [89]
 Oman Arabian oryx (national animal) Oryx leucoryx [90]
 Pakistan Markhor (national animal) Capra falconeri [91]
Indus river dolphin (national aquatic mammal) Platanista indicus minor minor [91]
Chukar (national bird) Alectoris chukar [91]
Indus crocodile (national reptile) Crocodylus palustris [91]
Shaheen falcon (heritage bird) Falco peregrinus peregrinator [92]
Snow leopard (national predator) Panthera uncia [91]
 Palestine Gazelle (national animal) Gazella gazella [93]
Palestine sunbird (national bird) Cinnyris osea [94]
 Panama Harpy eagle Harpia harpyja [13]
 Papua New Guinea Dugong (national marine mammal) Dugong dugon [95]
 Peru Vicuña (national animal) Vicugna vicugna [96]
 Philippines Philippine eagle (national bird) Pithecophaga jefferyi [97]
 Poland White-tailed eagle (national bird) Haliaeetus albicilla [98][99]
White stork (national bird) Ciconia ciconia [100]
European bison (national animal) Bison bonasus [101][102]
 Portugal Dragon (Traditional Coat of Arms / National Animal) Mythical
Cock of Barcelos Mythical sans cadre [106]
Iberian Wolf Canis lupus signatus [106]
 Qatar Arabian oryx Oryx leucoryx [107]
 Romania Lynx Lynx lynx [108]
 Russia Eurasian brown bear (national animal) Ursus arctos arctos [109]
Double-headed eagle (Traditional Coat of Arms) Mythical [110]
 Rwanda Leopard Panthera pardus [111]
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent amazon Amazona guildingii [112]
 Serbia Wolf Canis lupus lupus [113]
White eagle Mythical [114]
Lynx Lynx lynx [115]
 Sierra Leone Lion Panthera leo [10]
 Singapore Lion Panthera leo [40]
 Somalia Leopard Panthera pardus [116]
 South Africa Springbok (national animal) Antidorcas marsupialis [117]
Blue crane (national bird) Anthropoides paradiseus [117]
Galjoen (national fish) Dichistius capensis [117]
 South Korea Siberian tiger Panthera tigris altaica [118]
 Spain Bull Bos taurus [119]
 Sri Lanka Lion (national animal) Panthera leo [40]
Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird) Gallus lafayettii [120]
 Sweden Eurasian Elk/Moose (national animal) Alces alces [10]
Eurasian blackbird (national bird) Turdus merula [10][121]
 Tanzania Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis [122][123][124]
 Thailand Elephant Elephas maximus [125]
 Togo Lion Panthera leo [10]
Turkey Turkey Grey Wolf (Asena as mythological national animal) Canis lupus [126]
 United Arab Emirates Arabian oryx (national animal) Oryx leucoryx [127]
Peregrine falcon (national bird) Falco peregrinus [127]
 United Kingdom Lion (England) Panthera leo [128][129]
Bulldog (Britain as "British Bulldog") Canis lupus familiaris [130]
Red kite (Wales) Milvus milvus [131]
Unicorn (Scotland) Mythical [63][132][133][134][135]
Y Ddraig Goch (Welsh Dragon Wales) Mythical [131][136]
 United States Bald eagle (national bird) Haliaeetus leucocephalus [137][138]
American bison (national mammal) Bison bison [139][140]
 Venezuela Venezuelan troupial (national bird) Icterus icterus [141][142]
 Zimbabwe Sable antelope (national animal) Hippotragus niger [143]
African fish eagle (national bird) Haliaeetus vocifer [143]


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