Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM)

Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM)

IT Services and IT Consulting

We transform insurance companies into customer-centric businesses.

About us

Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM) is a data analytics company focused on driving customer-centricity in the insurance industry.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held


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    View profile for Martin Jurkovic, graphic

    Data Science Master’s | Bachelor of Maths and Computer Science | Data Science & Machine Learning enthusiast

    S ponosom sporočam, da bom jutri skupaj s kolegom Valter Hudovernik in mentorjem prof. dr. Erik Štrumbelj predstavljal našo raziskavo na temo generiranja in ocenjevanja sintetičnih relacijskih podatkov na Forumu Podatkovne Analitike! Tema, ki se je začela raziskovati na pobudo Stojan Radić iz Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM) v sklopu Data Science Project competition na FRI, je prerasla v več kot eno letni raziskovalni projekt. Znanstveni članek in python paket za ocenjevanje sintetičnih relacijskih podatkov bosta tudi kmalu dokončana in javno dostopna. Rad bi se zahvalil tudi Jure Jeraj za organizacijo dogodka in povabilo!

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  • Z veseljem sporočamo, da bo članica naše ekipe Viktorija Cvetanoska govorka na konferenci DATA_FAIR. 🎤 Viktorija je podatkovna znanstvenica, ki bo v svojem govoru raziskala presečišče podatkovne znanosti in zavarovalništva. Razpravljala bo o našem pristopu osredotočenosti na uporabnika, kako z analizo podatkov zavarovalniškim agentom pomagamo pri boljšemu razumevanju strank in njihovih potreb. 📊   Predani smo spodbujanju vključujočega okolja za izmenjavo znanja, mreženja in izpopolnjevanja v podatkovnem inženirstvu ter znanosti. 🙏  Zato se še posebej veselimo srečanja z vami ta četrtek na konferenci DATA_FAIR. 📅   Če želite izvedeti več ali preprosto izmenjati mnenja o vznemirljivem področju podatkovne znanosti, poiščite Viktorijo! 🚀   Za več informacij o konferenci, programu in lokaciji obiščite https://datafair.si   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   We are thrilled to announce that our team member, Viktorija Cvetanoska, will be one of the speakers at the upcoming DATA_FAIR conference. 🎤 Viktorija is a data scientist who will explore the intersection of data science and insurance in her talk. She will discuss our customer-centric approach and how, through data analysis, we assist insurance agents in better understanding customers and their needs.📊   We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for knowledge exchange, networking, and upskilling in data engineering and data science. 🙏 We look forward to seeing you this Thursday at DATA_FAIR. 📅   If you're looking to learn more or just want to chat about the exciting field of data science, feel free to reach out to Viktorija! 🚀   For more information about the conference, the line-up, and the venue, visit https://datafair.si   #ZCAM #datascience #womeninscience #insurtech #techconference #knowledgeexchange"

    DATA_FAIR 2024

    DATA_FAIR 2024


  • Startupi pozor – čas se izteka! 📣 ⏰⌛️   Prijavite svojo najdrznejšo inovativno rešitev do 14. februarja. Spoznali boste podobno misleče ljudi, se mrežili z vodilnimi v industriji in sodelovali z mednarodno zavarovalniško skupino. Obenem pa si boste zagotovili tudi financiranje pilotnega projekta in možnost, da svojo inovacijo predstavite in razširite na globalni ravni. 🚀   Če verjamete, da ima vaš startup zmagovalno idejo, je to lahko vaša velika priložnost! 💪   Ne zamudite je in se prijavite tukaj ➡️ 🔗 https://www.zurich.com/zic   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Calling all startups – time's almost up! 📣 ⏰⌛️   Submit your boldest, most out-of-the-box idea by February 14. Not only will you get to meet like-minded people, work with industry leaders, and collaborate with a multinational insurance company, but you'll also receive project funding and have the chance to scale your solution globally. 🚀 If you believe that your startup has a winning idea, this could be your chance! 💪   Don't miss out and apply here ➡️ 🔗 https://www.zurich.com/zic   #ZIC2024 #ZurichInnovates #insurtech #startup #insurance #innovation #businessopportunity

    Zurich Innovation Championship

    Zurich Innovation Championship


  • Bodite kot Dirk Huibers – eden od preteklih zmagovalcev tekmovanja Zurich Innovation Championship – in si s svojo inovativno idejo zagotovite sodelovanje s skupino Zurich Insurance na lokalni in globalni ravni! 💡🌐   Iščemo startupe, ki bodo z rešitvami izven okvirjev pozitivno vplivali na zadovoljevanje potreb uporabnikov zavarovalniških storitev in skupaj s skupino Zurich oblikovali prihodnost zavarovalniške panoge. 🚀   Izvedite več o letošnjih kategorijah in prijavite svojo rešitev še danes (rok za prijavo je 14. februar) 🔗 ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Be like Dirk Huibers – one of the past winners of the Zurich Innovation Championship – and secure collaboration with Zurich Insurance locally and globally with your innovative idea! 💡🌐   We are looking for startups with groundbreaking solutions for challenges faced by our customers and the insurance industry. Together with Zurich Insurance Group, let's shape the future of the insurance industry. 🚀   Learn more about this year's categories and submit your solution today (the deadline to apply is February 14) 🔗 ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic   #ZIC2024 #ZurichInnovates #insurtech #startup #insurance #innovation #businessopportunity

  • 📣   Ponosni smo, da lahko kot lokalni partner globalnega tekmovanja Zurich Innovation Championship k sodelovanju PRVIČ povabimo startupe iz Slovenije in širše regije! 🚀  S svojimi inovacijami se lahko potegujete za financiranje pilotnega projekta in možnost dolgoročnega sodelovanja z zavarovalniško skupino Zurich Insurance.  🙏   V podjetju ZCAM zelo dobro razumemo, kaj lahko takšna priložnost prinese inovativnim startupom, saj ima tudi naša zgodba podobne začetke. Zato še s toliko večjim zanosom vabimo podjetja, da svoje inovacije predstavite na mednarodni ravni in izkoristite platformo, ki jo ponuja skupina Zurich.«   Tekmovanje je odprto za podjetja iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, Srbije, Severne Makedonije ter Bosne in Hercegovine, ki se lahko prijavijo v eno od štirih kategorij:   - Poslovna zavarovanja 💼, - Življenjska in zdravstvena zavarovanja: ⚕️ - Digitalizacija procesov: 💻 - Premoženjsko in nezgodno zavarovanje:  🏠   Več o letošnjih izzivih si preberite na ➡️ https://lnkd.in/exrHicR, prijave sprejemamo do vključno 14. februarja 🔗 ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📣 We are proud to announce that, as the local partner of the global Zurich Innovation Championship, we can NOW invite startups from Slovenia and our wider region to participate! 🚀 You can compete for project funding and the chance to work with Zurich Insurance Group locally and globally. 🙏   At ZCAM, we understand the transformative power of opportunities like this for businesses. Having gone through a similar journey ourselves, we are excited to welcome innovative start-ups to present their innovations on the international stage and take advantage of the platform offered by the Zurich Insurance Group."   The competition is open to companies from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which can apply in one of the four categories: - Commercial Insurance: 💼 - Life & Health: ⚕️ - Digital Simplification: 💻 - Retail P&C: 🏠   Read more about this year's challenges at ➡️ https://lnkd.in/exrHicR, and apply until February 14th 🔗 ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic  #ZurichInnovates #ZIC2024 #ZCAM #startups

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  • Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM) reposted this

    View profile for Stojan Radić, graphic

    Head of Product Engagement, ZCAM & Data Analytics at Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

    The much-anticipated Zurich Insurance Innovation Championship has officially kicked off! Let the games begin! 🎉 Are you curious about the challenges we're tackling and how you can join this journey? Find all the essential information and submission guidelines here: ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic #ZurichInnovates #ZIC2024

    View profile for Joel Agard, graphic

    Head of Group Innovation bei Zurich Insurance Group

    To all the startups around the world: Let’s kick off the new year together with a BIG BANG! The Zurich Innovation Championship 2024 is here 🚀   Antony Elliott and I are beyond excited to launch the fifth edition of our global startup program. We have the pleasure to be jointly leading the biggest open innovation program for startups in the industry.   Between today and February 14, we are looking for startups to submit the the very best, the boldest, the most out-of-the-box ideas in one of four categories for the chance to work with Zurich Insurance locally and globally. Be like Dirk Huibers (check out the video below :)) and sign up today!   Not only do you get to meet like-minded people and work with industry leaders, but you will also have the chance to scale your initiative globally.   Find all the details on what challenges looking to solve and how to submit your solution here 🔗 ➡️ https://www.zurich.com/zic   #ZurichInnovates #ZIC2024 Ericson Chan Paolo Mantero Bruna Carvalho Mattia Visigalli Jeffrey Füglister Marta Muraca Sergio Beer Keven Danieli Roopa Malhotra Nitya Bhutani Kevin Angelini André João Neiva Jack Howell Laura Fischmann Gil Arazi Sabine VanderLinden https://lnkd.in/eVrvTYaB

    Zurich Innovation Championship - Launch Video 2024


  • Zurich Customer Active Management (ZCAM) reposted this

    View organization page for Plug and Play Insurtech, graphic


    Next week Monday, January 8th 2024  Zurich Insurance is launching the Zurich Innovation Championship (ZIC)! Through this initiative, Zurich is looking for new startups to collaborate with to kickstart the future (of insurance). In addition to an initial USD 100’000 in project funding, winners will get the chance to work with Zurich across different markets. This is all an equity-free environment. If you are interested, we invite you to join us for an insightful reverse pitch session on the launch day of #ZIC2024, where Zurich and previous winners will share insights on how to collaborate. Regiester Here: https://lnkd.in/gWMgrNPb Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gQ5ZVevz Daisy (Xiaoyi) Li Andres Diaz Martinez Rafael Sainz Sainz de Baranda Alexander Tran Eugenio Gonzalez Brenda Flores-Reyes

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