Lek Pharmaceuticals

Lek Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

About us

Lek, a Sandoz company, is the first and oldest pharmaceutical company in Slovenia. As specialists for technologically challenging projects, we play an important role in shaping the Slovenian, European and global R&D landscapes. Legal entities: ⏺️ Lek d.d., Verovškova ulica 57, 1526 Ljubljana ⏺️ Sandoz d.d., Verovškova ulica 57, 1000 Ljubljana As part of Sandoz, a global leader in generic pharmaceuticals and biosimilars, we contribute to society’s ability to meet growing healthcare needs. Our work is focused on improving access to medicines, medical information and building medical capacities. ☑️ We develop, manufacture and market effective, safe, high-quality generic medicines, biosimilars and active pharmaceutical ingredients. ☑️ We are the leading Sandoz development center, and one of the key development sites for technologically complex projects. We invest a great deal in the development, education and training of our associates. We believe we can pioneer access to medicine by working together and taking personal responsibility for our purpose. We are bold when it comes to making change happen, we are accountable, and we are committed to making a difference every day. Our culture is built on an openness to new ideas and possibilities. By embracing and living our values, we all play our part in shaping our future and fulfilling our purpose. We are the first pharmaceutical company in Slovenia to be awarded the prestigious international “Top Employer” certificate three years running. Lek d.d. was also named as the most reputable employer by the Slovenian recruitment portal MojeDelo.com in 2022, as well as on four previous occasions. Follow us to see how we are #PioneeringAccess to affordable medicines for millions of patients around the world. Community guidelines: https://lek.si/sl/smernice-za-linkedin-lek-pharmaceuticals/ https://lek.si/en/linkedIn-community-guidelines-lek-pharmaceuticals/

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Public Company
Pharmaceuticals, Generics, Biosimilars, and Over-the-counter medicines


Employees at Lek Pharmaceuticals


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    At the opening event of #ScienceBEAT2024, themed “Scientific Excellence at the Intersection of Generations,” we celebrated the convergence of the past and future of science. 🌟 We awarded scholarships to outstanding young talents, supporting the next generation of innovators and leaders in their academic and professional journeys. 🌟 To further strengthen our commitment to progress, we’ve signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the three largest universities in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor (Univerza v Mariboru) and University of Primorska (Univerza na Primorskem). 🌟 We are proud to have once again brought a world-renowned scientist to Slovenia, this year Nobel Laureate Sir Gregory P. Winter, who has provided our participants and associates with valuable, in-depth insights into his groundbreaking work. 🌟 Sir Winter also participated in on a panel discussion, where he and Sandoz's Scientific Officer Claire D'Abreu-Hayling, spoke about the importance of collaboration and connecting various stakeholders to achieve breakthrough innovations, as well as the values and personal characteristics necessary for achieving excellence. #ScienceBEAT2024 #Lek #Sandoz #Career #STEM

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    Gregor Makuc, Head Corporate Affairs and Chief Executive Director, Jure Vajs, Head of Strategic Programs, Nobel Laureate Sir Gregory P. Winter and Helen Teasdale, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy, had the honor of meeting with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD. The meeting focused on key themes that are crucial for Slovenia's future: the intersection of science, entrepreneurship, and industry. They discussed the importance of fostering stronger connections between these sectors to drive innovation and economic growth. A central point of discussion was how, as a nation, we can further promote collaboration in these areas to maximize their potential and impact. Another important topic was the need to inspire and encourage young people to pursue careers in STEM fields. By sparking interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we can ensure that the next generation is equipped with the skills to lead in an increasingly technological world. The dialogue was both inspiring and productive, and we’re eager to see what future collaborations will bring. Foto: Matjaž Klemenc/UPRS #Lek #Sandoz #Collaboration #STEM #Innovation

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    #ScienceBEAT2024 has officially begun. 🌍 We’re excited to kick off this year’s event, bringing together 30 participants from different countries and renowned scientists, including Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Sir Gregory P. Winter. The stage is set for the participants to showcase their talents, collaborate with like-minded individuals, gain first-hand insight into our facilities and work of outstanding scientists and researchers. Our journey today started in vibrant cities of Ljubljana and Maribor and will continue to Lendava in the upcoming days. Check out the glimpses from the opening day below. 📷 #ScienceBEAT2024 #Lek #Sandoz #Career #STEM

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    Naš tim iz Razvojnega centra Slovenija je prejemnik zlatega nacionalnega priznanja za najboljše inovacije. 👏🥇 ✅ Kot prvi na svetu smo na osnovi lastnega znanja in z inovativnimi pristopi razvili generično zdravilo za zdravljenje anemije, ki vsebuje zdravilno učinkovino železove karboksimaltoze. ✅ Zdravilo, ki je v celoti proizvedeno v Sloveniji, smo leta 2023 lansirali na evropskem trgu ter s tem bolnikom zagotovili dostop do varnega, učinkovitega, kakovostnega in cenovno dostopnega zdravljenja. ✅ »Ponosna sem na naš tim, ki je s predanostjo in medsebojno podporo dokazal, da se lahko uspešno soočamo z najzahtevnejšimi farmacevtskimi izzivi. Nenehno sledimo našemu poslanstvu premikanja mej za bolnike in tudi v prihodnje si bomo prizadevali, da z inovativnimi pristopi in rešitvami zagotavljamo boljšo prihodnost za vse tiste, ki nas najbolj potrebujejo,« je dejala vodja projekta Lidija Vranicar Savanovic. ✅ V Leku se zavedamo, da so inovacije ključnega pomena za izpolnjevanje vedno novih in kompleksnejših potreb družbe. Tudi naše zadnje naložbe so usmerjene v širitev razvojnih zmogljivosti in krepitev vloge Slovenije kot ene ključnih Sandozovih lokacij za razvoj generičnih in podobnih bioloških zdravil. Boris Peklar, Dusan Teslic, Ivana Gazić Smilović, Klemen Kočevar, Miroslav Planinc Kovačevič, PhD, Katja Kristan, Lara Pavcnik, Mateja Cegnar, Dejan Velušček, Anja Kresnik, Eszter Reti, Petra Marinko, Manca Kolar, Maruša Jelševar Ciriković, Maja Gruden, Lidija Vranicar Savanovic, Matjaz Trsek   #Lek #Sandoz #Innovation #Generics

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    Iskrene čestitke Nani, Živa in Dejan za odličija na Paralimpijskih igrah v Parizu. Za našimi parašportnicami in parašportniki so še ene uspešno zaključene igre, ki so jih okronali s tremi novimi kolajnami in številnimi odličnimi uvrstitvami. 👏 Franček Gorazd Tiršek – Nani je v svojo zbirko štirih paralimpijskih kolajn dodal svojo prvo zlato, ki jo je osvojil v disciplini zračna puška stoje. Z rezultatom 253,3 je v finalu postavil tudi nov paralimpijski rekord. 👏 Slovenski uspeh sta z bronom v mešani ekipni tekmi v tarčnem lokostrelstvu s svojim prvim odličjem iz Paralimpijskih iger zaokrožila Živa Lavrinc in Dejan Fabčič. V imenu sodelavk in sodelavcev Leka vsem udeležencem, predvsem pa naši šampionki in šampionoma, čestitamo za odlične uvrstitve. Vsaka medalja v sebi nosi zgodbo o požrtvovalnosti, vztrajnosti in želji po preseganju samega sebe in verjamemo, da so osvojena odličja najlepša nagrada za vložen trud in dolgoletna odrekanja. #Lek #Sandoz #Paris2024 #Paralympics

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    Countdown begins! ScienceBEAT is less than a week away. ⏰ We believe that a unique opportunity like ScienceBEAT has the potential to be a defining moment in one's journey towards a successful career in science or business. Participants will have the chance to: 🌟 Network with distinguished scientists and entrepreneurs, including the esteemed Nobel laureate Sir Gregory P. Winter. 🌟 Gain insight into the trends and challenges of the modern pharmaceutical industry. 🌟 Acquire practical experience through collaborative work on a pharmaceutical-business challenge. 🌟 Access a global network of experts and career opportunities. We are happy to support these exceptional young talents and be by their side as they embark on this exciting journey. It is crucial for us to spot young talents early on and provide them with the guidance and resources they need at the beginning of their careers. We are committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders in science and business, ensuring they have the tools and connections necessary to achieve their full potential. More info about the event is available at: https://lnkd.in/ebGjTVnt. #ScienceBeat #Lek #Sandoz #pharma #youngtalents

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    V sodelovanju z Društvom za zdravje srca in ožilja organiziramo spletni seminar, na katerem bomo spregovorili o tem, kako prepoznati znake slabokrvnosti pri bolnikih z boleznimi srca in ožilja. 🩸 💡 Hiter tempo življenja, neustrezna prehrana, stres in pomanjkanje telesne aktivnosti vodijo v številne bolezni. Neprepoznana oziroma prepozno zdravljena slabokrvnost lahko osnovno bolezen še dodatno poslabša in pomembno vpliva na kakovost življenja. Vse, ki vas tematika zanima, vabimo, da se nam pridružite na spletnem predavanju, na katerem bo gost doc. dr. Matevž Škerget, zdravnik specialist za zdravljenje krvnih bolezni. 📅 11. september ⏰ Ob 18. uri 📍 Facebook stran (https://lnkd.in/eAtFPCtD). Prijavljeni lahko do predavanja dostopajo na povezavi: https://lnkd.in/ey7bPDZF

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    V Leku sledimo viziji samostojnega Sandoza – postati vodilno in najbolj cenjeno podjetje za generična in podobna biološka zdravila na svetu. Da bomo lahko poslovne načrte podprli še bolj učinkovito in še bolj odločno premikali meje za bolnike, je skupščina Leka d.d. sprejela odločitev o spremembi sistema upravljanja družbe. Nova struktura nam omogoča optimizacijo in poenostavitev korporativnega upravljanja ter uskladitev z drugimi družbami v skupini Sandoz. Z novo strukturo v Leku dobivamo tudi novo vodstvo. Z današnjim dnem vodenje Leka d.d. v funkciji glavnega izvršnega direktorja prevzema Gregor Makuc, direktor Korporativnih zadev. S 1. oktobrom 2024 prevzema tudi vlogo predsednika Sandoza Slovenija. Robert Ljoljo, MBA, MSc., dosedanji predsednik uprave Leka in predsednik Sandoza Slovenija, je v zadnjih petih letih z jasno vizijo in strateškimi odločitvami družbo uspešno vodil v zelo zahtevnem obdobju. Pod njegovim vodstvom smo s številnimi naložbami postavil trdne temelje za nadaljnji razvoj Leka in prispevali h globalnemu uspehu skupine Sandoz. Robertu se iskreno zahvaljujemo za več kot 26 let predanosti podjetju, v katerem je pustil izjemen pečat na različnih vodstvenih delovnih mestih. Več informacij je na voljo v sporočilu za javnost: https://lnkd.in/egVYp33S #Lek #Sandoz #Transformation

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    We were honored to have Anne Marie D., Head of Biologics & Injectables Operations at Sandoz, represent us at the “Navigating the Global Flux: Disruptions and Prospects in Trade, Economy, and Industry Dynamics" panel during the Bled Strategic Forum. ➡️ In her remarks, she touched upon how the pharmaceutical industry can remain competitive in Europe, current dynamics, and the workforce and skills developments the industry requires – as well as Slovenia’s important role in our overall operations. ➡️ Under the title “A World of Parallel Realities”, this year’s Bled Strategic Forum focuses on working together for the common good; by listening and understanding beyond our own views at a time the international community is dealing with increased instability. ➡️ Our participation highlighted our ongoing commitment to close collaboration with key stakeholders, including the Government of Slovenia (Vlada Republike Slovenije), as we work together to shape the future of our sector. ➡️ We are proud to be a founding partner of the Slovenia Biotech Hills initiative, which was officially introduced at the Bled Strategic Forum. This initiative aims to position Slovenia as a key player on the global biotechnology map by promoting collaboration, establishing a resilient ecosystem, and creating a competitive, investment-friendly legislative environment with strong government support. #Lek #Sandoz #BledStrategicForum #BSF2024 Photo: Marko Arandjelovic

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    ✨ Mirjam Šopar Urleb, vodja ERC Sandoza v Sloveniji ter vodja ERC in upravljanja za Sandoz d.d., je že več kot 40 let pomemben del naše uspešne zgodbe. ✨ »Že v 80. letih je bil Lek izjemno atraktiven delodajalec, ki je skrbel za svoje zaposlene,« je dejala o svojih razlogih za zaposlitev pri nas. Prav v Leku je dobila priložnost za strokovni in osebni razvoj, kar ji je omogočilo tudi zaključek podiplomskega študija v Angliji. 🇬🇧🎓 Delovno okolje v Leku Mirjam opisuje kot mesto, kjer lahko posameznik raste, se razvija in soustvarja prihodnost. 🌱✨ Več o tem, zakaj bi zaposlitev v Leku priporočila tudi mladim, si lahko ogledate v spodnjem videu. 🎥 👇 #Lek #SandozLife #MojZakaj #TeamSpirit

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