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Shell Foundation Privacy Policy

What does this privacy notice cover?

This privacy notice provides information regarding the processing of your personal data when visiting the website of the Shell Foundation or interacting with the Shell Foundation (“Shell Foundation”, “our”, “us” or “we”).

This privacy notice explains what personal data is processed, for which purposes, how long we hold the personal data for, how to access and update your personal data, the options you have regarding your personal data and where to go for further information.

Who is responsible for any personal data collected?

Your personal data is controlled by Shell Foundation, a registered charity no. 1080999 whose registered office is at Shell Centre, London, SE1 7NA, United Kingdom. If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us on [email protected].

Subscribing to our newsletter

We collect personal data about you when you subscribe to our newsletter, such as your e-mail address, your position and the name of your organisation.

This is on the basis that you have provided your consent to receive such newsletters – you may opt out at any time.

Visiting our website

We collect personal data about you from a variety of sources including from:

  • you when you visit our website or contact us via the website to ask us questions and for us to respond to your queries;
  • information we generate about you during our relationship with you; and/or
  • information we collect about you from other sources, such as HubSpot, Google Analytics, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The types of personal data includes IP addresses and tracking engagement via data collected from cookies and other similar technologies which is described in our cookies policy. Such data includes, geolocation data in order to present you with the closest Shell Foundation station and office locations and behaviour on our website(s) to serve you with targeted advertisements on third-party website(s) in an effort to “re-market” our products and services to you.

The purpose for collecting your personal data when you access our website is to ensure the performance of our website. This is because it is in our legitimate interest to ensure our website operates and functions.

Attending an event

We may invite you to attend an event organised or co-organised by us where we collect personal data about you from you. Such personal data will include contact and visitor information and  photographs and video footage taken at such events.

It is in our legitimate interest to invite you to events we think will be relevant to you as a stakeholder and process such data accordingly.

Engaging in a programme, project and/or grant operated by the Shell Foundation or in which Shell Foundation participates (our “Activities”)

We collect personal data about you from a variety of sources including from:

  • you as a grantee, beneficiary or a candidate of our Activities;
  • you as an interested or supporting partner for the Activities of the Shell Foundation;
  • other entities that are partners in the projects supported by the Shell Foundation that may relate to your role and participation in such projects run by the third party; and/or
  • publicly available or government issued databases such as sanctions lists and media sources.

Initial engagement

When we invite individuals to take part in our Activities, we will ask for your contact details such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number and other business contact details necessary to assess the eligibility requirements for our Activities such as your role or position, your business achievements, your business status and other personal data in relation to your eligibility for a Grant.

Further checks 

If you are eligible for a grant/supported project, we may ask you to provide further personal data necessary for the performance of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption/Anti-Money laundering and Trade Controls screening, like affiliation with governmental agencies or bodies as well as other information necessary for the performance of the grant agreement, such as the banking details.

During the engagement

We will also collect information that we obtain through your use of the grants/projects run by the Shell Foundation – such as information about your role in the project, the performance of the Funding Agreement. We will also be provided with information by other entities that are partners in the projects supported by the Shell Foundation that may relate to your role and participation in such projects run by the third party– such as due diligence information (e.g. names of key management), banking details and contact details.

The purposes for collecting such personal data include the following:

  • It is in our legitimate interest to ask for such personal data to assess the eligibility requirements correctly and effectively; and
  • To meet our legal obligations such as for anti-money laundering and sanctions.

The organisation and management of Shell Foundation

We may collect personal data about you from sources such as from you, information we generate about you during our relationship with you and/or third parties as listed above.

We may collect your personal data  for the organisation and management of the Shell Foundation including financial management, implementation of controls, reporting to Trustees, analysis, internal audits and investigations. This also includes to exercise our legal rights where it is necessary to do so. For example, for the defence of legal claims, to detect, prevent and respond to fraudulent activity.

It is in our legitimate interest to operate Shell Foundation including in a safe and lawful way and protect it from legal claims, fraudulent or other unlawful activity.


We may collect personal data from you about if you are applying or interviewing for a role with us or information that is necessary for business travel arrangements, such as visa requirements if you are a contractor or

This is on the basis of it being our legitimate interest to process your enquiry/application for a recruitment opportunity and organising business travel.

Surveys and research

We have may commission research. However, we would not collect personal data and any surveys would be anonymised.

There may be circumstances where we need your consent to process your data. If we do, we will ask you for it. In those cases where processing is based on consent, and subject to applicable local law which provides otherwise, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This will not affect the validity of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Consequences for not providing your data 

Where you choose not to provide us with information set out above for the purposes related to the performance of assessment with regard to our grants or with regard to the performance of our Grant Agreements, this may prevent your ability to be eligible for a role in the project subject to the Grant Agreement.

Where you choose not to provide us with your data in the context of the Shell Foundation newsletter, the only consequence is that it will affect your ability to receive our newsletter.

Who will we share the personal data with?

The personal data covered by this Privacy Notice is exclusively processed for the purposes referred to above and will only be shared on a strict need to know basis with:

  • Authorised third party agents, service providers and/or subcontractors of the Shell Foundation;
  • Companies within the Shell group of companies if such access is necessary to provide the Shell Foundation with IT infrastructure and tools;
  • Competent public authorities, government, regulatory or fiscal agencies where it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which the Shell Foundation is subject to or as permitted by applicable local law.

Transfers of personal data

Where the personal data has been transferred to companies within the Shell Group and/or to authorised third parties located outside of your country (including outside of the UK and European Economic Area) we take organisational, contractual and legal measures to ensure that your personal data is exclusively processed for the purposes mentioned above and that adequate levels of protection have been implemented in order to safeguard your personal data.

These measures include Binding Corporate Rules for transfers among the Shell Group and UK or approved transfer mechanisms such as the UK International Data Transfer Agreement, UK Addendum or the EU Commission approved Standard Contractual Clauses for transfers to third parties in countries which have not been deemed to provide an adequate level of data protection as well as any additional local legal requirements. You can request a copy of these by contacting us at [email protected]

How long do we hold any personal data for?

Any personal data that is required for the purposes of conclusion and execution of agreements with the grantees will be held for the duration of the contractual relationship and up to 7 years after for purposes such as financial and defence of legal claim reasons.

In all other cases for the purposes set out above, including personal data gathered as part of any unsuccessful proposals for grants or which relates the screening against publicly available or government issued sanctions lists and media sources, such personal data is held for no longer than 7 years after it was first gathered for purposes such as financial and defence of legal claim reasons.

In all cases information may be held for a) a longer period of time where there is a legal or regulatory reason to do so (in which case it will be deleted once no longer required for the legal or regulatory purpose) or b) a shorter period where the individual objects to the processing of their personal data and there is no longer a legitimate purpose to retain it.

Your rights of your personal data

You have certain rights regarding your personal data, subject to local law. We aim to keep our information as accurate as possible. Individuals can access their personal data, request correction or deletion of the personal data and request that the processing of their personal data is restricted. However, there may be situations in which we will not be able to comply with your request for example, due to our regulatory obligations.

If you would like to discuss or exercise any rights you may have, please contact us at [email protected]. If you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have the right to make a complaint to the data protection regulator. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Security of your personal information

We have implemented technology and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use. In particular, we may use encryption for some of our services, we apply authentication and verification process for access to Shell services and we regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our security measures.

Use of your personal information submitted to other websites

On our website, we may have links to other websites – although such websites have been carefully selected, your personal data collected on those websites will be processed in accordance with the privacy policies and practices of other websites. Please familiarise yourself with these terms.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be changed over time. You are advised to regularly review the Privacy Policy for possible changes but if the changes are significant, we will provide you with an appropriate notice, including e-mail notification if necessary. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 30 November 2023.