
By The Drum Team, Editorial

March 31, 2016 | 2 min read


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To celebrate the Ad Club of New York's 120th anniversary, The Drum is inviting readers to share their favorite marketing moments from the past 120 years.

Today’s marketing moment was chosen by Sara Bailer, associate planning director at Maxus. Below, see why Hershey’s product placement of its Reese’s Pieces candy in the movie E.T. is her favorite marketing moment.

I can still vividly remember watching E.T. for the very first time, and immediately wanting a handful of Reese’s Pieces for myself. Granted I was just an impressionable child, but the Reese’s Pieces integration was so heartwarming and seamless it quickly became my favorite candy.

The Reese’s Pieces scene wasn’t just iconic, but it changed the game for product placement. I wish I could say I worked on this pivotal execution but alas I was just a kid.

In fact, I was one of many kids (and adults) who contributed to tripling Reese’s Pieces sales in just two weeks.

See the full 120 Marketing Moments in the dedicated online section and find out how to purchase the exclusive book.

Marketing Moments Reese's Pieces Marketing

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