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  1. feast noun (ENJOYABLE THING) [ S ] something that is very enjoyable to see, hear, experience, etc. (感官)享受. a visual feast 视觉盛宴. His food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. 他做的菜既赏心悦目又让人大饱口福。. [ S ] a collection of something to be enjoyed.

  2. banquet, feast, dinner, party. 这些名词均有"宴会"之意。 banquet : 指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。 feast : 指筵席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。 dinner : 普通用词,含义广。本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。

  3. The meaning of FEAST is an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment : banquet. How to use feast in a sentence.

  4. FEAST definition: 1. a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people: 2. something that is very…. Learn more.

  5. A feast is a meal with a plenteous supply of food and drink for a large company: to provide a feast for all company employees. A banquet is an elaborate feast for a formal and ceremonious occasion: the main speaker at a banquet.

  6. 名 词: feaster. 近义、反义、联想词. 近义词. n. dinner, dinner party, thing, meal, repast, party. v. eat, host, regale, treat. 解析. banquet 指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。 feast 指筵席酒席,有时可与banquet,前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。 dinner 普通词,含义广。 本义指一的主餐,多于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。 party 指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。 联想词.

  7. 英语. 中文. feast n. (extravagant meal) SC. Simplified Chinese. 盛宴 shèng yàn. Tom prepared a feast to celebrate the holiday. 为庆祝宗教圣日,汤姆准备了一场盛宴。.

  8. feast [ fi:st ] n. a ceremonial dinner party for many people. 同义词:banquet. something experienced with great delight. "a feast for the eyes". a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed. "the Thanksgiving feast". 同义词:banquetspread.

  9. feast 指筵席酒席,有时可与banquet换 ,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。 dinner 普通 词, 广。本 指一日的主餐,但多 于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。 party 指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。

  10. feast的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 详尽释义. n. (名词) 节日,节期,节会,盛会. 宴会,筵席,盛宴,酒席. 赏心乐事. 享受. 祭日. 祝典,过节. 欢乐. 娱乐. 会餐. 丰盛的晚餐. 使人欢快的事物. 宗教节日. 查看更多 v. (动词) 享受,享乐. 盛宴款待,设宴招待,宴请,款待. 摆节筵. 参加宴会,赴宴,受到款待. 使享受,使精神愉快. 尽情地吃 ,餍足,尽情享用(美味佳肴) 饱览,尽情欣赏. 大饱眼福. 赏心悦目. 大吃一顿,大吃大喝,享用美食. 大大地享受. 感到异常愉快. 给…以乐趣. 使高兴,使欣喜. 查看更多.

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