مواد ڏانھن هلو

ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ

بيھڪ: 12°N 113°E / 12°N 113°E / 12; 113
کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ
South China Sea

ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ جی سیٹلائٹ تصویر
مقام اوڀر ايشيا ۽ ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا
پاڻي جو قسم سمنڊ
حصو آهي پئسفڪ سمنڊ
درياءَ جو ڇوڙ * اگنو ندي
  • جيولونگ ندي
  • ميڪانگ ندي
  • من ندي
  • پاهانگ ندي
  • پامپانگا ندي
  • پاسگ ندي
  • پرل ندي
  • راجانڳ ندي
  • ریڊ ندي
سامونڊي طاس * برونائي
سطحي پکيڙ 35,00,000 چورس ڪلوميٽر
14,00,000 چورس ميل
ٻيٽ ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ ۾ ٻيٽن جي فهرست
  • بورنیو
  • ھینان
  • لوزون
  • پلاوان
  • تائیوان
کاھيون منيلا خندق
آباديون * الامنٽ
  • بي ريا
  • باک ليو
  • باڪور
  • بالنگا
  • بنهه. ٽولي
  • ڪام فا * ڪام رنھ
  • ڪنڊن
  • ڪاوايٽ شهر
  • دا نانگ.
  • لونگ پين
  • ڊانگ هائي
  • ها لونگ
  • ها ٽين
  • هيڪو
  • هاءِ فونگ
  • هو چي من شهر
  • هائيهڪ
  • هانگ ڪانگ
  • ڪهوسيانگ
  • ڪوٽا ڪينابالو
  • ڪوالا ترنگانو
  • ڪوانرنگ
  • ڪوچیگ
  • لاس پنيس
  • مکائو
  • مالو۔لاس
  • منيلا
  • ميري
  • مونگکائي
  • ناخون سي تھمرات
  • نامداين
  • نانوان
  • نيوٽس
  • ناٽرانگ.
  • اولون گپو
  • پارانڪ
  • پاسائي
  • پٽايا
  • پیڪان
  • فان رنگ- ٺپ چيم
  • فان ٺیٽ
  • ڪوانگ گائي
  • ڪوئي نان
  • سام سن
  • سان فرنانڊو
  • سنيا
  • شانتو
  • سيهانوڪ ويلي
  • ساوڪ ٽرانگ
  • سوراٿاني
  • تائي ٽنگ
  • تينان
  • ٽام کائي
  • تن جنگ پينانگ
  • ٿائي بنهه
  • ٿانھ ھووا
  • ويگان
  • توئي ھووا
  • ونگ تاءُ
  • زيامن
  • زان جيانگ

ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ (South China Sea) اولھہ پئسفڪ سمنڊ جو هڪ ننڍو سمنڊ آهي. ان جي اتر ۾ ڏکڻ چين، اولهه ۾ انڊوچائنز جزائر، اوڀر ۾ تائيوان ۽ اتر اولهه ۾ فلپائن (خاص طور لوزون، منڊورو ۽ پلاوان) جا جزائر ۽ ڏکڻ ۾ انڊونيشيائي ٻيٽ بورنيو، اوڀر ۾ سماترا ۽ بنگڪا بيلٽنگ ٻيٽ شامل آهن. اھا اٽڪل 35,00,000 چورس ڪلوميٽر (14,00,000 چورس میل) جي ايراضيءَ تي پکڙيل آهن. اهو تائيوان اسٽريٽ ذريعي اوڀر چين سمنڊ، لوزون اسٽريٽ ذريعي فلپائني سمنڊ، پالوان جي چوڌاري آبنائي ذريعي سولو سمنڊ ۽ ڪريماتا ۽ بنگڪا اسٽريٽ ذريعي جاوا سمنڊ سان جڙيل آھي. ٿائلينڊ جي نار ۽ ٽونڪن جي نار ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ جو حصو آهن.

سال 2016ع ۾ دنيا جي 16 ٽريلين ڊالرن جو تجارتی مال مان 3.4 ٽريلين ڊالرن جو مال ڏکڻ چائنا سمنڊ مان سامونڊي جھازن ذریعی گذريو. علائقي ۾ تيل ۽ قدرتي گئس جا ذخيرا مليا آهن. اولھہ مرڪزي پئسفڪ سال 2010ع ۾ دنيا جي تجارتي مڇي مارڻ جو 14 سيڪڙو حصو ورتو.

ڏکڻ چائنا سمنڊ جا ٻيٽ، مجموعي طور تي ڪيترن ئي ٻيٽن جی ميڙ تي مشتمل آهن، اڪثر ڪري ننڍا ننڍا غير آباد ٻيٽ، جزائر (ڪيز ۽ شوال)، ريف/ايٽولس ۽ سامونڊي ڪنارن جو تعداد سوين ۾، ڪيترن ئي ملڪن طرفان خودمختياري جي دعوائن جي تابع آهن. اهي دعوائون پڻ جزائر ۽ سمنڊ لاءِ استعمال ٿيندڙ نالن جي مختلف قسمن ۾ ظاهر ٿين تا.


ڏکڻ چين سمنڊ
چیني نالو
چیني 南海
ھانیو پنین Nán Hǎi
لغوي معنیٰ South Sea
آسان چیني 南中国海
روایتي چیني 南中國海
لغوي معنی South China Sea
ویٽنامي نالو
ویٽنامي Biển Đông
Hán-Nôm 𣷷東
ٿائي نالو
ٿائي ทะเลจีนใต้
(South China Sea)
RTGS Thale Chin Tai
جاپانی نام
کانجی 南支那海 or 南シナ海 (literally "South Shina Sea")
کانا みなみシナかい
ملایو نالو
ملایو Laut Cina Selatan (لاسانچو:Jawi-HamzaThreeQuarterوت چينا سلاتن)
(South China Sea)
Laut Nusantara (لاسانچو:Jawi-HamzaThreeQuarterوت نوسنتارا)
(Nusantara Sea)
Laut Campa (لاسانچو:Jawi-HamzaThreeQuarterوت چمڤا)
(Champa Sea)
انڊونیشیائي نالو
انڊونیشیائي Laut Cina Selatan /
Laut Tiongkok Selatan
(South China Sea)
Laut Natuna Utara
(North Natuna Sea; Indonesian official government use; Claimed Indonesian EEZ only)[1]
فلپائني نالو
تگالوگ Dagat Timog Tsina
(South China Sea)
Dagat Luzon
(Luzon Sea)
پورچوگيزي نالو
پورچوگيزي Mar da China Meridional
(South China Sea)

South China Sea is the dominant term used in English for the sea, and the name in most European languages is equivalent. This name is a result of early European interest in the sea as a route from Europe and South Asia to the trading opportunities of China. In the 16th century, Portuguese sailors called it the China Sea (Mare da China); later needs to differentiate it from nearby bodies of water led to calling it South China Sea.[2] The International Hydrographic Organization refers to the sea as "South China Sea (Nan Hai)".[3]

The Yizhoushu, which was a chronicle of the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BCE), gives the first Chinese name for South China Sea as Nanfang Hai (چيني: 南方海; پينين: Nánfāng Hǎi; literally: "Southern Sea"), claiming that barbarians from that sea gave tributes of hawksbill sea turtles to the Zhou rulers.[4] The Classic of Poetry, Zuo Zhuan, and Guoyu classics of the Spring and Autumn period (771–476 BCE) also referred to the sea, but by the name Nan Hai (چيني: 南海; پينين: Nán Hǎi; literally: "South Sea") in reference to the State of Chu's expeditions there.[4] Nan Hai, the South Sea, was one of the Four Seas of Chinese literature. There are three other seas, one for each of the four cardinal directions.[5] During the Eastern Han dynasty (23–220 CE), China's rulers called the sea Zhang Hai (چيني: 漲海; پينين: Zhǎng Hǎi; literally: "distended sea").[4] Fei Hai (چيني: 沸海; پينين: Fèi Hǎi; literally: "boiling sea") became popular during the Southern and Northern dynasties. Usage of the current Chinese name, Nan Hai (South Sea), gradually became widespread during the Qing dynasty.[6]

In Southeast Asia it was once called the Champa Sea or Sea of Cham, after the maritime kingdom of Champa (nowadays Central Vietnam), which flourished there before the 16th century.[7] The majority of the sea came under Japanese naval control during World War II following the military acquisition of many surrounding South East Asian territories in 1941. Japan calls the sea Minami Shina Kai "South China Sea". This was written 南支那海 until 2004, when the Japanese Foreign Ministry and other departments switched the spelling to 南シナ海, which has become the standard usage in Japan.

In China, it is called the South Sea, (南海; Nánhǎi), and in Vietnam the East Sea, Biển Đông.[8][9][10] In Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, it was long called the South China Sea (سانچو:Lang-tl, سانچو:Lang-ms), with the part within Philippine territorial waters often called the "Luzon Sea", Dagat Luzon, by the Philippines.[11]

However, following an escalation of the Spratly Islands dispute in 2011, various Philippine government agencies started using the name West Philippine Sea. A Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) spokesperson said that the sea to the east of the Philippines will continue to be called the Philippine Sea.[12] In September 2012, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III signed Administrative Order No. 29, mandating that all government agencies use the name West Philippine Sea to refer to the parts of South China Sea within the Philippines exclusive economic zone, including the Luzon Sea as well as the waters around, within and adjacent to the Kalayaan Island Group and Bajo de Masinloc, and tasked the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority to use the name in official maps.[13][14]

In July 2017, to assert its sovereignty, Indonesia renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea, which is located north of the Indonesian Natuna Islands, bordering southern Vietnam exclusive economic zone, corresponding to southern end of South China Sea.[15] The "Natuna Sea" is located south of Natuna Island within Indonesian territorial waters.[16] Therefore, Indonesia has named two seas that are portions of South China Sea; the Natuna Sea located between Natuna Islands and the Lingga and Tambelan Archipelagos, and the North Natuna Sea located between the Natuna Islands and Cape Cà Mau on the southern tip of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam.





ٻيٽ ۽ سمنڊ


واپاري رستا


قدرتي وسيلا


علائقائي دعويٰ


پڻ ڏسو


خارجي لنڪس



  1. Indonesia, B. B. C. "China Komentari Penamaan Laut Natuna Utara oleh Indonesia". detiknews. 
  2. Tønnesson, Stein (2005). "Locating the South China Sea". Locating Southeast Asia: Geographies of Knowledge and Politics of Space. Singapore University Press. p. 204. ISBN 9971-69-288-0. "The European name 'South China Sea' ... is a relic of the time when European seafarers and mapmakers saw this sea mainly as an access route to China ... European ships came, in the early 16th century, from Hindustan (India) ... The Portuguese captains saw the sea as the approach to this land of China and called it Mare da China. Then, presumably, when they later needed to distinguish between several China seas, they differentiated between the 'South China Sea', ..." 
  3. "Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition" (PDF). International Hydrographic Organization. وقت 8 October 2011 تي اصل (PDF) کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل 28 December 2020. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Shen, Jianming (2002). "China's Sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands: A Historical Perspective". Chinese Journal of International Law 1 (1): 94–157. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.cjilaw.a000432. 
  5. Chang, Chun-shu (2007). The Rise of the Chinese Empire: Nation, State, and Imperialism in Early China, ca. 1600 B.C. – A.D. 8. University of Michigan Press. pp. 263–264. ISBN 978-0-472-11533-4. https://archive.org/details/risechineseempir08chan. 
  6. 華林甫 (Hua Linfu), 2006. 插圖本中國地名史話 (An illustrated history of Chinese place names). 齊鲁書社 (Qilu Publishing), page 197. ISBN 7533315464
  7. Bray, Adam. "The Cham: Descendants of Ancient Rulers of South China Sea Watch Maritime Dispute From Sidelines – The ancestors of Vietnam's Cham people built one of the great empires of Southeast Asia". National Geographic. وقت June 20, 2014 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل.  Unknown parameter |url-status= ignored (مدد)
  8. "VN and China pledge to maintain peace and stability in East Sea". Socialist Republic of Vietnam Government Web Portal. 
  9. "FM Spokesperson on FIR control over East Sea". Embassy of Vietnam in USA. 
  10. "The Map of Vietnam". Socialist Republic of Vietnam Government Web Portal. وقت 2006-10-06 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. 
  11. John Zumerchik; Steven Laurence Danver (2010). Seas and Waterways of the World: An Encyclopedia of History, Uses, and Issues. ABC-CLIO. p. 259. ISBN 978-1-85109-711-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=IBKoUXrF5p0C. 
  12. Quismundo, Tarra (2011-06-13). "South China Sea renamed in the Philippines". Philippine Daily Inquirer. http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Asia/Story/A1Story20110613-283772.html. 
  13. "Administrative Order No. 29, s. 2012". Official Gazette. Government of the Philippines. وقت May 18, 2018 تي اصل کان آرڪائيو ٿيل. حاصل ڪيل May 14, 2018. 
  14. West Philippine Sea Limited To Exclusive Economic Zone آرڪائيو ڪيا ويا 2021-03-07 حوالو موجود آهي وي بيڪ مشين., September 14, 2012, International Business Times
  15. Prashanth Parameswaran. "Why Did Indonesia Just Rename Its Part of the South China Sea?". The Diplomat. 
  16. Tom Allard; Bernadette Christina Munthe (14 July 2017). "Asserting sovereignty, Indonesia renames part of South China Sea". Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-indonesia-politics-map-idUSKBN19Z0YQ.