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Enhancing ELT through self-assessment by Prof. Mohamed Ismail Abu-Rahmah (Suez Canal University, Egypt) and Dr. Salma Hamed Al-Humaidi (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) Available online at:... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementELTClassroom AssessmentSelf-Assessment
An integrative 5-stage model for maximizing the effectiveness of the teaching practice program at SQU. By Prof. Mohamed Abu-Rahmah (Suez Canal​ University, Egypt) & Dr. Salma Al-Humaidi (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) Abstract: The... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFLMicroteachingTeaching practices
This paper proposes a pedagogical, discourse-based model for organizing and teaching grammar in the Omani context. Towards this end, it sheds light on three approaches to teaching grammar: the form-focused approach, the meaning-focused... more
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Objectives The purpose of this workshop is twofold: first, to present the basic concepts involved in action research projects; and second to involve participants in formulating action research plans which they can apply to their own... more
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One approach to maximizing the benefits and efficiency of teaching English is to incorporate specialized content or what is known as content-based instruction (CBI) in language courses. This paper refutes this hypothesis and suggests an... more
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    • English Language Teaching (ELT)
Authenticity: A significant dimension in ELT by Prof Dr. Mohamed Abu-Rahmah Suez Canal​ University, Egypt. Abstract: A concept of significance in ELT is that of authenticity. Recently, this concept has extended to incorporate not... more
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      Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)The Use of Authentic Language Learning Materials In ELT
Students’ reflections on native and non-native English speaking teachers: By Dr. Ayman Sabry Daif-Allah, Suez Canal University, Egypt & Prof. Mohamed Ismail Abu-Rahmah, Suez... more
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    • ELT and Non-native Speaker Teachers of English
The Sixth International ELT Research Conference (14-16 May 2010), Ephesus/Selçuk, Izmir-Turkey. Maximizing the effectiveness of ELT microteaching classes at SQU by Dr. Salma Al-Humaidi ( Sultan Qaboos University) & Dr. Mohamed... more
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    • Teacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
يتناول هذا المشروع الخطة العاجلة التاليه : خطة عاجلة لتطويرامتحانات الثانوية العامة ( مدتها سنتان تبدأ من الأن بمجرد اصدار القانون من قبل سعادة الرئيس)، اما الخطتين التاليتين فجاري اعدادهما: خطة متوسطة المدى لتطوير مرحلة التعليم... more
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    • Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
This updated publication list includes various research papers and conference presentations on ELT, classroom assessment techniques (CATs), teaching practice, microteaching, teacher education of TEFL, material development, and... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationApplied LinguisticsTeaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
Abstract This paper sheds light on some of the evaluation checklists that were used in the last two decades of the 20th century and proposes a task-based tool that may be relevant for application in the third millennium. Towards this... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher Education
Abstract Best Practices in English Teaching (2001) is a series of video tapes/CDs/ segments, dealing with eight topics: (1) Supportive Error Correction, (2) Techniques of Objective Supervision, (3) Classroom Management, (4) Reading, (5)... more
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      Teacher EducationTESL/TEFL
Abstract Best Practices in English Teaching (2001) is a series of video tapes/CDs/ segments, dealing with eight topics: (1) Supportive Error Correction, (2) Techniques of Objective Supervision, (3) Classroom Management, (4) Reading, (5)... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFL
This study investigates the effect of training EFL student teachers to prepare lesson plans versus the effect of training them to study and analyze lesson plans prepared and delivered by their peers. The control group students were asked... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFLTeaching practicePedagogical English Grammar
Qualities of the good language teacher as perceived by prospective teachers of English in the Arab World by Mohamed Ismail Abu-Rahmah, Professor of English education (TEFL) at Suez Canal University, Egypt, Journal of Educational and​... more
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      Teacher EducationNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLTEFL Qualities of good language teacher
Three consciousness-raising tasks for teaching grammar in Omani EFL classroom, by Dr. Mohamed Ismail Abu_Rahmah, Professor of English Education at Suez Canal University, Egypt. This research paper was... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFLPedagogical English GrammarTeaching Grammar
A model for integrating teaching language skills by Mohamed Ismail Abu-Rahmah Suez Canal University) & Ayman Sabry Daif Allah (Suez Canal University). Abstract: The proposed model consists of four components: language input, guiding... more
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      TESL/TEFLIntegrating the four skills in language teachingReceptive and Productive Skills
Involving Omani EFL teachers in textbook evaluation By (1) Khalfan Al-Abri (Omani Ministry of Ed.) (2) Mohamed Abu-Rahmah (Suez Canal University) (3) Salma Al-Humaidi (Sultan Qaboos University).... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFLTextbook EvaluationSchool Textbooks
Suez Canal University Conference (2014): A strategy for developing education in Egypt to achieve comprehensive security for Egyptian families استراتيجيه لتطوير التعليم لتحقيق الامن الشامل للاسره المصريه English... more
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      Teacher EducationTEFLEducation in Developing Countries