Elohim (אֱלֹהִ֔ים‬) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in baih modren an auncient Ebreu leid.

And Elohim creatit Adam bi William Blake.

When uised wi singular verbs an adjectives elohim is uisually singular, "god" or especially, the God. When uised wi plural verbs an adjectives elohim is uisually plural, "gods" or "pouers".[1][2] It is generally thocht that Elohim is a formation frae eloah, the latter bein a expandit form o the Northwast Semitic noun il (אֵל, ʾēl[3]). It is uisually translatit as "God" in the Ebreu Bible, referrin wi singular verbs baith tae the ane God o Israel, an in a few examples tae ither singular pagan deities an aw. Wi plural verbs the wird is uised as a true plural wi the meanin "gods" an aw.[3] The relatit nouns eloah (אלוה) an el (אֵל) are uised as proper names or as generics, in which case they are interchyngeable wi elohim.[3]


  1. Glinert Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar Routledge p14 section 13 "(b) Agreement of verbs Verbs agree with their subject, and not only in gender and number but also in person. Present tense verbs distinguish masculine from feminine and singular from plural:"
  2. Gesenius A Grammar of the Hebrew Language
  3. a b c K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Horst (eds), Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (revised 2nd edition, Brill, 1999) ISBN 90-04-11119-0, p. 274, 352-3

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  • Template:Strong Hebrew
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