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Tudor Cioara

Prof. Dr. Tudor Cioara

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Dr. Tudor Cioara is a full Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the Distributed Systems Research Laboratory (DSRL) director. He coordinates several European projects on smart grids, blockchain, edge computing and energy optimization. His research interests are in the areas of Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, Big Data Analytics, IoT and Blockchain Technology, Ambient Assisted Living, Modelling and Simulation, Multidisciplinary Optimization, Cloud-Fog-Edge and Bio-Inspired Optimization. He received the Romanian Academy Award for outstanding research activity in the domain of energy-efficient systems in 2020.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Ambient Intelligence
Distributed Systems
Smart Grid
ambient assisted livin...
Blockchain Application...

Short Biography

Dr. Tudor Cioara is a full Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the Distributed Systems Research Laboratory (DSRL) director. He coordinates several European projects on smart grids, blockchain, edge computing and energy optimization. His research interests are in the areas of Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, Big Data Analytics, IoT and Blockchain Technology, Ambient Assisted Living, Modelling and Simulation, Multidisciplinary Optimization, Cloud-Fog-Edge and Bio-Inspired Optimization. He received the Romanian Academy Award for outstanding research activity in the domain of energy-efficient systems in 2020.