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Andreas Holzinger

Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger

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Andreas Holzinger is a pioneer in interactive machine learning with the human-in-the-loop. For his achievements, he was elected a member of Academia Europaea in 2019, the European Academy of Science, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) in 2020, and Fellow of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in 2021. The use of AI in domains that impact human life (agriculture, climate, forestry, health, etc.) has led to an increased demand for trustworthy AI. Andreas is working to promote robustness and explainability, foster secure AI solutions and advocate for a synergistic approach to human-centered AI to provide human control over AI and to align AI with human values, ethical principles, and legal requirements to ensure privacy, security, and safety. Andreas obtained a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from Graz University in 1998 and his Habilitation (second Ph.D.) in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology in 2003. Andreas was Visiting Professor for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction in Verona, RWTH Aachen, University College London and Middlesex University, London. From 2019 to 2022, he was a Visiting Professor for explainable AI at the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, University of Alberta, Canada. Andreas Holzinger was appointed full professor for digital transformation for smart farm and forest operations at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna with effect from 1 March 2022.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Decision Support
Interactive Machine Le...
Trustworthy AI
Human-centered AI

Short Biography

Andreas Holzinger is a pioneer in interactive machine learning with the human-in-the-loop. For his achievements, he was elected a member of Academia Europaea in 2019, the European Academy of Science, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) in 2020, and Fellow of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in 2021. The use of AI in domains that impact human life (agriculture, climate, forestry, health, etc.) has led to an increased demand for trustworthy AI. Andreas is working to promote robustness and explainability, foster secure AI solutions and advocate for a synergistic approach to human-centered AI to provide human control over AI and to align AI with human values, ethical principles, and legal requirements to ensure privacy, security, and safety. Andreas obtained a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from Graz University in 1998 and his Habilitation (second Ph.D.) in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology in 2003. Andreas was Visiting Professor for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction in Verona, RWTH Aachen, University College London and Middlesex University, London. From 2019 to 2022, he was a Visiting Professor for explainable AI at the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, University of Alberta, Canada. Andreas Holzinger was appointed full professor for digital transformation for smart farm and forest operations at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna with effect from 1 March 2022.

Honors and Awards

Full MAE

2019 awarded

Academia Europaea - European Academy of Sciences


2020 awarded

European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)


2021 awarded

International Federation of Information Processing (ifip)