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Dr. Yongming Xu

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Xu Y.*, Ho H. C., Knudby A., He M. Comparative assessment of gridded population data sets for complex topography: a study of Southwest China. Population and Environment, (Press online). He, M., Xu, Y.*, Li, N. Population Spatialization in Beijing City Based on Machine Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1910. Wu, X., Xu, Y.*, Chen, H. Study on the Spatial Pattern of an Extreme Heat Event by Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the 2013 Extreme Heat Event in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 4415. Li, J., Xu, Y.*, Cui W., Ji M., Su B., Wu Y., Wang J. Investigation of Nighttime Light Pollution in Nanjing, China by Mapping Illuminance from Field Observations and Luojia 1-01 Imagery. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 681. Liu Y., Xu, Y., Zhang, F., Shu, W., A preliminary study on the influence of Beijing urban spatial morphology on near-surface wind speed. Urban Climate, 2020, 34, 100703. Guo, D., Sun, J., Yang, K., Pepin, N., Xu, Y., Xu, Z., Wang, H. Satellite data reveal southwestern Tibetan plateau cooling since 2001 due to snow-albedo feedback. International Journal of Climatology, 2020. 40, 1644-1655. Xu, Y., Qin, Z., Liu, Y. A Semi-Empirical Split-Window Algorithm for Retrieving near Surface Air Temperature from MODIS Data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 45(6), 733-745.

Short Biography

Xu Y.*, Ho H. C., Knudby A., He M. Comparative assessment of gridded population data sets for complex topography: a study of Southwest China. Population and Environment, (Press online). He, M., Xu, Y.*, Li, N. Population Spatialization in Beijing City Based on Machine Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1910. Wu, X., Xu, Y.*, Chen, H. Study on the Spatial Pattern of an Extreme Heat Event by Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the 2013 Extreme Heat Event in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 4415. Li, J., Xu, Y.*, Cui W., Ji M., Su B., Wu Y., Wang J. Investigation of Nighttime Light Pollution in Nanjing, China by Mapping Illuminance from Field Observations and Luojia 1-01 Imagery. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 681. Liu Y., Xu, Y., Zhang, F., Shu, W., A preliminary study on the influence of Beijing urban spatial morphology on near-surface wind speed. Urban Climate, 2020, 34, 100703. Guo, D., Sun, J., Yang, K., Pepin, N., Xu, Y., Xu, Z., Wang, H. Satellite data reveal southwestern Tibetan plateau cooling since 2001 due to snow-albedo feedback. International Journal of Climatology, 2020. 40, 1644-1655. Xu, Y., Qin, Z., Liu, Y. A Semi-Empirical Split-Window Algorithm for Retrieving near Surface Air Temperature from MODIS Data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 45(6), 733-745.