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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014), pp.139-162
ISSN: 1738-9984 IJSEIA
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
Examining the Effectiveness of Testing Coverage Tools: An Empirical
Khalid Alemerien1 and Kenneth Magel2
Computer Science Department
North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
1[email protected],
Code coverage is one of the most important aspects of software testing, which helps software
engineers to understand which portion of code has been executed using a given test suite
throughout the software testing process. Automatic testing tools are widely utilized to provide
testing coverage metrics in order to gauge the quality of software, but these tools may have some
shortcomings such as the difference among the values of code coverage metric of a given program
using different code coverage tools. Therefore, we designed and performed a controlled
experiment to investigate whether these tools have a significant difference among the measured
values of coverage metric or not. We collected the coverage data that consist of branch, line,
statement, and method coverage metrics. Statistically, our findings show that there is a significant
difference of code coverage results among the code coverage tools in terms of branch and method
coverage metrics.
Keywords: Testing Coverage, Testing Coverage Tools, Software Testing, Empirical Evaluation,
Testing Coverage Metrics
1. Introduction
Software testing is a process to detect defects and mitigate their associated effects, which is
used to indicate the quality of software. Software testing plays a significant role in the software
development process. Indeed, most of the costs and resources of developing and maintaining
software are related to the software testing process [38]. One of the important aims of the software
testing process is to report a high percentage of testing coverage for a given program. Testing
coverage represents a criterion that is used to measure the completion of the testing process.
Code testing coverage shows which portion of code, for a given program, is touched by at least
one test case. Moreover, code testing coverage is considered by developers as an indicator of
confidence level in their software. In order to facilitate the analysis of code coverage, there is a
need to automate this process. Therefore, there are many code testing coverage tools, which
attempt to help researchers, practitioners, and end-users understand the software testing process.
Therefore, many researchers have studied differing aspects of testing coverage analysis process.
However, some of them have focused on studying the code coverage tools. To our knowledge,
these researchers have investigated the testing coverage tools from a theoretical point of view only
[1, 3-6]. Although some empirical studies have focused on specific features of testing coverage
tools, nevertheless other features have not been investigated [27-33].
In general, the topic of inconsistency of coverage metrics that have been calculated by code
coverage tools has not received any attention in the research literature. To our knowledge, no
research that considers the differences among the values of specific coverage metrics that are

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
measured by different code coverage tools on a given program. To address this problem, we
conducted an empirical study to investigate the possible significance of value differences as
calculated by different code coverage tools of a given coverage metric. In addition, we explain the
effects of the possible variance among these tools. Moreover, we attempt to explain why this
variance may occur. In addition, the testing process is a very expensive and this leads us to ask the
following question from the point of view of developers and managers: “What is the code
coverage tool that gives the most reliable coverage information?” Therefore, we designed and ran
a controlled experiment using several open source java programs as well as several code coverage
tools. Moreover, we studied four common coverage metrics: Branch coverage, statement coverage,
line coverage, and method coverage.
So, our motivation was to understand the available code coverage tools through conducting a
controlled experiment. Our findings show a significant difference among code coverage tools for a
given coverage metric in some cases such as large programs.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides background information and
related work. Section 3 presents the software testing coverage including overview of software
testing coverage and coverage metrics, code coverage analysis process, and illustration of selected
code coverage tools. Section 4 describes how to perform our experiment. Section 5 shows the
results and analysis. Section 6 discusses our findings and Section 7 presents the conclusions and
future work.
2. Background and Related Work
Code testing coverage tools assist developers understand the testing process through test
coverage reports. These reports consist of different aspects of code coverage such as code
coverage metrics, visualization support of coverage granularities, common statistics about a
given program, and so forth. On the one hand, these tools provide coverage information that
may help developers in the process of code analysis, but on the other hand, they may make
the process of code analysis complicated especially for large-scale systems.
Thus, to investigate the effectiveness of code coverage tools, some researchers have
conducted numerous of empirical studies including comparisons among code coverage tools,
examining the metrics of evaluating code coverage tools, investigating the relationships
between code coverage tools and reliability, and scrutinizing impact of visualization on the
effectiveness of code coverage tools. Therefore, in this paper, we present the related work to
the first two areas as the following:
2.1. Comparison among Code Coverage Tools
To date, several empirical studies were conducted that compared among code coverage
tools in order to investigate the features of these tools. Youngblut and Brykczynski [1]
surveyed theoretically the code coverage tools as a part of comprehensive study of software
testing tools. In these surveys, they showed a comparison among set of coverage tools. This
comparison consists of coverage metrics, reporting format, the required instrumentation and
drivers, and some other features.
However, Yang et al., [4] compared, theoretically, 17 code coverage tools focusing on the
following features: coverage metrics, prioritization for testing, automatic generation of test
cases, and ability to customize the test coverage. They focused on these features to
understand the available code coverage tools, and compare them to eXVantage, a tool that
provides code coverage metrics, reporting, and performance profiling. For each tool, they
presented which programming languages support, instrumentation, levels of coverage, and
reporting formats. Moreover, they provided guidelines for researchers and practitioners

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
select the appropriate code coverage tool. However, they did not conduct an actual
experiment to examine the effectiveness of these tools.
Moreover, Shahid and Ibrahim [5] surveyed 19 code coverage tools. They compared,
theoretically, five features: programming language support, instrumentation (source code,
code byte), coverage metrics (statement, branch, method, and class), and GUI support and
reporting formats. This information was collected from literature and the websites of tools
but they did not conduct an experiment to exercise the variance in coverage metric values of
these tools.
In fact, some researches performed experiments that focused on the large software
systems. On the one hand, the code coverage tools provide developers a huge coverage data
to identify the tested areas, but on the other hand, the analysis process of this huge data is a
time-consuming task. Therefore, Asaf et al., [36] proposed an approach to define numerous
of views onto coverage data to improve the coverage analysis. Furthermore, Kessis et al.,
[3] presented test and coverage analysis of J2EE servers. Mainly, they aimed to provide a
real case study that consists of test and coverage analysis of JOnAS server. To run this
experiment, they used JOnAS middleware (200.000 LOC) and more than 2500 test cases as
well as using clover analyzer. They had presented an empirical evidence of applicability of
the coverage analysis with large Java application.
In addition to that, Kim [6] investigated, empirically, the efficient way to perform code
coverage analysis on large software projects. Therefore, he examined coarse coverage
analysis versus detailed coverage analysis, block coverage versus decision coverage, and
cyclomatic complexity versus defect and module size. This study used a large software
system with 19,800K LOC. According to his findings, he proposed a systematic approach of
coverage analysis for large software systems. Finally, Elbaum et al. [39] examined,
empirically, the impact of software evolution on coverage information. They used statement
coverage and function coverage metrics in their experiment. In addition, they found that the
changes during evolution of software impact the quality of coverage information. However,
they did not study the variance in coverage criteria using code coverage tools.
2.2. Metrics for Evaluating Code Coverage Tools
To evaluate the code coverage tools in quantitative and qualitative way, some studies
have presented set of metrics for evaluating code coverage tools. Moreover, these metrics
have allowed researchers and practitioners understand the features of code coverage tools. In
addition, these metrics may help them to choose an appropriate tool among a set of tools.
Therefore, Michael et al., [7] proposed a suite of metrics for evaluating tool features.
These metrics assist the researchers and practitioners choose an appropriate code coverage
tool. This suite of metrics consists of 13 metrics such as Human Integrate Design (HID) and
Maturity and Customer Base (MCB). So, the proposed metrics have been used to evaluate
the features of code coverage tools without considering the variance in coverage metric
values. Moreover, Priya et al., [8] conducted an experiment to examine the suite of metrics
that was proposed in [7] to support testing procedural software. In this experiment, the
researchers considered 9 small programs and four code coverage tools to calculate the
proposed metrics but they did not focus on the variance in values of coverage metrics.
Furthermore, Kajo-Mece and Tartari [9] conducted an experiment that examined 2 code
coverage tools Emma and Clover using very simple java programs for search and sort
algorithms. In addition, they calculated four metrics proposed in [7] to judge which code
coverage tool can be used efficiently by testing team. These metrics are: Reporting Features
(RF), Ease of Use (EU), Response Time (RT), and Human-and Interface Design (HID).

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
However, they have not studied the difference among code coverage metrics that are
calculated by code coverage tools and its causes.
To our knowledge, all the above research studies have not investigated how and why the values
of coverage metrics that are measured by different code coverage tools are different for a given
program? In addition, what is the impact of this difference on decision-making especially in the
software testing phase? Finally, what is the code coverage tool that provides the most accurate
code coverage results? Therefore, in this paper, we performed experiments using 21 java programs
and five code coverage tools in order to answer the above questions.
3. Software Testing Coverage
3.1. Testing Coverage
Code coverage is a quality metric that calculates how thoroughly the test cases exercise a
given program [12]. Thus, code coverage provides valuable information as the following:
code coverage provides software developers which piece of code is tested as well as which
is not. In other words, which portion of code is poorly tested? In addition, code coverage
provides a quantitative measure, which is used as an indicator of reliability of software
product. Furthermore, code coverage helps to quantify the progress of testing phase. This
leads to enhance the test suite without affecting the defect detection process. Moreover,
code coverage plays a significant role to discover the dead piece of code [12] as well as
code coverage might be used to assess the progress of quality assurance process, and at the
same time, plays a guidance of developers. To end this, code coverage is effective to assist
in test cases prioritization and generation, which reduces the effort and cost, increases the
number of effective test cases as well [11]. For example, in test cases prioritization, code
coverage may help to determine which tests we need to remove from the test suite because
the redundant tests consume the resources and time. However, there are quite drawbacks
such as code coverage may not be able to determine or predict how many defects likely to be
found when the code coverage increases. Unfortunately, the code fully covered does not
ensure the absence of defects but it is used to assure the quality of test cases [14].
To make code coverage process valuable in the software development process, the
developers of code coverage tools provide several coverage metrics: Line coverage,
statement coverage, branch coverage, method coverage, class coverage, path coverage, loop
coverage, and requirement coverage.
In summary, Most of code coverage tools assist in evaluating the effectiveness of testing
process by providing a set of code coverage metrics [13]. To answer our research questions,
we used line coverage, statement coverage, method coverage, and branch coverage. In
addition, code coverage tools, are we used in our experiment, provide these coverage
metrics. Therefore, in next subsections, we present an overview of code coverage analysis
process as well as we illustrate the features of each code coverage tool that has been used in
our experiment.
3.2. Software Testing Tools
In our research, we have selected five code testing coverage tools to conduct our
experiment. Briefly, we chose these tools for the following main reasons: These tools are
available as eclipse plugins as well as these tools integrate with JUnit testing framework.
Moreover, these tools are available to the public use and these tools provide coverage
granularities in multiple report formats. Finally, these tools are widely used in both industry
and research fields. The following subsections show these tools and associated data.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
3.2.1. Ecobertura: Is a free eclipse plugin [15] that calculates the code coverage through
execution of test cases. Ecobertura is used to calculate the percentage of line and branch
coverage metrics for each package, each class, and for overall of program. Ecobertura shows
the source code in Cobertura coverage mode. So, the part of source code that is accessed by
test cases is colored in green while the untested part is highlighted in red color. Ecobertura
shows the results of testing coverage process after executing the source code through JUnit
framework. To enable the Ecobertura tool on the source code, we select “Cover As
command. And then, we can show the code coverage metrics using “coverage code session
3.2.2. Eclemma: Is an open source tool for java code coverage [16]. Eclemma is used to
calculate the statement coverage metric. In addition, Eclemma highlights the fully covered
code in green, displays yellow for the partly covered code, and shows the uncovered code in
red. Moreover, Eclemma adds a coverage mode in eclipse IDE as the existing modes in
eclipse like run and debug modes. To enable the Eclemma tool on the source code, we have
to select “Coverage As” command.
3.2.3. Clover: Is a commercial code coverage tool [17], which is used to calculate element,
statement, line, and method coverage metrics. Moreover, Clover provides a bunch of static
code metrics for the executed program such as average complexity, number of classes, and
so forth. Clover also provides different visualization techniques for the code coverage such
as using Treemap for a whole project or a single package in order to facilitate the
understanding and analysis of code coverage information. To enable the Clover tool on the
source code, we select “Clover” option then “enable on this project” command.
3.2.4. Djunit: Is an open source tool for java code coverage [18]. Djunit is an eclipse plugin,
which performs the JUnit tests to calculate the code coverage for line, branch, package, file,
and overall program. This tool generates and shows directly the code coverage granularities
of the JUnit tests that are performed in eclipse IDE. To run the Djunit tool on the source
code, we basically select “run as Djunit” command from run menu.
3.2.5. Code Pro Analytix: is a free tool for java code coverage [19]. It was developed by
google developers for eclipse IDE. Code Pro Analytix provides effective features such as
static code analysis, code metrics, code dependencies, and JUnit test generation as well as
code coverage. This tool calculates the code coverage at several levels of granularity as the
following: class coverage, method coverage, line coverage, instruction coverage, and branch
coverage. Moreover, this tool shows the historical changes of code coverage for different
periods of time. Code Pro Analytix appears as “Code Pro” menu in menu bar. Moreover, to
enable the Code Pro Analytix tool on the source code, we select “Code Pro tools” as well as
choose “instrument for code coverage” command, and then run the tests using JUnit
framework [26].
Table 1 shows, for each code coverage tool, Type (Commercial, Open Source, and
Freeware), Coverage Level (Line, Statement, Branch, Method, and others), Instrumentation
(Source Code, Byte Code, and on the fly “profile”), Reporting format (XML, HTML, PDF,
and within eclipse IDE), Integrated with JUnit, and How to appear in eclipse.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
4. Empirical Study
To investigate the potential differences in values of testing coverage of testing coverage
tools, we performed a controlled experiment considering the following research questions:
RQ1: Does the value of code coverage metric, which is measured through code coverage
tools, differ significantly from code coverage tool to another for a given program?
RQ2: How does program size affect the effectiveness of code coverage tools?
In this chapter, we present the following subsections, our objects of analysis, variables
and measures, and experiment setup and procedure.
Table 1. Code Coverage Tools and Associated Data
with JUnit
How to
appear in
Line, Branch
Byte Code Direct in eclipse
Cover as
Byte Code,
on the fly
Direct in
eclipse, Text,
element, Line,
class, and
Direct in
eclipse, PDF,
Line, Branch
Byte Code
Direct in
eclipse, HTML
Djunit Test
Code Pro
Class, method,
line, statement,
Byte Code
Direct in
eclipse, Text,
4.1. Objects of Analysis
We used 21 java programs as objects of the analysis process from various sources:
SourceForge [20], Google Code [21], and Repository for Open Source Education (ROSE)
[22], and Githup [23]. All the objects have been provided with JUnit test suites. We used
lines of code (LOC) as a measure of program size: Small (size <= 3000 LOC), medium
(3000 LOC < size <= 10000 LOC), and large (size > 10000 LOC). We used the program size
to categorize the objects into the following three categories: Small programs (Multiplication,
Token Occurrences, Elastic Map Reduce EMR, Trianglo, Vending Machine, CoffeeMaker,
and Calculadora), medium programs (Monopoly, PureMVC, ApachiCli, Cinema,
Hospital_Management, Jtopas 0.4, and Jpacman 3.0.1), and large programs (Elevator, iTrust
4.0, JfreeChart, Mondrian, CruiseControl, BlackJack, and FindBugs).
Briefly, our objects of analysis are: Multiplication is a program to find the multiplication
of numbers, and Token Occurrences is a program to calculate the number of token
occurrences in source code. EMR is a web service, and Trianglo is a program to specify the
triangle type. Vending Machine is a command line program for vending machine, and
CoffeeMaker is a command line program for vending machine. Calculadora is a calculator
of main mathematical operations, and Monopoly is a game. PureMVC is Model-View-
Control framework for creating applications, and ApachiCli is used for parsing commands

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
that are passed to programs. Cinema is a program for managing cinema, and
Hospital_Management is a simple program to provide a number of hospital functionalities.
Jtopas 0.4 is a small parser for arbitrary text data, and Jpacman 3.0.1 is a 2D game. Elevator
is a program for controlling the elevator, and iTrust is a program for sharing, obtaining, and
viewing patient data. JfreeChart is a java chart library to display charts in applications, and
Mondrian is an online analytical processing engine. CruiseControl is a continuous
integration tool, and BlackJack is a game which supports four players and provides 2
difficulty levels. FindBugs is a static code analysis tool.
Table 2 shows, for each object of analysis, the number of lines of code (Size), the number
of classes (Classes), and the number of test cases (Test Cases). For each object, we used
JUnit to calculate the number of test cases in addition to using the SourceMonitor tool [24]
to calculate the number of classes and number lines of code (LOC).
4.2. Variables and Measures
Independent variable
In order to investigate our research questions, we utilize the testing coverage tool as
independent variable. So, we consider five code testing coverage tools, Eclemma, which is
used to measure the statement coverage metric. Ecobertura, which is used to measure line
and branch coverage metrics. And also, Clover, which is used to measure statement, branch,
and method coverage metrics. Djunit, which is used to measure line and branch coverage
metrics. CodePro Analytix, which is used to measure line, statement, method, branch, and
instruction coverage metrics.
Dependent Variable and Measures
To investigate our research questions, we consider the variance of code coverage metric
as a dependent variable. Therefore, to measure the testing coverage, we used line, statement,
method, and branch coverage metrics. The range of coverage values from 0% to 100%.
4.3. Experiment Setup and Procedure
In order to obtain the code coverage metrics, we need a set of java programs with test
cases. Furthermore, the test cases must be generated and run by the JUnit framework. We
collected 21 java programs with number of JUnit tests from famous online repositories. In
this experiment, we followed the steps shown in Figure 1 that illustrates the testing coverage
analysis process. These steps are the following:
• Select a code coverage tool, and then configure the settings of this tool on the source
• Instrument the given java source code and JUnit tests using the instrumentation
process as well as enable the selected code coverage tool on source code. This means,
the code coverage tool inserts statements in the source code to record specific
aspects and code coverage metrics.
• Run the instrumented source code and instrumented test cases through JUnit
framework and code coverage command for that tool, which is available in main
menu of eclipse or right click menu.

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Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
Table 2. Objects for Analysis and Associated Data
Size (LOC)
Test Cases
Vending Machine
Token Occurrences
Jtopas 4.0
Cruise Control
• The code coverage tool analyzes the testing results to gather code coverage data.
And then, the tool views the code coverage information directly in eclipse ID. And
also, this tool allows generating coverage reports. This report may contain statement,
line, method, branch, and other code coverage metrics. The granularity level of
coverage information is varying from tool to another. For instance, Clover tool
provides a report contains branch, statement, method coverage, and coverage
percentage for each class and package in addition to the project statistics. While the
Ecobertura tool provides line and branch coverage for each package, class, and
overall the program.
• Remove all the instrumentations in order to be able to run next code coverage tool
without considering the instrumentations that were done by previous code coverage
• Repeat the same steps for the next code coverage tool.
To sum this up, we ran each object program on five testing coverage tools. After each run, we
disabled the tool on the source code to remove the statements that were inserted by that tool. And
then, we ran that object program on another tool and so on.
5. Data and Analysis
In this chapter, we show our findings. At first, our hypotheses associated with RQ1 were:
H1: There is a significant difference among the values that are measured by code
coverage tools in terms of branch coverage.

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
H2: There is a significant difference among the values that are measured by code
coverage tools in terms of line coverage.
Figure 1. The Testing Coverage Analysis Process
H3: There is a significant difference among the values that are measured by code
coverage tools in terms of statement coverage.
H4: There is a significant difference among the values that are measured by code
coverage tools in terms of method coverage.
Also, the hypothesis associated with RQ2 was:
H5: Program size affects significantly the effectiveness of code coverage tools in terms of
large programs.
To study the difference among code coverage tools, we used the ANOVA test to calculate
the significance p overall, followed by Tukey’s HSD test for multiple pair comparisons,
which is used to show the difference between each two tools. We used the R, which is a
programming language, to perform statistical analysis and we used the BoxPlotter [40], an
online tool, for drawing the Boxplots. Our findings are organized into four subsections.
Each subsection shows the results of one coverage criterion. Therefore, within each
coverage criterion, we present the data that we collected in two figures: the first figure
shows the results for program sizes (small, medium, and large) through boxplots while the
second figure shows the results of code coverage metrics of 21 object programs. And also,
we provide a table that consists of the results of Tukey’s HSD test for branch, line, and
statement coverage.
Run As
Code Coverage Tool
Program Code
Code and Test
JUnit Framework
Coverage Report

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Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
5.1. Analysis of Results for Branch Coverage
This subsection is associated with hypothesis (H1). For evaluating the difference among
code coverage tools in terms of branch coverage, we used Ecobertura, Djunit, and Clover as
code coverage tools. We, also, performed the ANOVA test (df=2) for all tools per object
programs, at a significance level (<0.05). Moreover, we performed the Tukey’s HSD test to
assess the difference between each two tools as well as the results of this test shown in
Table 3. Finally, Figure 2 shows the data distribution of testing coverage for small, medium,
and large programs using boxplots.
Small Programs
Statistically, from the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference among code coverage
tools with (p= 0.04921) overall. Table 3 shows the results that are calculated using Tukey’s
HSD test. This results show the difference between each two tools as well as P-value at a
significance level (<0.05). We, mainly, found that there is a statistical significant difference
between Djunit and Clover. However, the results of comparison are slightly different trends
between Ecobertura and Djunit among object programs. Figure 2 shows the distribution of
coverage data from 0% to 100% of small object programs. Moreover, the medians of
Ecobertura, Djunit, and Clover are not equal (70, 100, and 61.5 respectively). Therefore,
Clover provides less code coverage while Djunit provides the highest code coverage in
terms of branch coverage.
Medium Programs
Similar to the results of code coverage for small programs, there is, statistically, a
significant difference among code coverage tools with (p= 0.04735) overall. Table 3 shows
a statistical significant difference between Djunit and Ecobertura, but the results of
comparison are slightly different trends between Clover and Djunit among object programs.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of coverage of object programs. Furthermore, the median of
Ecobertura, Djunit, and Clover are not equal (42.65, 93, and 63.6 respectively). Therefore,
Ecobertura provides less code coverage while Djunit provides the highest code coverage.
Large Programs
Statistically, from the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference among code coverage
tools with (p= 0.006253) overall. Table 3 shows a statistical significance difference among
Djunit and Ecobertura as well as Djunit and Clover. This means the large programs affect
the consistency of coverage metric values that are calculated by code coverage tools. Figure
2 shows the distribution of coverage of large object programs, and the median of Ecobertura,
Djunit, and Clover are not equal (12.02, 7.2, and 65 respectively). Therefore, Clover
provides less code coverage while Djunit provides the highest code coverage. Overall, the
value of branch coverage metric, for the majority of object programs, is different.
In general, our hypothesis (H1) is supported in terms of branch coverage. Moreover, our
results, in branch level, show that the hypothesis (H5) is supported as well. To sum up, the
coverage information from Djunit, Clover, and Ecobertura are significantly different in
terms of branch coverage, as we previously assumed.
5.2. Analysis of Results for Line Coverage
This subsection is associated with hypothesis (H2). For evaluating the difference among
code coverage tools in terms of line coverage metric, we used Ecobertura, Djunit, and Code
Pro as code coverage tools. In addition, we performed the ANOVA test (df=2) for all tools

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International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
per object programs, at a significance level (<0.05). Moreover, we performed the Tukey’s
HSD test to assess the difference between each two tools as well as the results of this test
shown in Table 4. Finally, Figure 3 shows the data distribution of testing coverage for small,
medium, and large programs using boxplots.
Figure 2. Boxplots of Branch Coverage Criterion for All Program Sizes (Small,
Medium, and Large). The Horizontal Axes List the Percentage of Code Coverage
and the Vertical Axes List Code Coverage Tools
Table 3. Tukey’s HSD Test Results of Branch Coverage, Per Size Category
Program size
Tool comparison
Small Programs
Statistically, from the ANOVA test, there is no significant difference among code
coverage tools with (p>0.05) overall. Table 4 shows the results that are calculated using

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Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
Tukey’s HSD test. This results show the difference between each two tools as well as P-
value at a significance level (<0.05). Using the results shown in this table, we found that
there is no statistical significant difference among the tools. However, the results of
comparison are slightly different trends among them. In Figure 3 the boxplots of (Ecobertura
and Djunit) and (Djunit and Code Pro) show quite a difference of line coverage metric but
we observe the median of Ecobertura, Djunit, and Code Pro are, approximately, (equal 92.31,
95, and 93.1 respectively). Furthermore, the distribution of code coverage data is different.
Obviously, the line coverage of small programs using these tools is consistent
Figure 3. Boxplots of Line Coverage Criterion for All Program Sizes (Small, Medium,
and Large). The Horizontal Axes List the Percentage of Code Coverage and the
Vertical Axes List Code Coverage Tools
Table 4. Tukey’s HSD Test Results of Line Coverage, Per Size Category
Program size
Tool comparison

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Vol.8, No.5 (2014)
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
Medium Programs
Similar to the results of code coverage for small programs, there is no significant
difference among code coverage tools with (p>0.05) overall in terms of medium programs
and the results that are calculated using Tukey’s HSD test as well. In Figure 3 the boxplots
show, explicitly, quite a difference of distribution of line coverage data and we can note that
the median of Ecobertura, Djunit, and Code Pro are not equal (39.02, 50, and 24.5
respectively). Therefore, the line coverage of medium programs using these tools slightly
supports our hypothesis (H2).
Large Programs
Statistically, from the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference among code coverage
tools with (p= 0.04465) overall. Obviously, Table 4 shows a statistical significant difference
between Code Pro and Ecobertura. This means the large programs affect the consistency of
coverage metric values that are computed by code coverage tools, but the results of pair
comparisons are slightly different trends between Code Pro and Djunit among object
Figure 3 shows the percentage of line coverage among object programs. Overall, the code
coverage, for the majority of object programs, is different. In general, our hypothesis (H2) is
supported in terms of line coverage especially for large programs. Moreover, our results, in
line coverage level, show that the hypothesis (H5) is supported as well. To sum up, the
results for each Djunit, Code Pro, and Ecobertura are different in terms of line coverage, as
we previously assumed.
5.3. Analysis of Results for Statement Coverage
We examined the hypothesis (H3). For evaluating the difference among code coverage
tools in terms of statement coverage metric, we used Eclemma, Clover, and Code Pro as
code coverage tools and we performed the ANOVA test (df=2) for all tools per object
programs, at a significance level (<0.05). Moreover, we performed the Tukey’s HSD test to
assess the significance level (<0.05). Moreover, we performed the Tukey’s HSD test to
assess the difference between each two tools as well as the results of this test shown in
Table 5. Finally, Figure 4 shows the data distribution of testing coverage for small, medium,
and large programs using boxplots.
Small Programs
We used the ANOVA test that shows that there is no significant difference among code
coverage tools with (p>0.05) overall in terms of small programs. Moreover, Table 5 shows
the results that are calculated using Tukey’s HSD test, which shows a quite difference
between each two tools of small programs. Furthermore, Figure 4 the boxplots show,
approximately, the distribution of statement coverage of object programs is slightly similar.
Medium Programs
Similar to the results of code coverage of small programs, there is no significant difference
among code coverage tools with (p>0.05) overall. Moreover, Table 5 shows the results that
are calculated using Tukey’s HSD test, which shows quite a difference between each two
tools for medium programs. Furthermore, Figure 4 the boxplots show, approximately, the
distribution of statement coverage of object programs is slightly similar.

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Large Programs
Statistically, from the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference among code coverage
tools with (p= 0.04441) overall. Table 5 shows a statistical significance difference between
Code Pro and Eclemma. This means the large programs affect the consistency of coverage
metric values. However, the results of comparison are slightly different trends between
Eclemma and Clover among object programs.
Overall, the code coverage, for the majority of object programs, is different. In general,
our hypothesis (H3) is supported in terms of statement coverage especially for large
programs. Moreover, our results, in statement level, show that the hypothesis (H5) is
supported as well. In summary, the results for each Eclmma, Code Pro, and Clover are
different in terms of statement coverage, as we previously assumed.
Figure 4. Boxplots of Statement Coverage Criterion for All Program Sizes
(Small, Medium, and Large). The Horizontal Axes List the Percentage of Code
Coverage and the Vertical Axes List Code Coverage Tools
Table 5. Tukey’s HSD Test Results of Statement Coverage, Per Size Category
Program size
Tool comparison

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5.4. Analysis of Results for Method Coverage
To examine the hypothesis (H4), we evaluated the difference among code coverage tools
in terms of method coverage metric. We used Clover, and Code Pro as code coverage tools.
We performed the ANOVA test (df=1) for both tools per object programs, at a significance
level (<0.05). Figure 5 shows the data distribution of testing coverage for small, medium,
and large programs using boxplots.
Small Programs
Obviously, from the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference between Clover and
Code Pro with (p= 0.0356) in terms of small programs. Also, Figure 5 shows the boxplots
that present the distribution of method coverage data for small programs using Clover and
Code Pro. We can observe the medians of Clover and Code Pro are significantly different
(75.7 and 95 respectively).
Medium Programs
Similar to the results of code coverage of small programs, there is a significant difference
between Clover and Code Pro with (p= 2.365e-05) in terms of medium programs. Moreover,
Figure 5 shows how the distribution of method coverage data is deferent between two tools,
but the median of method coverage data for both Clover and Code Pro are quite equal (82.2
and 83.2 respectively).
Large Programs
Statistically, From the ANOVA test, there is a significant difference between Clover and
Code Pro with (p= 0.0001062) in terms of large programs. Furthermore, Figure 5 shows, for
both coverage tools, the distribution of coverage data is different as well as the median of
Clover and Code Pro is not equal (21 and 33.3 respectively). Overall, the method coverage,
for majority of object programs, is different. In general, our hypothesis (H4) is supported in
terms of method coverage. Moreover, our results, in method level, show that the hypothesis
(H5) is strongly supported as well. To sum up, the results for both Code Pro and Clover, are
different in terms of method coverage, as we previously assumed.
5.5. Threats to Validity
In general, any controlled experiment is subject to threats to validity. So, these threats
must be taken into account in order to assess their impact on results. In this section, we
describe the internal, external, and construct threats to the validity of our findings.
5.5.1. Internal Validity: One of most expected internal threats is potential faults in the
tools that we used for statistical analysis, which may effect on inferences we made about
consistency and reliability of code coverage tools. To avoid this threat, we validated the
tools that were used in this experiment comparing to similar purpose tools. For instance, we
calculated the statistical tests using R language, and then we compared the results with other
online statistical packages. Moreover, this could increase the confidence in our results.
5.5.2. External Validity: We considered three issues that affect the generalization of our
findings. First, code coverage tools representativeness. We have considered 5 code coverage
tools that are integrated to Eclipse IDE as plugins. Other code coverage tools may have
different aspects, features, and ways for calculating the coverage metrics. Therefore, we
cannot generalize our results to code coverage tools (open source or commercial) that use

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other test coverage measures than the coverage metrics that we chose to study. Investigating
this issue can only be done through studies involving diverse commercial and open source
tools as well as involving tools for other programming languages. Therefore, we used 3 open
source coverage tools, one freeware coverage tool developed by google, and only one
commercial coverage tool.
Figure 5. Boxplots of Method Coverage Criterion for All Program Sizes (Small,
Medium, and Large). The Horizontal Axes List the Percentage of Code Coverage
and the Vertical Axes List Code Coverage Tools
Second, object program representativeness issue. We only used 21 Java object programs,
which may limit the external validity of our findings. To avoid this threat, we used object
programs with various sizes from 33 to 237564 LOC. In addition, these object programs
represent different domains.
The third issue involves testing process representativeness issue. In our experiment, we
used only JUnit testing framework in order to perform the testing process. So, all test cases,
that we utilized, were generated by JUnit framework. In practice, there are many testing
frameworks available that can be used with Eclipse IDE. To control this threat, we used
JUnit test cases for all object programs in addition to JUnit can support all selected code
coverage tools. However, we cannot deny that we need to replicate our experiments using
other testing frameworks such as TestNG, which is a multi-purpose testing framework. And
also, we need to run all object programs with test cases in the same conditions and
environment in order to generalize our results.
5.5.3. Construct Validity: The coverage metrics that we have considered (branch, statement,
line, and method coverage) are not the only possible coverage metrics. Therefore, to handle
this issue, future studies will be conducted using other coverage metrics such as path
coverage and loop coverage.

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6. Discussion
Our findings provide an evidence of our assumption that said there is a significant
difference among code coverage tools in terms of branch, line, statement, and method
coverage criteria. Obviously, we observed that the large programs have an impact on the
consistency of code coverage of code coverage tools rather than the small and medium
programs. In fact, the results of code coverage tools are close to each other in terms of
statement and line coverage especially for small and medium programs. Furthermore, we
revealed that the branch and method coverage are, significantly, different among code
coverage tools for all program sizes.
In fact, we believe that the reasons behind this difference may relate to the following:
We explained that these tools instrument the object programs in different ways. On the
one hand, the Clover instruments the source code, but on the other hand, the Code Pro,
Djunit, Eclemma, and Ecobertura instrument the byte code. Instrumentation of byte code
gathers branch coverage in an indirect way while the instrumentation of source code gathers
branch coverage in a direct way. For example, if there is “nested if statement” in a single
line, the source code instrumentation can see these statements and then provides the code
coverage information. However, the byte code instrumentation may not be able to see these
statements but it can provide coverage information about one line wrapped around the
condition. Furthermore, Logozzo and Fähndrich [41] said that the byte code analysis process
introduces precision loss compared to source code analysis. Obviously, we found a
significant difference between Clover and Code Pro in terms of method coverage. Moreover,
our results show a significant difference between Clover and Djunit in terms of branch
coverage. Those two cases provide evidence that the instrumentation way may affect the
coverage gathering process of the code coverage tools.
Variety of Code Analysis
Many coverage metrics are available and each metric needs an analyzer to be gathered.
Some of these metrics are considered as simple and weak such as statement and line
coverage metrics [2, 12]. In contrast, some coverage metrics are considered as powerful but
they are hard to measure such as branch coverage metric. On the one hand, our results show
that there is a significant difference among code coverage tools in terms of branch and
method coverage. So, we think that this difference may be due to the difficulties of the way
of measuring and analyzing of these metrics. On the other hand, there is quite a difference
among the code coverage tools in terms of statement and line coverage, which may be due to
the simplicity of measuring and analyzing of these metrics.
Size and Complexity Object Programs
The increasing size and complexity of programs has increased the challenges of code
coverage analysis process [42]. Our results show that the coverage criteria (branch,
statement, line, and method) of large programs are significantly different. For example, our
findings show a significant difference among (Djunit and Clover) and (Ecobertura and
Djunit) of the large object programs in terms of branch coverage. In addition, there is a
significant difference between Ecobertura and Code Pro of large object programs in terms of
statement coverage. Therefore, the consistency of coverage metric values of code coverage

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tools has been affected by large size and complex programs but the degree of this influence
varies from one tool to another.
Definitions of Code Coverage Metrics
The definitions of code coverage metrics that have been used by the developers of code
coverage tools are quite different. Table 6 shows the definitions that are provided by the
websites of these tools. For example, we can see how the definitions of branch coverage are
slightly different among code coverage tools. On one hand, these definitions are expressed
in simple statements that do not provide enough details about which statement, line, branch,
or method is considered in code coverage and which is not. On the other hand, through
practical experiment, we found some cases that interpret why the difference among the code
coverage tools exists. Therefore, we can infer that the definitions of coverage metrics are
unclear. In addition, the websites of Eclemma and Djunit do not provide any definition for
the coverage metrics that are calculated by their tools.
In order to explain how the definition of code coverage metric influences the percentage
of code coverage, we found the following cases throughout our experiment:
Table 6. Definitions of Code Coverage Metrics
Branch coverage
A code coverage metric that measures which possible branches in
flow control structures are followed. Clover does this by recording if
the boolean expression in the control structure evaluated to both true
and false during execution.
A code coverage metric that measures which statements in a body of
code have been executed through a test run, and which statements
have not.
A code coverage metric that measures whether a method was
entered at all during execution.
Code Pro
The number of methods containing at least one basic block that was
executed at least once, divided by the total number of methods.
Line coverage
The number of lines of code containing at least one basic block that
was executed at least once, divided by the total number of lines of
The number of statements in basic blocks that were executed at least
once, divided by the total number of statements.
Line coverage
The amount of (useful) lines of code that are executed. A useful line
is a line of code where something happens (so no curly braces or
Branch coverage
The coverage of the decision points in a class (this can be an
if/then/else loop. When the test suite only reaches the first part of the
if-loop and skips the else part we will have 50% branch coverage).
Line coverage
Brach coverage

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Case 1: Branch Coverage
Ecobertura and Clover count the branch coverage for both cases of conditional (true and
false). By contrast, Djunit counts only the branch coverage when the conditional is true. The
definition of branch coverage that is provided by Djunit does not mention any detail about
this case. Figure 6 shows a piece of code of CoffeeMaker program that was used in our
experiment. In fact, Ecobertura understands that if getRecipes() is not null, the behavior of
the system might be different. Therefore, we have to generate a test case to cover this branch
and also we covered the getRecipes() that is being null. In addition, Clover shows the same
statement that is partially exercised and highlighted in yellow color. For that, the percentage
of code coverage might be influenced by the partial coverage that was calculated in both
Ecobertura and Clover. By contrast, in order for Djunit to be able to see this block of code,
the statement has to be exercised at least twice, but Djunit counts this piece of code “was no
hit”. This observation supports our findings, which shows that there is a significant
difference between Ecobertura and Djunit as well as Clover and Djunit in terms of branch
coverage. As a consequence, we believe that the definition of branch coverage needs to be
rewritten more precisely and in more detail for all code coverage tools.
Case 2: Exception Class
Code Pro Analytix and Ecobertura count the line coverage for exception classes. By
contrast, Djunit does not count the line coverage for exception classes. The definitions of
these tools do not provide any kind of information on how to calculate the line coverage for
exception classes, but we noticed that Code Pro Analytix and Ecobertura do that while
Djunit does not do that. Therefore, this lack of information makes the line coverage unclear.
Through measuring the line coverage metric for CoffeeMaker program, we found a slight
difference among the code coverage tools. One reason is that Djunit does not measure line
coverage for exception handling code as shown in the piece of code in Figure 7. Djunit
shows that there was no test case that exercised line 5, when in fact it was executed.
Therefore, line coverage for “InventoryException” class was 0%. Subsequently, the overall
code coverage might be influenced by this kind of coverage calculation. By contrast, the line
coverage comes out 100% for the same class using both Code Pro Analytix and Ecobertura.
Moreover, percentage of method coverage can be affected as well. Therefore, absence of
many exception classes in a given program can affect significantly the code coverage.
Case 3: JUnit Tests Package
Eclemma counts the statement coverage for both source code and JUnit test packages. In
other words, Eclemma considers the JUnit test packages as source code. By contrast, Code
Pro Analytix and Clover count only the statement coverage for the source code. This case
shows us the definition of statement coverage for Eclemma is unclear and not precise.
Figure 8 shows that the coverage report that was generated by Eclemma for the JfreeChart
program. This report includes the coverage for both the source code and JUnit tests package.
Unexpectedly, Eclemma counted the statement coverage for both the source code and JUnit
tests packages. Furthermore, Code Pro Analytix and Clover do not include the coverage for
JUnit tests package in their coverage results. Therefore, this is one of the main reasons
behind the significant difference between Code Pro Analytix and Eclemma. Our observation
shows that there is no code coverage tool that includes code coverage for test files except
Eclemma. Therefore, statement coverage metric is used to measure the coverage of source
code files of the program not the coverage of test files.

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Figure 6. Screenshot of If Statement of CoffeeMaker Program under Coverage
Analysis Process
Figure 7. Screenshot of InventoryException Class of CoffeeMaker Program
under Coverage Analysis Process
Case 4: Executable Methods and Classes for Code Coverage
The definitions of code coverage metrics that are provided by the code coverage tools do
not provide any information about the classes and methods that are excluded by default from
code coverage such as abstract methods, native methods, and Java interface classes. To run
the programs correctly, the compiler implements certain Java language constructs like inner
class access. For example, Clover provides a feature to exclude any method or class to be
considered in code coverage. Therefore, there is a need to know what are the executable
methods and classes for each code coverage tool to understand how these tools calculate the
code coverage.

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Figure 8. Screenshot of Coverage Report for JfreeChart Program
All the above cases that we discussed show how the definitions of code coverage metrics
are unclear. The developers of these tools need to provide more precise and detailed
definitions of code coverage metrics. In addition, the users of these tools need to be aware
about what methods and classes are included and what are excluded from the code coverage.
To sum this, the coverage criteria that are measured using code coverage tools may be
affected by instrumentation method, variety of code analysis, unclear definitions of code
coverage metrics, and size and complexity of object programs.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we have conducted a controlled experiment in order to investigate how the
values of coverage metric of the code coverage tools are consistent in terms of line,
statement, branch, and method coverage. Our findings show that the branch and method
coverage metrics are significantly different. By contrast, the statement and line coverage
metrics are slightly different. Therefore, some code coverage tools may mislead the
practitioners as well as researchers. For example, these tools could be used to judge the
effectiveness of proposed technique in software testing.
To our knowledge, there is no previous empirical study that has investigated the
consistency of the coverage information that is calculated using code coverage tools. In
addition, no empirical study has made the specific contributions we make here. This paper
makes four contributions. First, this is the first study to our knowledge to investigate,
empirically, the differences among code coverage tools in terms of line, statement, branch,
and method coverage metrics. Second, this is the first study to our knowledge to investigate
the effect of program size on the effectiveness of code coverage tools. Third, this study
sheds insights into the effect of coverage results variance on decision making. Fourth, this
study attempts to interpret why this variance among code coverage tools is found.
More importantly, we hope that this effort assists the practitioners and research
community to increase the understanding of the code coverage tools, to choose the
appropriate code coverage tool that improves the software quality, and to enhance the
software testing process.

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One direction for our future work is to perform various large scale studies to evaluate the
impact of program versions on effectiveness of code coverage tools in terms of branch and method
coverage metrics. Another direction for future work is to extend our current study to use additional
object programs and code coverage tools for other programming languages. Finally, we will
consider other aspects of code coverage tools such as the path coverage, loop coverage, and the
visualization provided through these tools.
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Khalid Alemerien, received his in Computer Science from Mutah
University, Jordan 2001. He has in Computer Information Systems from
Arab Academy for Financial and Banking Sciences, Jordan, 2006. Also, he
received in Software Engineering from North Dakota State University
(NDSU), 2013. Currently, he is doing his PhD in Software Engineering from
North Dakota State University (NDSU), North Dakota, USA. His research
interests include software testing, software Metrics, usable security, and user
interface design.
Kenneth Magel, earned his PhD in 1977 from Brown Unversity. He has
taught in Kensas, Missouri and Texas. He has published widely in the area of
program complexity metrics and software testing. He has been at NDSU since
August, 1983. Currently, he is the associate head of computer science
department and the coordinator of software engineering program at NDSU,
North Dakota, USA.

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