Quantum symmetries of graph C*-algebras

S Schmidt, M Weber - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2018 - cambridge.org
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2018cambridge.org
The study of graph-algebra. In our result, we use the definition of quantum automorphism
groups of graphs as given by Banica in 2005. Note that Bichon gave a different definition in
2003; our action is inspired from his work. We review and compare these two definitions and
we give a complete table of quantum automorphism groups (with respect to either of the two
definitions) for undirected graphs on four vertices.
The study of graph -algebra. In our result, we use the definition of quantum automorphism groups of graphs as given by Banica in 2005. Note that Bichon gave a different definition in 2003; our action is inspired from his work. We review and compare these two definitions and we give a complete table of quantum automorphism groups (with respect to either of the two definitions) for undirected graphs on four vertices.
Cambridge University Press