dReach: δ-Reachability Analysis for Hybrid Systems
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 21st …, 2015•Springer
Abstract dReach is a bounded reachability analysis tool for nonlinear hybrid systems. It
encodes reachability problems of hybrid systems to first-order formulas over real numbers,
which are solved by delta-decision procedures in the SMT solver dReach. In this way,
dReach is able to handle a wide range of highly nonlinear hybrid systems. It has scaled well
on various realistic models from biomedical and robotics applications.
encodes reachability problems of hybrid systems to first-order formulas over real numbers,
which are solved by delta-decision procedures in the SMT solver dReach. In this way,
dReach is able to handle a wide range of highly nonlinear hybrid systems. It has scaled well
on various realistic models from biomedical and robotics applications.
dReach is a bounded reachability analysis tool for nonlinear hybrid systems. It encodes reachability problems of hybrid systems to first-order formulas over real numbers, which are solved by delta-decision procedures in the SMT solver dReach. In this way, dReach is able to handle a wide range of highly nonlinear hybrid systems. It has scaled well on various realistic models from biomedical and robotics applications.