Riverine litter monitoring: options and recommendations: MSFD GES TG marine litter thematic report.
D González, G Hanke, B Bellet… - … : MSFD GES TG …, 2017 - produccioncientifica.uca.es
Marine litter is an issue of global concern, as recognised by the Marine Strategy Framework
Directive (MSFD). In order to establish programmes of measures that aim to reduce plastics
and their possible impacts, sources of litter and their pathways to the marine environment
need to be identified and quantified. Riverine litter input is estimated to be a major
contributor to marine litter, but there is no comprehensive information about the amount of
litter being transported through rivers to the sea. Furthermore, there are no harmonised …
Directive (MSFD). In order to establish programmes of measures that aim to reduce plastics
and their possible impacts, sources of litter and their pathways to the marine environment
need to be identified and quantified. Riverine litter input is estimated to be a major
contributor to marine litter, but there is no comprehensive information about the amount of
litter being transported through rivers to the sea. Furthermore, there are no harmonised …