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Saturday, May 30, 2009 Newsletter - Maj 2009

The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.

eLearning Papers launches a call for papers on open topics. We are looking for interesting and inspiring articles which will be published in September's issue. Practical experiences on European projects are especially welcome. The deadline for article submissions is 29 June 2009.

eLearning Papers is looking for good peer-reviewers to review submitted articles. Active and fair-minded people experienced in the field of e-learning are invited to apply. Peer-reviewers contribute on a voluntary basis and no monetary compensation is offered.

At the recent EU Conference on Innovation and Creativity in the Lifelong Learning Programme, 18 outstanding European projects received awards. The three best projects in six categories were honoured with the European Award for Lifelong Learning.

Virtual mobility facilitates access to other university courses across Europe and enables students to personalise their study programmes. Nevertheless, virtual mobility remains restricted to several isolated projects and is available to a limited number of universities and students. The EPICS project links universities, students and courses all over Europe. EPICS will not only provide a database, but it also includes online services to offer high-quality guided independent learning and support in relation to virtual mobility in the Virtual Erasmus scheme.

LEARNING FORUM LONDON, 22-24 June 2009, London, UK.
The main topics of this year’s Learning Forum are innovation, creativity and accountability. The event consists of three different conferences: the 7th International ePortfolio Conference, the 3rd International Conference on Key Competencies – Skills for Life, and the 4th International Conference on Learning Networks and Communities.

EDEN 2009 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 10-13 June 2009, Gdansk, Poland.
The European Distance and E-Learning Network invites European academic experts and professional practitioners to contribute and share innovative experiences on the significance and impact of learning innovation in Europe. Online registration is now available. Newsletter - Maj 2009

The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.
Take a look at this interesting line-up below.

eLearning Papers launches a call for papers on open topics. We are looking for interesting and inspiring articles which will be published in September's issue. Practical experiences on European projects are especially welcome. The deadline for article submissions is 29 June 2009.

eLearning Papers is looking for good peer-reviewers to review submitted articles. Active and fair-minded people experienced in the field of e-learning are invited to apply. Peer-reviewers contribute on a voluntary basis and no monetary compensation is offered.

At the recent EU Conference on Innovation and Creativity in the Lifelong Learning Programme, 18 outstanding European projects received awards. The three best projects in six categories were honoured with the European Award for Lifelong Learning.

Virtual mobility facilitates access to other university courses across Europe and enables students to personalise their study programmes. Nevertheless, virtual mobility remains restricted to several isolated projects and is available to a limited number of universities and students. The EPICS project links universities, students and courses all over Europe. EPICS will not only provide a database, but it also includes online services to offer high-quality guided independent learning and support in relation to virtual mobility in the Virtual Erasmus scheme.

LEARNING FORUM LONDON, 22-24 June 2009, London, UK.
The main topics of this year’s Learning Forum are innovation, creativity and accountability. The event consists of three different conferences: the 7th International ePortfolio Conference, the 3rd International Conference on Key Competencies – Skills for Life, and the 4th International Conference on Learning Networks and Communities.

EDEN 2009 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 10-13 June 2009, Gdansk, Poland.
The European Distance and E-Learning Network invites European academic experts and professional practitioners to contribute and share innovative experiences on the significance and impact of learning innovation in Europe. Online registration is now available.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources

Check out the list includes Learning Management Systems, resources for getting your class online, resources for designing an online course, online course tools, how to teach an online course, student resources etc.

Perhaps you have a special skill, talent, or knowledge-base that you want to share with others, and maybe you’ve heard that teaching online courses can make you a little extra money. The resources below will help you discover how to combine both what you have to offer and what you wish to gain by guiding you through creating and establishing an online course.

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources

Check out the list includes Learning Management Systems, resources for getting your class online, resources for designing an online course, online course tools, how to teach an online course, student resources etc.

Perhaps you have a special skill, talent, or knowledge-base that you want to share with others, and maybe you’ve heard that teaching online courses can make you a little extra money. The resources below will help you discover how to combine both what you have to offer and what you wish to gain by guiding you through creating and establishing an online course.

Kindle Books: What is in an e-degree?

"Kindle is what is known as an electronic book reader. Basically, an electronic book reader (or wireless reading device, as they are sometimes called) allows the user to use a device to read digital copies of books, magazines, blogs, etc."

The iPhone is a perfect companion for your Kindle. To read Kindle books on your iPhone or iPod touch, download the free Kindle for iPhone application.

Watch a Video Demonstration of New Amazon's Kindle

What is in an e-degree? by Jonny A. (Kindle Edition - May 11, 2009) - Kindle Book.

Check out this kindle book and you will find helpful tips to finding the right schools and to finally getting the degree that you are interested in. You will also find the advantages as well as the disadvantages of online learning.

You will be taken through the process of getting enrolled and getting your life started.

What Is In An E Degree? Making Sense Of Your Online Education Options by Macey Grace (Kindle Edition - April 23, 2009) - Kindle Book

Online students love it because finally they can...

Choose from hundreds of conventional and unique accredited college degrees - a variety you'd only find in an online college.
Save time without a daily commute and a relaxed class and work schedule!
Keep more cash for yourself when your online degree costs a fraction of traditional college expenses.

Here are just SOME of the secrets you'll find inside:

5 ways technology is being used to conduct college classes online.
Online “learning programs” to stay away from.
The only difference between online and offline degrees.
Is earning an online degree easier than offline?
4 reasons why an E Degree may be your best choice.
4 ways getting your education online will save you money.
E degrees for children.

Source: Amazon

Kindle Books: What is in an e-degree?

"Kindle is what is known as an electronic book reader. Basically, an electronic book reader (or wireless reading device, as they are sometimes called) allows the user to use a device to read digital copies of books, magazines, blogs, etc."

The iPhone is a perfect companion for your Kindle. To read Kindle books on your iPhone or iPod touch, download the free Kindle for iPhone application.

Watch a Video Demonstration of New Amazon's Kindle

What is in an e-degree? by Jonny A. (Kindle Edition - May 11, 2009) - Kindle Book.

Check out this kindle book and you will find helpful tips to finding the right schools and to finally getting the degree that you are interested in. You will also find the advantages as well as the disadvantages of online learning.

You will be taken through the process of getting enrolled and getting your life started.

What Is In An E Degree? Making Sense Of Your Online Education Options by Macey Grace (Kindle Edition - April 23, 2009) - Kindle Book

Online students love it because finally they can...

Choose from hundreds of conventional and unique accredited college degrees - a variety you'd only find in an online college.
Save time without a daily commute and a relaxed class and work schedule!
Keep more cash for yourself when your online degree costs a fraction of traditional college expenses.

Here are just SOME of the secrets you'll find inside:

5 ways technology is being used to conduct college classes online.
Online “learning programs” to stay away from.
The only difference between online and offline degrees.
Is earning an online degree easier than offline?
4 reasons why an E Degree may be your best choice.
4 ways getting your education online will save you money.
E degrees for children.

Source: Amazon

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tying Education To Future Goals May Boost Grades More Than Helping With Homework

Helping middle school students with their homework may not be the best way to get them on the honor roll. But telling them how important academic performance is to their future job prospects and providing specific strategies to study and learn might clinch the grades, according to a research review, continues ScienceDaily.

"Instilling the value of education and linking school work to future goals is what this age group needs to excel in school, more than parents' helping with homework or showing up at school," said lead researcher Nancy E. Hill, PhD, of Harvard University. She examined 50 studies with more than 50,000 students over a 26-year period looking at what kinds of parent involvement helped children's academic achievement.
"Middle school is the time when grades and interest in school decline," said Hill. "Entering puberty, hanging out with friends, wanting distance from parents and longing to make one's own decisions win over listening to parents and studying."


Related link
Parental involvement in middle school: A meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. (PDF)
By Nancy E. Hill and Diana F. Tyson.

Source: ScienceDaily

Tying Education To Future Goals May Boost Grades More Than Helping With Homework

Helping middle school students with their homework may not be the best way to get them on the honor roll. But telling them how important academic performance is to their future job prospects and providing specific strategies to study and learn might clinch the grades, according to a research review, continues ScienceDaily.

"Instilling the value of education and linking school work to future goals is what this age group needs to excel in school, more than parents' helping with homework or showing up at school," said lead researcher Nancy E. Hill, PhD, of Harvard University. She examined 50 studies with more than 50,000 students over a 26-year period looking at what kinds of parent involvement helped children's academic achievement.
"Middle school is the time when grades and interest in school decline," said Hill. "Entering puberty, hanging out with friends, wanting distance from parents and longing to make one's own decisions win over listening to parents and studying."


Related link
Parental involvement in middle school: A meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. (PDF)
By Nancy E. Hill and Diana F. Tyson.

Source: ScienceDaily

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 Free Online Business Courses

Today I have Michelle Fabio guest blogging. Please be sure to check out her guest post. Guest posts are always welcome, please contact me.

If you’ve always wanted to know more about the principles of business, accounting, and economics—especially now that the world economy is in a constant state of flux—but can’t commit time and money to full-time college classes, free online business courses may be the answer.

Below you’ll find a list of 20 free online business courses with accredited American universities; you can choose which courses you take, when you take them, when you study, and even when you’re finished with them.
And best of all, they’re free!

20 Free Online Business Courses

Accounting – Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; learn accounting principles through the use of scorecards instead of jargon.

Behavioral Economics and Finance – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); where psychological evidence meets economics.

Capitalism and Its Critics – MIT; theories of Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and others are covered.

Economic History – MIT; a “comprehensive survey of world economic history.”

Economic Analysis - Macro – University of California-Berkley; webcasts on variables, growth, flexible-price, sticky-price, and more.

Economics and E-commerce – MIT; largely focuses on specific e-industries, but also covers more broad economic topics as well.

Economics and Psychology – MIT; analyzes how concepts like rational choice and equilibrium are affected by psychological phenomena.

Game Theory – MIT; for more advanced learners, this course covers old and new game theory concepts from repeated games to heterogeneous priors.

Industrial Organization and Public Policy – MIT; analyzes how firms operate within markets.

International Economics I – MIT; graduate-level course that discusses international trade, foreign investment, and commercial policy.

Labor Economics I – MIT; deals with labor supply and demand, human capital, wages, immigration, unemployment, and more.

Macroeconomic Theory I – MIT; introduction to economic growth theories.

Microeconomic Theory I – MIT; graduate-level course on microeconomic theory.

Monopoly and Cartels – Carnegie Mellon University; explores the importance of competition in the market.

Public Economics – MIT; examines the government’s role in the economy.

Sales – Kutztown; teaches you how to pinpoint the best sales strategy for maximum results.

Special Topics in Economics: The Challenge of World Poverty – MIT; economists’ views on world poverty.

Starting a Business – Kutztown; “self-paced, online small business primer course.”

Statistical Method in Economics – MIT; covers basic principles of statistical theory.

Supply and Demand – Carnegie Mellon; allows you to put economic theories in practice through experiments.

Related links Guide to Law School:
Italy Magazine Guarda! columnist:
Life and love in southern Italy:
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Guest post submitted by freelance writer Michelle Fabio, who writes at, a comprehensive online education resource.

You can email Michelle Fabio at [email protected].

Many thanks to Michelle Fabio.
Enjoy your reading!

20 Free Online Business Courses

Today I have Michelle Fabio guest blogging. Please be sure to check out her guest post. Guest posts are always welcome, please contact me.

If you’ve always wanted to know more about the principles of business, accounting, and economics—especially now that the world economy is in a constant state of flux—but can’t commit time and money to full-time college classes, free online business courses may be the answer.

Below you’ll find a list of 20 free online business courses with accredited American universities; you can choose which courses you take, when you take them, when you study, and even when you’re finished with them.
And best of all, they’re free!

20 Free Online Business Courses

Accounting – Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; learn accounting principles through the use of scorecards instead of jargon.

Behavioral Economics and Finance – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); where psychological evidence meets economics.

Capitalism and Its Critics – MIT; theories of Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and others are covered.

Economic History – MIT; a “comprehensive survey of world economic history.”

Economic Analysis - Macro – University of California-Berkley; webcasts on variables, growth, flexible-price, sticky-price, and more.

Economics and E-commerce – MIT; largely focuses on specific e-industries, but also covers more broad economic topics as well.

Economics and Psychology – MIT; analyzes how concepts like rational choice and equilibrium are affected by psychological phenomena.

Game Theory – MIT; for more advanced learners, this course covers old and new game theory concepts from repeated games to heterogeneous priors.

Industrial Organization and Public Policy – MIT; analyzes how firms operate within markets.

International Economics I – MIT; graduate-level course that discusses international trade, foreign investment, and commercial policy.

Labor Economics I – MIT; deals with labor supply and demand, human capital, wages, immigration, unemployment, and more.

Macroeconomic Theory I – MIT; introduction to economic growth theories.

Microeconomic Theory I – MIT; graduate-level course on microeconomic theory.

Monopoly and Cartels – Carnegie Mellon University; explores the importance of competition in the market.

Public Economics – MIT; examines the government’s role in the economy.

Sales – Kutztown; teaches you how to pinpoint the best sales strategy for maximum results.

Special Topics in Economics: The Challenge of World Poverty – MIT; economists’ views on world poverty.

Starting a Business – Kutztown; “self-paced, online small business primer course.”

Statistical Method in Economics – MIT; covers basic principles of statistical theory.

Supply and Demand – Carnegie Mellon; allows you to put economic theories in practice through experiments.

Related links Guide to Law School:
Italy Magazine Guarda! columnist:
Life and love in southern Italy:
Follow me on Twitter:

Guest post submitted by freelance writer Michelle Fabio, who writes at, a comprehensive online education resource.

You can email Michelle Fabio at [email protected].

Many thanks to Michelle Fabio.
Enjoy your reading!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners

Kelly Sonora has been in touch to reminds us about how you can make your iPhone a useful learning kit.
Please have a look!

For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.

Source: Bachelors Degree Online blog

100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners

Kelly Sonora has been in touch to reminds us about how you can make your iPhone a useful learning kit.
Please have a look!

For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.

Source: Bachelors Degree Online blog

Israeli entrepreneur says he wants to 'take social networking and apply it to academia'

An Israeli entrepreneur who has started what is believed to be the world's first tuition-free online university said Saturday he hopes the effort will expand education to less fortunate people around the world.

Shai Reshef said University of the People has about 150 students from 35 countries who have enrolled since the school began last week. He hopes to expand the program to include 15,000 students in four years.
«It's a simple idea. Take social networking and apply it to academia,» said Reshef, who helped develop several other Internet-based education businesses in Europe.«
«There are hundreds of millions of people around the world who graduated high school and couldn't make it to university either because they didn't have money, or there aren't universities where they live or they couldn't relocate,» said Reshef, the university's founder and president.

Israeli entrepreneur says he wants to 'take social networking and apply it to academia'

An Israeli entrepreneur who has started what is believed to be the world's first tuition-free online university said Saturday he hopes the effort will expand education to less fortunate people around the world.

Shai Reshef said University of the People has about 150 students from 35 countries who have enrolled since the school began last week. He hopes to expand the program to include 15,000 students in four years.
«It's a simple idea. Take social networking and apply it to academia,» said Reshef, who helped develop several other Internet-based education businesses in Europe.«
«There are hundreds of millions of people around the world who graduated high school and couldn't make it to university either because they didn't have money, or there aren't universities where they live or they couldn't relocate,» said Reshef, the university's founder and president.

Look at the New eLearning Video Today at the Top of My Weblog

About Helge Scherlund's eLearning Video Today

Use these watch and learn videos for advice, support and tips in the Drooling to Learn Series. The series is hosted by "Maddie for First Dog" fame. It is scripted by Dr. Joel Gendelman noted author and speaker in the area of workplace learning. This series explores recent advanced in workplace learning in a practical and humorous way.

Drooling to Learn - Blended Learning -
Drooling to Learn - Experiential Learning -

Related links
Dr. Gendelman's personal blogs:

About Dr. Gendelman

Dr. Gendelman has over 25 years of experience developing instructor-led, computer-based, and multimedia training. He has extensive expertise in all phases of the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process. Joel has developed training and performance improvement solutions for companies that include Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Nissan, Lucent Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, and Genentech.

His work in the public sector includes conducting the oversight and management of a multi-million dollar court mandated training curriculum for the State of Colorado. Dr. Gendelman has published over fifty articles and two books on Instructional Design. He is the recipient of a Brandon Hall “Excellence in eLearning” Award and holds both a Masters and Doctorate in Educational Technology from the Catholic University of America.

Look at the New eLearning Video Today at the Top of My Weblog

About Helge Scherlund's eLearning Video Today

Use these watch and learn videos for advice, support and tips in the Drooling to Learn Series. The series is hosted by "Maddie for First Dog" fame. It is scripted by Dr. Joel Gendelman noted author and speaker in the area of workplace learning. This series explores recent advanced in workplace learning in a practical and humorous way.

Drooling to Learn - Blended Learning -
Drooling to Learn - Experiential Learning -

Related links
Dr. Gendelman's personal blogs:

About Dr. Gendelman

Dr. Gendelman has over 25 years of experience developing instructor-led, computer-based, and multimedia training. He has extensive expertise in all phases of the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process. Joel has developed training and performance improvement solutions for companies that include Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Nissan, Lucent Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, and Genentech.

His work in the public sector includes conducting the oversight and management of a multi-million dollar court mandated training curriculum for the State of Colorado. Dr. Gendelman has published over fifty articles and two books on Instructional Design. He is the recipient of a Brandon Hall “Excellence in eLearning” Award and holds both a Masters and Doctorate in Educational Technology from the Catholic University of America.