Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 24 June 1815

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Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 24 June (1815)
Joseph Fouché and Théophile Berlier

On the 24 June 1815, the Provisional Government in Paris, which had been appointed on the previous day after a stormy discussion in both Chambers on the subject of the recognition of Napoleon II, and which consisted five men, two of whom were appointed by the Chamber of Peers and three by the Chamber of Deputies: Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto, the Minister of the Police; Armand Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza, the Minister of Foreign Affairs; Lazare Carnot, Minister of the Interior; General Paul Grenier; and Nicolas Quinette; issued the following proclamation.

Source: Siborne, William (1895), The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 (1895), p. 684, <>. 

1663425Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 24 June1815Joseph Fouché and Théophile Berlier


Within the period of a few days, brilliant successes and dreadful reverses have marked your destinies.

A great sacrifice appeared necessary to your peace and that of the World; and Napoleon abdicated the Imperial Throne. His Abdication forms the termination of his political life. His Son is proclaimed.

Your new Constitution, which possesses as yet only good principles, is about to undergo its application; and even those principles are to be purified and extended.

There no longer exist Powers jealous of one another. The space is free to the enlightened patriotism of your Representatives; and the Peers feel, think, and vote, as they are directed by the public opinion.

After twenty five years of political tempests, the moment has arrived when every thing wise and sublime that has been conceived respecting social institutions may be perfected in yours. Let reason and genius speak, and from whatever side their voices may proceed, they shall be heard.

Plenipotentiaries have been despatched, in order to treat in the name of the Nation, and to negotiate with the Powers of Europe that Peace which they have promised on one condition, which is now fulfilled.

The whole World will, like you, be attentive to their reply. Their answer will make known whether justice and promises are accounted anything on earth.

Frenchmen! be united! Let all rally under circumstances of such vast importance. Let civil discords be appeased. Let dissensions be silent at this period, in which the great interests of nations are to be discussed. From the Northern frontier to the Pyrenees, and from La Vendée to Marseilles, let all France be united.

Who is the man, that, born on the soil of France, whatever may be his Party or political opinions, will not range himself under the National Standard, to defend the independence of the country.

Armies may in part be destroyed, but the experience of all Ages and of all nations proves that a brave people, combating for justice and liberty, cannot be vanquished.

The Emperor, in abdicating, has offered himself a sacrifice. The Members of the Government devote themselves to the due execution of the authority with which they have been invested by your representatives.

Fouché, Duke of Otranto, T. Berlier, Secretary. June 24th, 1815.