Venlo[*][[Venlo (city in the Limburgian municipality with the same name, the Netherlands)|]]
Hout-Blerick[*][[Hout-Blerick (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Belfeld[*][[Belfeld (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]][3] Venlo[*][[Venlo (city in the Limburgian municipality with the same name, the Netherlands)|]][3] Lomm[*][[Lomm (farm village in the Netherlands)|]][3] Lingsfort[*][[Lingsfort (hamlet of Arcen in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Bolenberg[*][[Bolenberg (neighborhood of Belfeld in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Witveld[*][[Witveld (neighborhood in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Het Vorst[*][[Het Vorst (neighborhood in Velden (Venlo), Netherlands)|]] Watermeulehook[*][[Watermeulehook (neighborhood in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Vilgert[*][[Vilgert (neighborhood in Velden (Venlo), Netherlands)|]] Wijlrehof[*][[Wijlrehof (neighborhood of Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Veld[*][[Veld (hamlet of Arcen in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Zaarderheiken[*][[Zaarderheiken (toponym in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Geloërveld[*][[Geloërveld (neighborhood in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Wielder[*][[Wielder (neighborhood in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Wassum[*][[Wassum (hamlet in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Geloo[*][[Geloo (neighborhood of Belfeld in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] De Krosselt[*][[De Krosselt (hamlet of Velden in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Tegelen[*][[Tegelen (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]][3] Egypte[*][[Egypte (hamlet in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Arcen[*][[Arcen (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]][3] Velden[*][[Velden (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]][3] Leemhorst[*][[Leemhorst (hamlet in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] De Römer[*][[De Römer (hamlet in Venlo, Netherlands)|]] Steyl[*][[Steyl (village in Venlo, Netherlands)|]][3]
1Köln și Dortmund fuseseră ambele capitale ale Cercului Westfalian la timpi diferiți.
2Antwerp a început să dețină importanță după fosta capitală Bruges a devenit inaccesibilă din cauza colmatării canalului Zwin.
3 Inițial, orașele care constituiau Liga Hanseatică, erau doar orașe portuare, dar după un timp, orașe continentale (fără ieșire la mare) au aderat la Liga Hanseatică.