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Paul-Louis Couchoud

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Paul-Louis Couchoud
Date personale
Născut[1][2][3] Modificați la Wikidata
Vienne, Isère, Franța[4] Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (79 de ani)[1][2][3] Modificați la Wikidata
Vienne, Isère, Franța[5] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Franța Modificați la Wikidata
profesor Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba franceză[6] Modificați la Wikidata
Alma materÉcole Normale Supérieure
agregat în filozofie[*]  Modificați la Wikidata

Paul-Louis Couchoud (Pronunție în franceză: /kuʃu/) (n. , Vienne, Isère, Franța – d. , Vienne, Isère, Franța) a fost un filozof francez, absolvent al prestigioasei École Normale Supérieure din Paris, medic, literat și poet. El a devenit binecunoscut ca traducător de haiku în franceză și ca scriitor ce a promovat teza germană a inexistenței istorice a lui Isus Cristos.

Opere de bază

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  • L'énigme de Jésus (Mercure de France, 1923); transl. Winifred Stephens Whale, The Enigma of Jesus, (Watts, 1924)
  • Le mystère de Jésus ("The Mystery of Jesus") (F. Rieder, 1924). No English translation
  • La Sagesse Juive: Extraits des livres sapientiaux ("Jewish Wisdom: Excerpts from the Wisdom books") (Payot, 1930)
  • Apocalypse (Rieder, 1930); transl. Charles B. Bonner, The Book of Revelation : A Key to Christian Origins, (Watts, 1932)
  • Premiers écrits du christianisme ("Early Christian Writings") by G.A. van den Bergh van Eysinga, Robert Stahl, and P.L. Couchoud (F. Rieder, 1930)
  • Le problème de Jésus et les origines du christianisme ("The Problem of Jesus and the Origins of Christianity"), by Prosper Alfaric, P.L. Couchoud, Albert Bayet, (1932)
  • Jésus : Le Dieu fait homme ("God made man"), (Rieder, 1937); transl. Charles B. Bonner, The Creation of Christ: An Outline of the Beginnings of Christianity (2 vol., Watts, 1939)

Alte lucrări

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  1. ^ a b Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  2. ^ a b Paul-Louis Couchoud, SNAC, accesat în  
  3. ^ a b Paul-Louis Couchoud, Babelio 
  4. ^ „Paul-Louis Couchoud”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  5. ^ „Paul-Louis Couchoud”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  6. ^ Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  7. ^ Couchoud, Paul-Louis; Ryner, Han (). Jésus est-il un personnage historique ou un personnage légendaire ? La Vérité sur Jésus. Controverse publique entre MM. le docteur Couchoud et Han Ryner (compte rendu sténographique). Impr.-éditions de "l'Idée libre. The Truth About Jesus: Is Jesus a Historical Figure of a Legendary Figure? 
  • Arthur Drews, Die Christusmythe (1909, 4th ed. 1924); transl. C. Delisle Burns, The Christ Myth, (London 1910)
  • Arthur Drews, Die Petruslegende, ein Beitrag zur Mythologie des Christentums, (1910, 2nd ed. 1924); transl. Frank Zindler, The Legend of St Peter, A Contribution to the Mythology of Christianity (1997)
  • Arthur Drews, Die Christusmythe II: Die Zeugnisse für die Geschichtlichkeit Jesu (Jena, 1911); transl. Joseph McCabe The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus, (1912)
  • Das Markusevangelium als Zeugnis gegen die Geschichtlichkeit Jesu ("The Gospel of Mark as a Witness against the Historicity of Jesus"), (Jena, 1921, 2nd ed. 1928)
  • Arthur Drews, Die Leugnung der Geschichtlichkeit Jesu in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Karlsruhe, 1926). English summary by Klaus Schilling, The Denial of the Historicity of Jesus in Past and Present, Radikal Kritik)
  • John M. Robertson, Christianity and mythology (1900, 2nd ed. 1910)
  • John M. Robertson, Pagan Christs - studies in comparative hierology (1903, 1911)
  • John M. Robertson, The historical Jesus, a survey of positions (1916)
  • John M. Robertson, The Jesus Problem; a Restatement of the Myth Theory (1917)
  • Archibald Robertson, Jesus: Myth or History? (1946) [A detailed presentation of the themes of Couchoud and other major proponents of historicity versus non-historicity debate, 1770-1940]
  • Archibald Robertson, The Origins of Christianity (1954; 1962)
  • Walter P. Weaver, The historical Jesus in the twentieth century, 1900-1950, (Trinity Press Int'l, 1999). See discussion of Couchoud in "The Return of the Nonhistorical Jesus" pp. 300–303
  • Herbert Cutner, Jesus: God, Man Or Myth? An Examination Of The Evidence (1950). See comment on The Creation of Christ, pp. 234–235
  • John J. Collins, Daniel: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel (Hermeneia, Fortress, 1994).
  • John J. Collins, Peter W. Flint, Cameron VanEpps, (2002). The book of Daniel : composition and reception (2 vol., Brill, 2002)
  • R.H. Charles, 1 Enoch Transl. from the Ethiopic text, with introd. notes and indexes (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1912)
  • George W.E. Nickelsburg & James C. Vanderkam, 1 Enoch 2: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 37-82 (Fortress Press, 2001). Covers the Book of Parables (or Similitudes) 37-71, and the Book of Luminaries 72-82.
  • George W.E. Nickelsburg & Michael E. Stone, Early Judaism - Texts and Documents on Faith and Piety (Fortress Press, 2009)
  • James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament (CUP Archive: 1985)
  • Paul Ellingworth, The Epistle to the Hebrews (New Int'l Greek Testament Commentary) (Eerdmans, 1993)
  • Alan H. Jones, Independence and Exegesis. The Study of Early Christianity in the Work of Alfred Loisy (1857-1940), Charles Guignebert (1857-1939) and Maurice Goguel (1880-1955) (J.C.B. Mohr, 1983)
  • Maurice Goguel, Jésus de Nazareth. Mythe ou Histoire (Payot, 1925) transl. Frederick Stephens, Jesus the Nazarene: Myth or History? Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine. (T. Fisher Unwin, 1926); re-ed., Introd. R. Joseph Hoffmann (Prometheus, 2006)
  • Charles Guignebert, Le Christianisme antique, (1921); transl. Early history of Christianity, Covering the Period from 300 B.C. to the Origin of the Papacy (1927)
  • Charles Guignebert, Jésus (1933), transl. Samuel Henry Hooke, Jesus (Kegan Paul, 1935)
  • Charles Guignebert, Des prophètes à Jésus. Le monde juif vers le temps de Jésus (1935); transl. S.H. Hooke, The Jewish World In the Time of Jesus (1939)
  • Alfred Loisy, L'Evangile et l'Eglise (1902/1904); transl. Christopher Home, The Gospel and the Church (Scribners, 1909; Fortress Press, 1976)
  • Alfred Loisy, La Naissance du Christianisme (1933), transl. L.P. Jacks, The Birth of the Christian Religion, introd. by Gilbert Murray (G. Allen & Unwin, 1948)
  • Alfred Loisy, Les Origines du Nouveau Testament (1936); transl. L.P. Jacks, The Origins of the New Testament (Allen & Unwin, 1950)
  • Alfred Loisy, Histoire et mythe à propos de Jésus-Christ ("History and Myth of Jesus-Christ") (Nourry, 1938)
  • Jean Guitton, Portrait de Marthe Robin, (Grasset, 1985), the case a sick female peasant, living paralyzed in a bed, labeled by the French as a "mystique", with reminiscences about Couchoud, who showed some medical curiosity in her case.
  • Lettres inédites d'Anatole France à Paul-Louis Couchoud et à sa femme, (New letters of A. France to P.L. Couchoud and his wife), (Société Anatole France, 1968).