Understanding / Hatene kona ba / Compreender Timor-Leste 2019 - TLSA Conference Proceedings, 2020
Liu tiha besik tinan rua-nulu husi remata de okupasaun militar Indonesia nian, feto sobrevivente ... more Liu tiha besik tinan rua-nulu husi remata de okupasaun militar Indonesia nian, feto sobrevivente sira sei rai hela iha sira nia isin-lolon efeitu husi konflitu pasadu no mos dezafiu ne’ebé mak sira enfrenta nafatin iha tempu ukun rasik an. Iha artigu ida ne’e, ami fahe rezultadu no observasaun husi atividade “Mapa Isin-Lolon”, parte ida husi Peskiza Asaun Partisipatoria (PAP) ne’ebé mak ACbit hala’o ho sobrevivente sira iha Baucau, Covalima no Oecussi iha tinan 2018. Sobrevivente sira deskreve oinsá violénsia no terus ne’ebé uluk sira hetan fó impaktu ba sira-nia isin-lolon. Ami fahe ami nia reflesaun kona ba oinsá atividade ida ne’e lao, dezafio ne’ebé ami hasoru, no benefisiu ne’ebé mak metodu ida ne’e bele oferese. ACbit uza metodu Mapa Isin-Lolon atu identifika sobrevivente sira nia problema atu hamutuk buka solusaun. Mais prosesu ida ne’e mos ajuda ita atu komprende kle’an liu oinsá feto Timor sofre no espresa sai sira nia trauma no terus baibain.
Understanding / Hatene kona ba / Compreender Timor-Leste 2019 - TLSA Conference Proceedings, 2020
In this paper I describe what I have identified during my doctoral research fieldwork as four mai... more In this paper I describe what I have identified during my doctoral research fieldwork as four main ways that “trauma” (particularly as related to past conflict) is conceptualised and addressed in contemporary Timor-Leste. First, there are prevailing lay understandings of trauma as fear; second, a psychological or psychiatric category of trauma as pathological mental distress or disorder; third, descriptions of women’s trauma as the embodied legacy of experiences that are often silenced and stigmatised within existing social structures; and finally, local cultural accounts of madness or other enduring suffering arising from events during the war, which while not using the word trauma bear conceptual similarities. These four notions of trauma are not exclusive (nor exhaustive), and I give examples of both synergies and tensions between them, suggesting that failures to take these into account can potentially heighten people’s suffering.
Peskiza foun kona-ba Timor-Leste / Novas investigações sobre Timor-Leste / New research on Timor-Leste /Penelitian baru tentang Timor-Leste, 2018
Following widespread violence during the Indonesian occupation and later socio-political crisis i... more Following widespread violence during the Indonesian occupation and later socio-political crisis in Timor-Leste, concerns were expressed that trauma posed a threat to individual and societal wellbeing. However there is not always clarity in how post-conflict trauma is defined, nor consensus about how it should be responded to. In this paper I present an overview of existing literature on trauma in Timor-Leste and introduce the early direction of my doctoral research on this topic. Putting forth some of my unanswered questions, I invite discussion of different ways that trauma is understood, talked about and addressed by various locals and foreigners in Timor-Leste.
The 2012 national elections in Timor-Leste were deemed free and fair by international observers a... more The 2012 national elections in Timor-Leste were deemed free and fair by international observers and have been taken as an indicator that the young country is progressing towards democratisation and peace. While the conduct of elections is used to measure the relative success or failure of democracy and state-building in Timor-Leste, this paper argues that focusing on procedures alone ignores many of the nuances of how and why people engage in national political processes. Understanding such perspectives may offer important insight into ongoing social changes and the prospects for peace and stable governance. In this paper, I first consider literature on the promotion and measurement of democracy in post-conflict countries, including Timor-Leste, and then introduce findings from research conducted during the 2012 elections.
Improving the Lives Of Women Survivors in Timor-Leste: 77 Women’s Struggle for Peace and Justice, 2019
Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) is an East Timorese NGO established to promote the findings and r... more Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) is an East Timorese NGO established to promote the findings and recommendations of the Chega! report of Timor-Leste’s truth and reconciliation commission (CAVR), particularly relating to victims of gender-based violence. In 2018 and 2019, with funds from UN Women and the Embassy of Japan in Timor-Leste, ACbit conducted a participatory action research (PAR) project with a total of 77 female survivors from three municipalities, Baucau, Covalima, and Oecusse. The research brought together victims of human rights violations from during Timor-Leste’s past conflict (1975-1999) and women who have since faced violations of their rights at the hands of their male partners. ACbit sought to better understand survivors’ experiences, and work with them to find solutions for the difficulties that they face. Throughout and since the research, ACbit and its partners have helped to build survivors’ awareness of their rights as East Timorese citizens, and where possible have linked them with the services and care that they need. In this short report we share key results regarding the types of violations that survivors had faced, and the continuing impacts of these experiences. Although the women have their own sources of strength, the various social disadvantages and vulnerabilities that female survivors live with threaten their capacity to move beyond their problems and have healthy and dignified lives. This report is directed at government, civil society and other groups that have an interest and obligation to contribute to female survivors’ recovery and provide reparation for past suffering, so that survivors can go forward with dignity.
Hadi’a Kondisaun Moris ba Feto Sobrevivente Sira iha Timor-Leste: Luta Feto na’in 77 ba Justisa no Pás, 2019
Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) mak organizasaun naun-governmentál (ONG) ida ne’ebé establese hod... more Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) mak organizasaun naun-governmentál (ONG) ida ne’ebé establese hodi promove saida mak hetan no rekomendasaun sira husi relatóriu CAVR, ho atensaun liu-liu ba vítima husi violénsia bázeia ba jéneru. Iha tinan 2018 no 2019, ho fundus husi UN Women no Embaixada Japaun iha Timor-Leste, ACbit hala’o peskiza asaun partisipatoriu (PAP) ho feto sobrevivente sira iha munisípiu tolu, Baucau, Covalima no Oecusse. Peskiza ne’e halibur sobrevivente totál na’in 77, kompostu husi vítima violasaun direitus umanus durante Timor-Leste nia konflitu pasadu (1975-1999) no mós sira ne’ebé hasoru violasaun direitus iha kontestu sira nia relasaun ho la’en. Iha relatóriu badak ne’e ami fahe rezultadu xave kona-ba tipu de violasaun ne’ebé sobrevivente sira hasoru no oinsá sei afeta hela sira. Mezmu sira iha forsa rasik, feto sobrevivente sira nia kapasidade atu hakat liu sira nia problema no moris di’ak mak limitadu, tanba sira sei moris ho dezigualidade no fatores vulnerabilidade oioin. Relatóriu ida ne’e promove koñesimentu ba governu, sosiedade sivíl no grupu seluk tan ne’ebé iha interese no obrigasaun atu kontribui ba feto sobrevivente sira nia rekuperasaun, hodi nune’e sobrevivente sira bele moris ho dignidade.
Understanding / Hatene kona ba / Compreender Timor-Leste 2019 - TLSA Conference Proceedings, 2020
Liu tiha besik tinan rua-nulu husi remata de okupasaun militar Indonesia nian, feto sobrevivente ... more Liu tiha besik tinan rua-nulu husi remata de okupasaun militar Indonesia nian, feto sobrevivente sira sei rai hela iha sira nia isin-lolon efeitu husi konflitu pasadu no mos dezafiu ne’ebé mak sira enfrenta nafatin iha tempu ukun rasik an. Iha artigu ida ne’e, ami fahe rezultadu no observasaun husi atividade “Mapa Isin-Lolon”, parte ida husi Peskiza Asaun Partisipatoria (PAP) ne’ebé mak ACbit hala’o ho sobrevivente sira iha Baucau, Covalima no Oecussi iha tinan 2018. Sobrevivente sira deskreve oinsá violénsia no terus ne’ebé uluk sira hetan fó impaktu ba sira-nia isin-lolon. Ami fahe ami nia reflesaun kona ba oinsá atividade ida ne’e lao, dezafio ne’ebé ami hasoru, no benefisiu ne’ebé mak metodu ida ne’e bele oferese. ACbit uza metodu Mapa Isin-Lolon atu identifika sobrevivente sira nia problema atu hamutuk buka solusaun. Mais prosesu ida ne’e mos ajuda ita atu komprende kle’an liu oinsá feto Timor sofre no espresa sai sira nia trauma no terus baibain.
Understanding / Hatene kona ba / Compreender Timor-Leste 2019 - TLSA Conference Proceedings, 2020
In this paper I describe what I have identified during my doctoral research fieldwork as four mai... more In this paper I describe what I have identified during my doctoral research fieldwork as four main ways that “trauma” (particularly as related to past conflict) is conceptualised and addressed in contemporary Timor-Leste. First, there are prevailing lay understandings of trauma as fear; second, a psychological or psychiatric category of trauma as pathological mental distress or disorder; third, descriptions of women’s trauma as the embodied legacy of experiences that are often silenced and stigmatised within existing social structures; and finally, local cultural accounts of madness or other enduring suffering arising from events during the war, which while not using the word trauma bear conceptual similarities. These four notions of trauma are not exclusive (nor exhaustive), and I give examples of both synergies and tensions between them, suggesting that failures to take these into account can potentially heighten people’s suffering.
Peskiza foun kona-ba Timor-Leste / Novas investigações sobre Timor-Leste / New research on Timor-Leste /Penelitian baru tentang Timor-Leste, 2018
Following widespread violence during the Indonesian occupation and later socio-political crisis i... more Following widespread violence during the Indonesian occupation and later socio-political crisis in Timor-Leste, concerns were expressed that trauma posed a threat to individual and societal wellbeing. However there is not always clarity in how post-conflict trauma is defined, nor consensus about how it should be responded to. In this paper I present an overview of existing literature on trauma in Timor-Leste and introduce the early direction of my doctoral research on this topic. Putting forth some of my unanswered questions, I invite discussion of different ways that trauma is understood, talked about and addressed by various locals and foreigners in Timor-Leste.
The 2012 national elections in Timor-Leste were deemed free and fair by international observers a... more The 2012 national elections in Timor-Leste were deemed free and fair by international observers and have been taken as an indicator that the young country is progressing towards democratisation and peace. While the conduct of elections is used to measure the relative success or failure of democracy and state-building in Timor-Leste, this paper argues that focusing on procedures alone ignores many of the nuances of how and why people engage in national political processes. Understanding such perspectives may offer important insight into ongoing social changes and the prospects for peace and stable governance. In this paper, I first consider literature on the promotion and measurement of democracy in post-conflict countries, including Timor-Leste, and then introduce findings from research conducted during the 2012 elections.
Improving the Lives Of Women Survivors in Timor-Leste: 77 Women’s Struggle for Peace and Justice, 2019
Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) is an East Timorese NGO established to promote the findings and r... more Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) is an East Timorese NGO established to promote the findings and recommendations of the Chega! report of Timor-Leste’s truth and reconciliation commission (CAVR), particularly relating to victims of gender-based violence. In 2018 and 2019, with funds from UN Women and the Embassy of Japan in Timor-Leste, ACbit conducted a participatory action research (PAR) project with a total of 77 female survivors from three municipalities, Baucau, Covalima, and Oecusse. The research brought together victims of human rights violations from during Timor-Leste’s past conflict (1975-1999) and women who have since faced violations of their rights at the hands of their male partners. ACbit sought to better understand survivors’ experiences, and work with them to find solutions for the difficulties that they face. Throughout and since the research, ACbit and its partners have helped to build survivors’ awareness of their rights as East Timorese citizens, and where possible have linked them with the services and care that they need. In this short report we share key results regarding the types of violations that survivors had faced, and the continuing impacts of these experiences. Although the women have their own sources of strength, the various social disadvantages and vulnerabilities that female survivors live with threaten their capacity to move beyond their problems and have healthy and dignified lives. This report is directed at government, civil society and other groups that have an interest and obligation to contribute to female survivors’ recovery and provide reparation for past suffering, so that survivors can go forward with dignity.
Hadi’a Kondisaun Moris ba Feto Sobrevivente Sira iha Timor-Leste: Luta Feto na’in 77 ba Justisa no Pás, 2019
Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) mak organizasaun naun-governmentál (ONG) ida ne’ebé establese hod... more Asosiasaun Chega ba ita (ACbit) mak organizasaun naun-governmentál (ONG) ida ne’ebé establese hodi promove saida mak hetan no rekomendasaun sira husi relatóriu CAVR, ho atensaun liu-liu ba vítima husi violénsia bázeia ba jéneru. Iha tinan 2018 no 2019, ho fundus husi UN Women no Embaixada Japaun iha Timor-Leste, ACbit hala’o peskiza asaun partisipatoriu (PAP) ho feto sobrevivente sira iha munisípiu tolu, Baucau, Covalima no Oecusse. Peskiza ne’e halibur sobrevivente totál na’in 77, kompostu husi vítima violasaun direitus umanus durante Timor-Leste nia konflitu pasadu (1975-1999) no mós sira ne’ebé hasoru violasaun direitus iha kontestu sira nia relasaun ho la’en. Iha relatóriu badak ne’e ami fahe rezultadu xave kona-ba tipu de violasaun ne’ebé sobrevivente sira hasoru no oinsá sei afeta hela sira. Mezmu sira iha forsa rasik, feto sobrevivente sira nia kapasidade atu hakat liu sira nia problema no moris di’ak mak limitadu, tanba sira sei moris ho dezigualidade no fatores vulnerabilidade oioin. Relatóriu ida ne’e promove koñesimentu ba governu, sosiedade sivíl no grupu seluk tan ne’ebé iha interese no obrigasaun atu kontribui ba feto sobrevivente sira nia rekuperasaun, hodi nune’e sobrevivente sira bele moris ho dignidade.
Papers by Emily Toome
Reports by Emily Toome
In this short report we share key results regarding the types of violations that survivors had faced, and the continuing impacts of these experiences. Although the women have their own sources of strength, the various social disadvantages and vulnerabilities that female survivors live with threaten their capacity to move beyond their problems and have healthy and dignified lives. This report is directed at government, civil society and other groups that have an interest and obligation to contribute to female survivors’ recovery and provide reparation for past suffering, so that survivors can go forward with dignity.
sobrevivente sira hasoru no oinsá sei afeta hela sira. Mezmu sira iha forsa rasik, feto sobrevivente sira nia kapasidade atu hakat liu sira nia problema no moris di’ak mak limitadu, tanba sira sei moris ho dezigualidade no fatores vulnerabilidade oioin. Relatóriu ida ne’e promove koñesimentu ba governu, sosiedade sivíl no grupu seluk tan ne’ebé iha interese no obrigasaun atu kontribui ba feto sobrevivente sira nia rekuperasaun, hodi nune’e sobrevivente sira bele moris ho dignidade.
In this short report we share key results regarding the types of violations that survivors had faced, and the continuing impacts of these experiences. Although the women have their own sources of strength, the various social disadvantages and vulnerabilities that female survivors live with threaten their capacity to move beyond their problems and have healthy and dignified lives. This report is directed at government, civil society and other groups that have an interest and obligation to contribute to female survivors’ recovery and provide reparation for past suffering, so that survivors can go forward with dignity.
sobrevivente sira hasoru no oinsá sei afeta hela sira. Mezmu sira iha forsa rasik, feto sobrevivente sira nia kapasidade atu hakat liu sira nia problema no moris di’ak mak limitadu, tanba sira sei moris ho dezigualidade no fatores vulnerabilidade oioin. Relatóriu ida ne’e promove koñesimentu ba governu, sosiedade sivíl no grupu seluk tan ne’ebé iha interese no obrigasaun atu kontribui ba feto sobrevivente sira nia rekuperasaun, hodi nune’e sobrevivente sira bele moris ho dignidade.