
Russia’s counterterrorism strategy is backfiring

Harold Chambers explains how the Russian security services' heavy handed tactics have compounded terrorist threats across the country

Riddle News Week
The Peculiar Case of Mr. Durov
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (August 26−30)
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (August 26−30)
Either Peace or Transit

Roman Chernikov discusses the disputes over the Zangezur Corridor

Russian Opposition in the Eyes of Russians in Russia and Abroad: The Case of Anti-Corruption Foundation

Margarita Zavadskaya and Mikhail Turchenko explain how Russians view the ACF’s activities and key figures

Statism Based on Love or Calculation

Ivan Fomin explores the dual configuration of Putin's ideology

Telegram Under Attack

Andrei Pertsev explains why popular Telegram channels loyal to the authorities were now labeled as «foreign agents»

The economic aftermath of «the events» in the Kursk region

Vladislav Inozemtsev discusses how the invasion of Russia by the Ukrainian Armed Forces will impact the Kremlin

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