



I don’t give a fuck about ‘the poetry of it’ and the symmetry of the brothers and shit.

For me, what drew me in was the prevailing message that family didn’t start or end in blood. Family is what you make of it, even if it’s can be weird at times (TFW & TFW 2.0).

Cas is family.

Shipper or not, Cas is family to both of them and they left him out of this. They threw him away with what they did. They take away every family that these boys get for themselves. Every. Damn. One. From way back to the bastard John Winchester to Ellen and Jo to Charlie and Eileen to Castiel, all of them have been robbed.

So yeah, go on a rant about whiny destiel shippers all you want, but that finale fucked up my family and I have the right to be pissed off about it.


This show means a lot to so many people. It could have been a big step in progressive media and they decided that that was for the birds. It was found family for the win until this shit hit the fan. I am not impressed.


ThriftBooks has a good selection of Queer books featured for LGBTQ+ history month and it is sorted by memoir, history, and main character identity!

[Photo ID: Screenshot of ThriftBooks website. The header for the section is different Pride flags and “Be Who You Are. Read Who You Are.” written largely at the top. It then starts the subsections with ‘Queer History’.]


Depending on who you ask, the heartbeat bill is no joke. Gov. Kasich vetoed a similar measure in 2016 but now the republican senate has enough majority to potentially overturn a veto. Many republican lawmakers are hoping to use ohio to bring abortion back to the federal supreme court and overturn Roe v Wade. This is all in the last article I linked from the New York Times btw

So if the first article sounds too clickbait-y for you just know that ohio is actually proposing, and has a good chance of passing strict anti-abortion laws 🙃 

I am going to rip ohio apart with my bear hands


I’m also kinda freaked that my mom had no real reaction to at least the second one when it was read to her. I didn’t bother reading the last because she didn’t even like me saying they aren’t technically a fetus until the eighth week.(I got a surprised chuckle as a disbelieving “wow” from the first, but that was it.)

Next they will be punishing miscarriages and stillborns that can’t be proven to be no fault of the woman.

Not only would it be cool for the gender of the house and senate to represent the gender demographic of America, but it should definitely be a thing (in this instance, but I’m also looking at race and a variety of ages). They represent the people of the United States, so they should be the people. Things like this should be a women’s issue and decision, and a women’s issue only.

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