



When I am super duper freaking busy or I have a bee in my bonnet about a certain topic I don’t have the mental capacity for a whole bunch of new characters and their personalities, then I will have fanfic all the way

But whenever I’m feeling more chill or have more brain power, then I will binge read my way through 10 books a week and nobody can stop me

It also really depends on the mode of which I am wanting to read, because if it’s something like I can’t use my hands because I really want to knit (or I have to do laundry or cook or any other thing that requires my hands) then I will probably turn to fanfiction because that’s an easy thing to pull up and just scroll through as I’m doing whatever I’m doing. For original books, weirdly enough, I don’t really like reading e-books for those; I like reading physical copies, meaning that I would have to have my hands on it, unless it is a big enough book that it would stay open as I’m doing whatever I’m doing.

Book recommendation:
Queerly Beloved
By Susie Dumond

It’s about a gay baker in Oklahoma and it’s pretty good and I’ve read it all in one day

Red, White, and Royal Blue
By Casey McQuinston

It’s about a bisexual guy who falls in love with the Prince of Wales and again, I read it in a day. Little steamier than Queerly Beloved. Rating more like an M, not an E?


ThriftBooks has a good selection of Queer books featured for LGBTQ+ history month and it is sorted by memoir, history, and main character identity!

[Photo ID: Screenshot of ThriftBooks website. The header for the section is different Pride flags and “Be Who You Are. Read Who You Are.” written largely at the top. It then starts the subsections with ‘Queer History’.]


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Literally, what is the difference between me walking and reading a traditional book at the same time and me walking and reading books on my phone at the same time?

For one I'm a nerdy bookworm who can't put a good story down, and the next I'm a self-absorbed "teenager" who spends too much time on social media and technology and should get out more.

My methods have varied, but I'm still the same person, folks: a person who prefers matters of a literary adventure over interactions with other humans.


My general rule:

I don't helping buy books without looking into them. I figure it out before purchasing. Unless, you know, textbooks.

I don't buy books for reading pleasure without having already read them at least once, if not more times. Not anymore.

This is because I once bought a book based on the title and a good, general 'what it is about' thing and the entire story must have been made when the author was tripping balls, I kid you not. It was a hell I was determined to finish to see if it would make sense in the end that left me severely disappointed at the waste of imaginative resources. Good premise to the story, but a general idea of "...what the ever loving fuck was that?!?" And not in a good way.

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