The ironies of love: ironical dialogues in Mary Shelley - Biopic (2017)
Ensino de LiteraturasResumo
This paper aims at analyzing an ironical dialogue in Mary Shelley biopic (2017), concerning her husband Percy Shelley and herself. Under the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough (1992) and his three dimensional conception of discourse, we analyze how the ironies occur in this dialogue, considering text, discursive practice and social practice and categorizing irony according to Muecke (2001): Irony as a Rhetorical Enforcement; Irony as Analogy; Irony of Events; Comic Irony; and Double Irony. We assume that irony is a figure of speech applied by the characters once they are well-known people from literature and the filmmaker enters not only as a director, but also as the manipulator behind the movie plot. However, we could also note that the dialogue is based on the topic of masculine domination by Bourdieu (2002).
KEYWORDS: Critical Discourse Analysis; Mary Shelley; Irony; Biopic.
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