DNS Tools - Ping, Traceroute, DNS Lookup

About IP Tools

IP Tools allows you to Ping, Traceroute, or DNS lookup for a domain/IP from your web browser.

IP Tools also allows you to view information about your own IP address using My IP Address.


Here are some samples of popular websites to get you familiar with our tools.

Google.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois
Bing.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois
Yahoo.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois
Live.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois
Gmail.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois
Hotmail.com ping traceroute dns lookup whois


The simplest network tool is Ping. A message (packet) is sent from one computer to another. If the remote host responds, you can determine that it is active and have a rough picture of the latency (network delay) between the two hosts.


Traceroute is a great way to identify the network path from one location to another. If every host along the path provides a response, we're able to easily map the path. This can be very helpful in diagnosing connectivity issues.

DNS Lookup

Computers communicate using numbers called IP Addresses. For example, Google's website can be found at the address We use DNS to convert a domain, which is easy to remember, to an IP address.

Your IP Information

View information about your IP address using My IP Address

IP Explorer

Explore the range of all IP addresses and discover how any particular IP block is being utilized. IP Explorer