Kidney Research Connect

An online tool that matches patients and care partners to researchers interested in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR)


Patients / Care Partners

Sign up today to find research studies that are awaiting your insights and experiences living with kidney disease. Once matched, you will be a valued member of the research team.

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Sign up and submit your project today to start engaging with patients and care partners.

Project criteria:

  • Meets PCOR standards, as described by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
  • Addresses a kidney disease related research question that directly impacts the life of an individual living with kidney disease
  • Seeks meaningful patient, care partner, or living donor engagement in study design, execution, and dissemination.

Recruitment requests (e.g., for clinical trials) without meaningful patient or care partner engagement will be declined. For questions regarding clinical trials, email [email protected].

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How does Kidney Research Connect work?

Patients and/or care partners sign up and complete profile

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Researcher submits a research project that needs patient involvement and feedback.

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Eligible patients notified by email about project.

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Interested patients apply to project.

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Patients selected by researcher are notified by email.

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Researcher connects with patient directly to get involved in project

Frequently Asked Questions


Who can participate in Kidney Research Connect?

Anyone who is interested! Your participation will be as a member of the research team or advisory board, not as a research subject. Participation is voluntary although in some cases your efforts may be paid. Different studies focus on different things. Researchers may be interested in working with you based on your current or past experience with dialysis or transplant, the cause of your kidney disease, your age, gender, race, or other conditions. While not everyone will be the right fit for every project, there are many so don’t give up – continue to apply!


What is Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR)?

PCOR focuses on outcomes that are important to people, including patients and caregivers. No matter the type of research, people who may have lived experience with a disease or condition “have a seat at the table,” informing researchers about things that matter most to those affected by the disease. This can include deciding what research questions to explore or what side effects may be tolerable in order to have a new treatment option.


Why does PCOR matter?

Patient-centered outcomes research ensures the voice of the patient is represented in research.

  • - Creates patient-focused and patient-relevant research developments
  • - Answers questions most important to patients
  • - Addresses patient concerns related to their beliefs, preferences, and needs
  • - Enhances informed decision making
  • - Mandates patient involvement throughout research process

How can I be involved in PCOR?

There are many ways people can be involved in PCOR. Patients and their lived experience have unique insight that is valuable to every stage and aspect of the research process. Early on, patients may be asked to participate in brainstorming what the research question should be. They may also be included in multi-stakeholder advisory boards to oversee the project’s development and execution. Patients may also participate in creating summaries of the research findings that are easy to understand for other patients and their families. These are just a few examples of how patients can be involved in PCOR.


How can I learn what a study is about?

Every research study must have an action plan (called a “protocol”). The protocol describes what will be done in the study, how it will be conducted, how long it will take, and why each part of the study is needed. Your Kidney Research Connect portal will help make this easy to access and understand.


Learn more about Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) and how you can get involved

What is PCOR?

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Kidney Research Connect Training Webinar

Engagement Across Phases of Research

PCORI Engagement Rubric: Kidney Research Connect Training Webinar

Patient-Centered Research Explained, Plus Easy Ways to Get Involved

This webinar is designed to introduce patients and care partners to Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR), discuss the benefits and challenges of participating in PCOR, and identify the various opportunities to engage with researchers in their projects.


Email us at [email protected].