Entering details of your request

Use this page to enter details of your request. Please assist us by filling in as many of the boxes as you can – we will be able to answer your request best the more information you supply.

When you are happy with the information you have provided in this form, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the screen to send the information to us.

When we successfully receive your request, a confirmation screen will be shown giving you a request number that you can use for follow-up. If you do not provide us with enough information, the question input form will be re-displayed with a message indicating the additional information that needs to be provided.

Often you will also receive an email summarising your request and providing a Option to Manage this request link that you can use to monitor, amend or cancel your request.  Alternatively you can use your browser print button to print a copy of the confirmation page.


This page will request details appropriate to the particular type of request that you are submitting.

Symbols used in this screen include:

 Where a field in a form is preceded by this or another symbol, the field is mandatory for completion, which means that you must enter the information being requested at this point. If you forget to fill out any of these mandatory fields before clicking on Submit, the system will provide an error message that points out the field that you still need to complete before re-submitting.

 indicates a field that will suggest entries from an external database lookup as you type characters into this box. Select the suggested entry you want to use from the ones shown below this field.
indicates a field that will be used to retrieve data from the external database lookup to complete other fields.
 indicates a field that fill be filled by one of the external database lookup fields indicated by one of the symbols shown above

If an Attach files function is included in this screen, you can use it to select files to be included with your request by using a traditional file selection button or by dragging and dropping files onto the drop zone.

If a “Remember me on this computer” tick box is provided above the Submit button, ticking the box will save your contact details into a cookie associated with the browser you are currently using, and store it encrypted on your computer.  Once your details are stored, whenever you use one of our forms, your contact details will be automatically inserted into the form.  DO NOT USE “Remember me on this computer” if you are not using your own computer.